

The Plot->Trajectory command in the Motion module allows you to record the position of an animated object at every frame by generating a trajectory. On the trajectory, each key point corresponds to a frame and represents both position and timing. No function curve is created by this command.

For a description of trajectories, see the Plotting Trajectories section of the Animating User's Guide.


Plotted trajectories can be converted into regular explicit translations, and then into paths using the Path->Conv. to Expl. Transl. command. The Path->Conv. to Trajectory command does the reverse.



  1. Move to the frame at which you want to activate the command.
  2. Select an animated object.
  3. Choose the Plot->Trajectory command.

    The Plot Confirmation dialogue box is displayed:

  4. Click Ok to proceed or Cancel to cancel the operation.


Last updated 02-apr-1998