Hidden Line


The Hidden_Line commands in the Tools module allow you to preview a hidden-line picture in any window (the default is window B, which is usually the Perspective window). These commands let you preview an image before you render it, which is unlike the Line->Show command which requires a rendered .lin file.

Faceted means that lines are drawn for all the object's surface polygon edges. This makes the object look like a typical wireframe object, except that the hidden lines are removed.

Smoothed means that the hidden lines are also removed, but only the lines at the object's edges are drawn, which creates an outline of the object with no lines inside it.

To adjust the way the hidden-line is processed for polygon mesh objects, use the Automatic Discontinuity option in the dialogue box that appears when you choose the Info->Selection menu cell command. The Edge_Flag menu cell commands in the Matter module also let you adjust the hidden-line process.



  1. Select any window by clicking the letter identifier box (A, B, C, or D) in its upper-left corner. The window is highlighted in red. If you don't select a window, window B is used.
  2. Choose the Hidden_Line command (Faceted or Smoothed).

    The image is rendered and displayed in the window you selected so that you can preview it.

  3. Middle-click to close the window.

You can now use the corresponding renderer in the Render menu cell (Hidden line Faced or Smoothed) to render the final image, if you like.


Last updated 02-apr-1998