The Composite menu cell in the Tools module allows you to create new images by adding layers of images on top of each other. You can also use the composite standalone program to composite images in layers. The standalone program offers a few more options, such as superimposed slides and negatives, blends, halo effects, etc. For more information on this standalone, see its description in the Standalones HTML file on the On-line Documentation CD.
For information on using this menu cell, see the Compositing Images section in the Using Tools User's Guide.
When you choose the Composite menu cell, the Compositer dialogue box is displayed.
Output File Name
This is the name you want your composited image to be called.
Lets you select an existing file from a browser.
Field Type
Composites a field-rendered image. You can choose from Full frame, Field even-dominance, and Field odd-dominance.
Composites a sequence. If you want to composite only one frame, deselect the Sequence option.
Start Frame
The first frame of the sequence you want composited.
End Frame
The last frame of the sequence you want composited.
The frame step used by the sequence. For example, to play every other frame, set this value to 2.
Repeat Each Frame
The number of times each output frame is to be repeated.
Background Colour
If the layers do not cover all the pixels on the final image, you can set a Background Colour by specifying its value from 0 to 1 for the Red, Green, and Blue components.
This scroll box lists the layers to be composited. You can add to this list using the New Layer button. You can edit a layer by double-clicking its name in the Layers scroll box.
New Layer
Define the layers to be composited. When you click this button, the Layer dialogue box is displayed.
Type the layer file name in the Layer Name text box or use the Select button to select it.
Select the field type if you want to composite field-rendered images.
If the file is to be used as a sequence, select Sequence and specify the file number at which the layer should start. If the layer is intended to be composited as a static frame, deselect the Sequence option.
Three options control how the layer is added into the final picture:
- Use this layer's alpha channel to composite it uses the alpha channel so that the black and white tones more or less mask the under layers. At extremes, black is transparent and white is opaque.
- This layer is opaque means that the layer has no transparency values (opaque).
- Use fading value fades the layer using the values specified. The fading value can be animated by setting different values in the Start Fading Value and End Fading Value text boxes. The values are then interpolated between the starting and ending frames set in the Compositor dialogue box.
This option uses the absolute pixel values of the image, and does not take into consideration the alpha channel of the image. This is useful for doing camera fades between shots. 0 = no fade, and 1 = full fade.If you like, offset the layer horizontally and vertically. By default, the layer position is defined by the lower left corner (0,0). The offset is measured in pixels. In Image Horizontal Offset, positive numbers move the layer to the right, and negative numbers move the layer to the left. In Image Vertical Offset, positive numbers move the layer to the top and negative numbers move the layer to the bottom. Offsets can be animated by setting different values in the Start Offset and End Offset text boxes.
When the setup for a layer is completed, click Ok to close the Layer dialogue box and return to the Compositer dialogue box.
You can continue to add new layers to the end of the list by clicking New Layer for each one and defining the layers using the Layer dialogue box.
You can add a layer between two others by selecting the second layer in the Layer scroll box and clicking New Layer.
Delete Layer
You can delete a layer by selecting its name in the Layers scroll box and clicking Delete Layer.
Delete All
Deletes all of the layers in the Layers scroll box.
Picture Info
- If you want the output image to have the same resolution as the first layer, select Info of first layer. The Width, Height, and Pixel Ratio options are set automatically.
- Define the output resolution with the User Defined option and typing in values for Width, Height, and Pixel Ratio.
- Define the resolution according to the picture aspect by selecting Y is relative to X or X is relative to Y. Make sure the Picture Aspect is correct. Define the Width and the Pixel Ratio; the Height is set accordingly. (With the option X is relative to Y, the same procedure applies except that you define the height, and the width is calculated.)
The width in pixels of the picture.
The height in pixels of the picture.
Pixel Ratio
The width and height of each pixel rather than the aspect ratio, which is the number of pixels horizontally and vertically in the whole picture.
Use Z Channel
Uses the Z channel for depth output in the final image.
Alpha Channel in Output
Uses the alpha channel in the final image.
Display Output Image
Displays the final image on screen.
Picture Aspect
This determines the aspect ratio of the picture. When you click this button, the Picture Format dialogue box is displayed.
In this dialogue box, you can define the Custom aspect ratio and size, and the appropriate Cine, Slide, or Video options. Select Accept or Cancel to return to the Compositer dialogue box.
Last updated 03-apr-1998