

The Parent menu cell in the Model and Actor modules allows you to create a hierarchy between objects by designating one object as the parent and the other objects you want to include in the hierarchy as children.

Viewing Hierarchies

You can view hierarchical relationships two ways: by choosing the Show->Link command, or by opening a Schematic window (accessed from any window title bar). If you are working with complex hierarchies, you can expand and collapse hierarchies in the Schematic window to further clarify the display.

For more information on hierarchies, see the Hierarchies section of the Modelling User's Guide.


  1. Select the parent object.
  2. Choose the Parent menu cell.
  3. Pick one or more children using the left mouse button.
  4. To end the parent mode, click the right mouse button or press the Esc key.
  5. Don't forget to end the parent mode! Otherwise, you can parent other elements by mistake.


The order of these steps is not critical. You can choose the Parent cell first. Then use the appropriate mouse button to pick parent and then child.
If you are in Multi mode, you can parent many elements at once; just select all the children, choose Parent, then pick the parent object.


Last updated 02-apr-1998