

The Atmosphere->Depth-Fading command in the Matter module allows you to realistically simulate depth-fading by creating a fog-like effect over the entire image. Depth-fading can also be animated.

When you choose the Atmosphere->Depth-Fading command, the Depth-Fading Setup dialogue box is displayed.



Depth Fading

Activates or deactivates depth-fading without cancelling the current settings.

Starting Distance

Distance from the camera to where the depth-fading starts. The value ranges from - to  and is measured in grid units. You can define the grid size from the Layout dialogue box (accessed using the Layout icon in the window title bars).

Ending Distance

Distance from the camera to where the depth-fading stops. The value ranges from - to  and is measured in grid units.


Controls the maximum transparency of the fog beyond the ending distance. The value ranges from 0 (opaque) to 1 (transparent).


Colour Sliders

The colour of the fog is defined using three colour sliders. Colours can be defined by dragging the sliders, using the arrows, or entering numerical values in the text boxes. The closer an object is to the ending distance, the more it fades into the colour of the fog. The colour values range from 0 to 1. The RGB button above the sliders toggles between RGB, HLS, and HSV colour.


Displays the Palette dialogue box and provides access to the system palettes used for selecting and mixing colours. You can also define and save your own palettes.

For more information on using the palette, see Palette Operations.

mental ray

The options in the mental ray area let you define atmosphere (volume) shaders when rendering with mental ray. When you select the Shader option, the Shader dialogue box is displayed in which you can choose and activate an atmosphere (volume) shader. Atmosphere shaders are the same as the volume shaders you can access from the Material menu cell, except these shaders are associated with the space between all objects in the scene.

If you need to search for a shader, double-click the .. (two dots) at the top of the browser and select the appropriate chapter.

For a description of using shaders, see Using Shaders of the Rendering User's Guide.


Allows you to set a keyframe, and closes the dialogue box. Parameters to be keyframed are displayed with a double border. Without exiting this dialogue box, you can use the time line pointer to change the current frame to set other keys.


Cancels modifications made to the depth-fading settings since the dialogue box was opened or the last keyed value, and exits the dialogue box.


Accepts the current depth-fading settings.


Last updated 03-apr-1998