

This lists all menu cells in the SOFTIMAGE 3D interface in alphabetical order.

The Atmosphere menu cell commands let you add atmospheric effects such as fog, illumination, and depth-fading to your scene. These commands are described starting on Atmosphere->Depth-Fading.

The Autotrace menu cell processes a picture to extract its contours and create Bezier curves from them. This menu cell is described on Autotrace.

The Boolean menu cell commands allow you to perform Boolean operations, with the resulting being a Boolean union or difference. You can also animate these operations. These commands are described starting on Boolean->Static.

The Camera menu cell commands let you choose and define a camera for viewing your scene in the workspace and also for the final rendering. These commands are described starting on Camera->Frame Selection.

The Channel menu cell commands let you select, activate and set up a channel driver for motion capture or motion control. Then you can connect, calibrate, capture, and control motion data. These commands are described starting on Channel->Channel Setup.

The Collisions menu cell commands are used to define selected objects as obstacles participating in a collision simulation. These commands are described starting on Collisions->Select ( ) Obstacle.

The Composite menu cell lets you layer images on "top" of each other to create a final image. This menu cell is described on Composite.

The Constraint menu cell commands allow you to constrain one object to one or more other objects. There are several types of constraints you can create. These commands are described starting on Constraint->Position.

The Control menu cell commands are used to assign dynamic forces to objects. These commands are described starting on Control->Get Special Control.

The C_Reduction menu cell lets you reduce the palette of colours in your image, especially useful for exporting to a games format. This menu cell is described on C_Reduction.

The Cut menu cell cuts the hierarchical relationship between objects. This menu cell is described on Cut.

The Deformation menu cell commands deform objects along curves and surfaces. These commands are described starting on Deformation->by Curve/by Surface.

The Delete menu cell commands let you get rid of selected objects in a scene. You can also delete the whole scene to clear the workspace before creating another scene (make sure you've saved the scene first!). These commands are described starting on Delete->Selection.

The Display menu cell commands allow you to display simplified representations of selected objects. You can also hide them. These commands are described starting on Display->Hide.

The Draw menu cell commands are used to draw curves. These commands perform a variety of operations on curves such as opening and closing, cutting, putting holes in them, extracting curves from a surface, projecting and trimming NURBS surfaces. You can also draw polygon shapes and build them into custom polygon mesh objects. These commands are described starting on Draw->Curve.

The Duplicate menu cell commands let you create any number of exact copies or instances of objects. As well, you can choose which attributes of an object you want to duplicate. These commands are described starting on Duplicate->Immediate.

The Dynamics menu cell commands allow you to assign physical properties to objects in your scene, and control how they respond to physical forces, collisions, and controls. These commands are described starting on Dynamics->Option Setup.

The Edge_Flag menu cell commands let you define and select which edges of an object will be hidden or visible when rendering using the hidden-line renderer. These commands are described starting on Edge_Flag->Select/Rect Select.

The Edit menu cell commands are used to edit the geometry of objects by moving, adding, and deleting points. You can control the results of the editing. These commands are described starting on Edit->Move Point.

The Effect menu cell commands are used to apply a variety of effects to objects such as plane clipping, rounding, and making surfaces "bumpy." Numerous custom effects are also available in this menu. These commands are described starting on Effect->Rounding.

The Effects menu cell in the Tools module lets you perform effects such as scaling, rotation, and flipping on images. This menu cell is described on Effects (Tools Module).

The Effects menu cell commands in the Motion module let you create wave and flock animation effects, as well as use many custom effects commands. These commands are described starting on Effects->Wave.

The EXIT menu cell lets you quit the SOFTIMAGE 3D program. This menu cell is described on EXIT.

The Export menu cell commands let you save SOFTIMAGE 3D images and objects in other formats to be used in other programs. These commands are described starting on Export->Images.

The Expressions menu cell commands allow you to create, edit, and copy mathematical expressions that are applied to an object's function curve. These commands are described starting on Expressions.

The FcrvCopy menu cell commands let you copy any type of function curve that appears in the Fcurve window. These commands are described starting on FcrvCopy->Object.

The FcrvEdit menu cell commands let you edit the function curves that appear in the Fcurve window. Many of these commands are also conveniently available as options in the Fcurve window title bar. These commands are described starting on FcrvEdit->Edit Key Point.

The FcrvReset menu cell commands let you delete the selected function curve type for an element's parameters. These commands are described starting on FcrvReset.

The FcrvSelect menu cell commands allow you to select any type of function curve that is created, as well as clear it from the Fcurve window. These commands are described starting on FcrvSelect->Clear.

The FlipBook menu cell lets you display an animation sequence, similar to a flipbook used in traditional animation. This menu cell is described on FlipBook.

The Get menu cell commands let you load anything into the SOFTIMAGE 3D workspace. As a starting point for creating a scene in SOFTIMAGE 3D, you can load in different primitive objects. When you have created and saved a scene, you can load that scene or specific elements from it. These commands are described starting on Get->Scene.

The Hidden_Line menu cell commands let you preview a hidden-line picture in .lin format. These commands are described starting on Hidden_Line.

The History menu cell commands keep track of the work you've done so that you can undo and redo some actions, or erase the history of actions altogether. These commands are described starting on History.

The Import menu cell commands let you import images and objects of various formats from other programs into SOFTIMAGE 3D. These commands are described starting on Import->Images.

The Info menu cell commands show you information on any selected scene object or element, or the whole scene itself. You can often edit this information from the dialogue box that appears. These commands are described starting on Info->Selection.

The Keyframe menu cell commands allow you to lock key points on a function curve so that they cannot be moved. These commands are described starting on Keyframe.

The Lattice menu cell commands in the Model module are used to create a lattice around and object and deform the object with the lattice. The Lattice menu cell commands in the Motion module allow you to move from one key lattice to another, and remove the current key. All lattice commands are described starting on Lattice->Node/Branch.

The Light menu cell commands let you choose and define the type of light you want in your scene, such as a spot light, infinite, point light, colour, etc. These commands are described starting on Light->Define.

The Line menu cell commands lets you get information about and display a .lin format image or image sequence. These commands are described starting on Line->Show File.

The Material menu cell allows you to define the surface attributes of an object. These attributes include colour, transparency, reflectivity, etc. Once you define a material, you can save it to a file for later use. This menu cell is described on Material.

The Mat_Oper menu cell commands let you optimize the use of materials in a scene by copying, merging, and sharing them. These commands are described starting on Mat_Oper->Associate/Disassociate.

The Meta-Clay menu cell commands allow you to create and edit meta-clay systems and save keyframe animations. These commands are described starting on Meta-Clay->Setup.

The Multi menu cell lets you choose more than one element at a time. This menu cell is described on Multi.

The Output menu cell commands let you set up and save your final rendered image as a PostScript output file. These commands are described starting on Output->PostScript.

The Paint menu cell lets you manage and edit 2D textures. You can paint on a texture, create a colour-indexed image, or access and edit colour palettes. This menu cell is described on Paint.

The Parent menu cell allows you to create hierarchies of objects. This menu cell is described on Parent.

The Path menu cell commands let you link an object to a path to create path animation. These commands are described starting on Path->Pick Path.

The Picture menu cell lets you get information about and display any rendered image or image sequence. This menu cell is described on Picture.

The PlayControl menu cell allows you to set parameters that define the playback of a scene. This menu cell is described on PlayControl.

The Plot menu cell commands allow you to record (plot) the resulting position or orientation of a selected object at every frame. Five types of plots can be generated. These commands are described starting on Plot->Trajectory.

The Polygon menu cell commands in the Model module are used to edit polygon mesh objects by editing their vertices. These commands are described starting on Polygon (Model Module).

The Polygon menu cell commands in the Matter module let you create patterns on an object by defining different materials on a polygon mesh object. These commands are described starting on Polygon (Matter Module).

The Preferences menu cell commands let you set various working environment preferences that make it easier and more convenient for you to do your work. These are such things as mouse preferences, desktop colours and layout, etc. The preferences that you set are saved with the scene, or you can save them to a file to be used as a general customized setup of the software. These commands are described starting on Preferences->Hierarchy Compensation.

The Preview menu cell commands let you set up and render a preview of your scene. Certain material and texture attributes which are not visible in the normal window views will be visible in this preview. These commands are described starting on Preview->Selection.

The Print menu cell lets you print .lin format images to a PostScript printer. This menu cell is described on Print.

The QStretch menu cell commands let you add Quick Stretch deformation effects to an object; these deformations are based on its motion. These commands are described starting on QStretch->Setup.

The Render menu cell lets you set the parameters for the final rendering of your scene. This menu cell is described on Render.

The Rot XYZ menu cells let you rotate an element or elements on any axis (x, y, or z). These menu cells are described starting on RotX/Y/Z.

The Save menu cell commands let you save a selected model, element, or a scene to a database. These commands are described starting on Save->Scene.

The SaveKey menu cell commands allow you to create keyframes for a selected element by saving the current values of a selected parameter at a specific frame. These commands are described starting on SaveKey->Object.

The Scale XYZ menu cells let you scale an element or elements to any size. These menu cells are described starting on ScaleX/Y/Z.

The Select menu cell commands allow you to select one or more elements. The Select command works with the Single and Multi menu cells. These commands are described starting on Select.

The Sequence menu cell commands lets you define global control over animation by offsetting or stretching (scaling) the motion of selected objects or all objects in your scene. These commands are described starting on Sequence.

The Shape menu cell commands let you create shape animation. You can also create clusters of tagged points on an object and save them to a name. Named clusters can be edited and animated. These commands are described starting on Shape->Shape List.

The Shell menu cell lets you open an operating system shell without exiting SOFTIMAGE 3D. This menu cell is described on Shell.

The Show menu cell commands make visible certain elements that are not always visible, such as points on an object, centres of objects, nulls, lattices, surface normals, etc. These commands are described starting on Show.

The Simulate menu cell commands allow you to invoke, control, and delete dynamic simulations. These commands are described starting on Simulate->Save Start/End.

The Single menu cell lets you select only one element at a time, which is the default. This menu cell is described on Single.

The Skeleton menu cell commands are used to create and manipulate articulated chains. These commands are described starting on Skeleton->Draw 2D Chain.

The Skin menu cell commands are used to assign envelopes to articulated chains and skeletons and modify them as you like. These commands are described starting on Skin->Automatic Envelope.

The Surface menu cell commands are used to make 3D surfaces out of curves and faces. These commands are described starting on Surface->Extrusion.

The Tag menu cell commands allow you to select and edit tagged points on objects. These commands are described starting on Tag->Points.

The Texture menu cell commands let you define and apply a 2D or 3D texture to an object. Once you define a texture, you can save it to a file for later use. These commands are described starting on Texture->2D Global/2D Local.

The Trans XYZ menu cells let you move an element or elements on any axis to any coordinate in a scene. These menu cells are described starting on TransX/Y/Z.

The Txt_Edit menu cell displays a graphic representation (in coloured outline) of a 2D texture map's support or projection on an object's surface. You can then modify its position and size on the object. These commands are described starting on Txt_Edit.

The Txt_Oper menu cell commands let you optimize the use of textures in a scene by copying, merging, and sharing them. These commands are described starting on Txt_Oper->Set Current 2D.

The Update menu cell commands allow you to view the animation for a selected object or for all objects in your scene. These commands are described starting on Update.

The Video menu cell commands let you input images from or record SOFTIMAGE 3D images to an Abekas or Accom recorder. These commands are described starting on Video->Abekas.


Last updated 03-apr-1998