Keyframe |
The Keyframe commands in the Motion module allow you to perform operations on function curves selected in the Fcurve window. For example, you can lock translation key points on a function curve so that they cannot be moved.
Unlocks all key points. Key points can then be edited without restrictions.
Locks transformation key points (explicit translation, rotation, and scaling). This ensures that a key point is not moved unintentionally.
To lock other types of key points, use the FcrvEdit->Set Key command or the SETKEY Fcurve window option.
Locked keys are highlighted in yellow.
This command works for path animated elements only. It locks function curve key points with curve control points of the path. This ensures that an object passes exactly on the path control points at specific frames even if the path length is changed by editing the function curve.
Key path points are identified with a light blue colour. Since the position of the object is locked, you can move the key point only on the horizontal axis of the Fcurve window (frames).
By default, the Key Path command assigns the key point number with the corresponding control point number (for example, function curve key point #1 with path control point #1). If the number of points do not match, the correspondence is kept except for the last points which are forced to match even if they have different numbers. You can edit the matching of key points and control points with the FcrvEdit->Set Key command.
Moves to the next key point (keyframe) on the function curve.
You can also use the K button in the playback box to move through key points. It moves from keyframe to keyframe for the selected object if you are not using the Fcurve window, or from key point to key point for the selected function curve if the Fcurve window is open.
Moves to the previous locked key point. See the previous note.
Unlocks the current locked key point.
Displays the Delete Fcurve Keys dialogue box and allows you to delete all or a selection of key points within the range defined for the function curves displayed in the Fcurve window.
Last updated 02-apr-1998