Effects |
The Effects menu cell in the Tools module allows you to perform effects on picture files. These effects include scaling, rotation, and flipping. The processed picture is saved in a new .pic file.
Scroll Box
Displays the picture file names in the current directory. It allows you to select the image to be processed.
Input File
File name of the picture you have selected to be processed.
X defines the width and Y defines the height of the new picture.
Output File
New file name of the processed picture.
Display on Screen
Displays the processed picture on the screen.
Lets you set scaling options for the new picture.
- X, Y shows the current scaling values for the width and height.
- None: no scaling is computed.
- Factor sets the scaling factors in the X and Y text boxes.
- Size sets the final size in pixels in the X and Y text boxes.
- Reduce allows you to reduce the picture's size. You can use this option only when the Factor option is selected.
- Enlarge allows you to enlarge the picture's size. You can use this option only when the Factor option is selected. Pixel duplication enlarges the picture by the scaling factor which must be an integer (no fractions). It enlarges the image by duplicating the pixel, which gives a mosaic appearance to the processed picture.
Bilinear zoom enlarges the picture by the scaling factor which can be any decimal number. Pixels are interpolated giving the picture a softer appearance. This processing takes longer to compute.
- Fast (integer) reduces or enlarges the picture by the scaling factor which must be an integer such as 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. (no fractions). You can use this option only when the Factor option is selected.
- Better (float) reduces or enlarges the picture by the scaling factor which can be any decimal number. This method takes longer to process the picture. You can use this option only when the Factor option is selected.
Mitchell Filter
Blurs images by averaging associated pixels.
- 0 degrees (none) means that no rotation is computed.
- 90 degrees rotates the picture 90 degrees counterclockwise.
- 180 degrees rotates the picture 180 degrees counterclockwise.
- 270 degrees rotates the picture 270 degrees counterclockwise. This is the same as rotating the picture 90 degrees clockwise.
- Horizontally flips the picture from left to right.
- Vertically flips the picture from top to bottom.
Processes the effect, but does not exit the dialogue box so that you can apply iterative effects.
Exits the dialogue box.
Last updated 02-apr-1998