

The Import->Images commands in the Tools module convert images created with another software into SOFTIMAGE 3D format. The submenu displays the formats from which you can choose.

The converted SOFTIMAGE 3D picture file keeps the same name as the imported file except with a .pic suffix.



  1. Choose the Import->Images command and the subcommand (file format) of your choice. The database browser is displayed.
  2. Select a file name by double-clicking it. When the file is converted, it keeps this file name except with the .pic file suffix to indicate that it is now a SOFTIMAGE 3D picture file.
  3. When you choose a file to import, a message box appears asking you to enter information which is stored in the SOFTIMAGE 3D picture file. Depending on the format, you will need to provide this information:
  1. After filling out the appropriate information, click Ok to proceed or Cancel to exit the procedure.


Last updated 02-apr-1998