Select by Tag Vertex |
The Polygon menu cell commands in the Matter module allow you to create patterns on an object by defining different materials for selected individual polygons or groups of polygons on a polygon mesh object.
You must first assign a global material to the object using the Material menu cell.
Select by Tag Vertex
Selects or deselects all tagged polygons on the object. The mouse buttons are configured as follows:
Select by Rectangle |
Allows you to do a rectangular selection of polygons on the object. Polygons do not have to be tagged first, as with the Select mode by tag vert command, but the entire polygon must be enclosed in the rectangle to be selected. The mouse buttons are configured as follows:
Select by Raycasting |
This command allows you to select a polygon by clicking on it, and works only on selected polygon mesh objects.
Unlike the Polygon->Select by Tag Vertex and Select by Rectangle commands, this selects the closest polygon facing the camera. As a result, you never inadvertently select the polygon directly behind your selection, on the other side of the 3D object.
This assumes that the polygon's normals are facing the camera. If the object is inverted, the polygon on the opposite side from the camera is selected instead.
In any mode:
The mouse buttons are configured as follows:
Any subsequent transformations or deletions are applied to the selected polygon(s) if you are in POL mode.
Select All |
Selects all the polygons of an object.
Unselect All |
Deselects all polygons.
Toggle All |
Inverts the status of all polygons (unselected polygons become selected and selected polygons become unselected).
Current Material |
Displays the file name of the current material in the status line. The polygons associated with the current material are highlighted in pink.
Previous Material |
Makes the previous material current. The polygons associated with the current material are highlighted in pink.
Next Material |
Makes the next material current. The polygons associated with the current material are highlighted in pink.
Assign New Material |
Allows you to define a new material for the selected polygon by opening the Material Editor dialogue box.
Assign Current Material |
Assigns the current material to the selected polygon.
Automatic Colourize |
Automatically assigns colours to the object based on the association of the adjacent polygons.
Automatic Texture |
Automatically assigns a texture to the selected polygons. This is the same as adding a material and texture to a selection of polygons, choosing the Txt_Oper->Info UV Coord. (2D Global) or Txt_Oper->Info UV Coord. (2D Local) commands, and accepting the default texture coordinates. This command lets you quickly add local textures to a group of selected polygons. To do this, see the Assigning Textures to Polygons section of the Defining Materials and Textures User's Guide.
Using this command also has one advantage: the texture coordinates automatically adjust the texture to fit it over all the selected polygons. After you have assigned the texture using this command, it works just like any other stored texture, meaning you can edit the texture coordinates using the Txt_Oper->Info UV Coord. (2D Local) command.
However, since this command attempts to make the texture fit on the selected polygons, there are also some limitations for what you can select:
The command checks that the selected polygons are valid for the operation and informs you if it finds a problem.
Last updated 02-apr-1998