The Print menu cell in the Tools module prints .lin format images (rendered in wireframe or hidden-line) on a PostScript printer.
Opens the Read Line File browser for selecting files. You can also type in the name of the file you want to print in the related text box.
Do frames/To/Step/Rep
Sets the start and end frames with the incremental step, and the number of repetitions for a sequence.
Line Width
Sets the line thickness.
Output Size
Sets the width of the image on the paper. Units are DPI (dots per inch).
Sets the offset of the image on the paper in X and Y. Units are DPI.
- Rotation 90 rotates the image 90 degrees when printed.
- Flip Horizontal flips the image horizontally left to right.
- Flip Vertical flips the image vertically top to bottom.
- Rounded Lines rounds all angles in lines.
- Pointed Lines makes lines printed as dotted lines.
Print With
- Border draws a border line around the picture.
- Frame Number prints the picture frame number.
- Sequence Name prints the sequence name.
Paper Format
Sets the paper format to Letter or Legal size.
Printer Name
Shows you the names of the available printers from which you can choose.
Font name for text printing, such as Helvetica 10 point.
File name of user-defined registration marks.
Prints the image using all parameters defined in this dialogue box.
Last updated 02-apr-1998