

The Lattice->Create command in the Model module creates a lattice on the selected object or branch of a hierarchy which you can then use to deform that object.

For a description of lattices and their use in modelling, see the Deforming with Lattices section of the Modelling User's Guide. To find how to animate the resulting deformations, see the Animating a Lattice section of the Animating User's Guide.



  1. Select an object or a branch of a hierarchy.
  2. Choose the Lattice->Create command if a hierarchy is selected.

    The Create Lattice dialogue box is displayed.

  3. Set the number of subdivisions of the lattice for each axis.
  4. Set the interpolation type for each axis.
  5. Click Ok to accept the settings or Cancel to exit the dialogue box.

The lattice is highlighted in yellow around the selected object.




Subdivision (X, Y, Z)

Sets the number of subdivisions for each axis of the lattice. A small number of subdivisions has a more global effect when you move a point on the lattice; a higher resolution (more subdivisions) has a more local effect because it creates more control points on the object.



Sets the interpolation type (linear or curve) that the lattice uses to calculate the new position of the affected points.

Use the Display->Ghost command on lattice objects to make editing and animating lattices easier. When the lattice is ghosted, you can move lattice points faster. The object deforms when you release the mouse button.





The Lattice->Freeze commands allow you to select an object or branch of a hierarchy that was deformed using a lattice and freeze it in its current shape, then discard the lattice. These commands are used to save an object's shape when you are finished modelling the object with the lattice.

  1. Select an object or branch of a hierarchy with a lattice.
  2. Choose the Lattice->Freeze command if a hierarchy is selected.

The deformed object or branch of a hierarchy is saved in its current shape and the lattice is immediately discarded.





The Lattice->Remove command removes the lattice from the object or branch of a hierarchy, and returns it to its original shape. If the lattice is animated, the animation is also removed.

  1. Select an object or branch of a hierarchy with a lattice.
  2. Choose the Lattice->Remove command if a hierarchy is selected.

The lattice is removed from the object or branch of a hierarchy.





The Lattice->Info command to do this.

The lattice and its effects on the object or branch can be reactivated by choosing either the Lattice->Info command, then selecting Activate from the Lattice Info dialogue box.

  1. Select an object or branch of a hierarchy with a lattice.
  2. Choose the Lattice->Deactivate command if a hierarchy is selected.





The Lattice->Reset command temporarily returns the lattice to its original shape. If you click the time line, the lattice is refreshed and takes the current frame position. This command is used most frequently with animated lattice shapes.

  1. Select an object or branch of a hierarchy with a lattice.
  2. Choose the Lattice->Reset command if a hierarchy is selected.






The Lattice->Info command displays information about the selected lattice and allows you to modify its interpolation type as well as activate or deactivate the lattice.

  1. Select the object or branch of a hierarchy.
  2. Choose the Lattice->Info command if a hierarchy is selected.

    The Lattice Info dialogue box is displayed.

  3. The type of lattice is shown (node or branch) as well as the number of subdivisions.
  4. Activate or deactivate the lattice by selecting or deselecting the Activate option.
  5. Change the Interpolation type by selecting the appropriate option (Linear or Curve) on each of the three axes.
  6. Click Ok to accept the settings or Cancel to exit the dialogue box.


Last updated 02-apr-1998