Automatic Envelope


The Skin->Automatic Envelope command in the Actor module allows you to select a default circle or curve and automatically extrude it the length of a skeleton chain, thereby creating a default envelope for the chain.

An automatic envelope has the following behaviour:


Initially, vertices are not assigned to the chain effector either, but you can assign them to it manually later using the Skin->Reassign Manually command.

For an overview of envelopes, their use and classification, refer to Skin for Skeletons in the Modelling User's Guide.



  1. Select a chain that has no envelope.
  2. Choose the Skin->Automatic Envelope command.
  3. Click the left or middle mouse button to pick a curve or a default circle for the automatic envelope:
  1. The Automatic Envelope dialogue box is displayed.
  2. Set the parameters of the envelope and click Ok.




Type of Envelope

If you select a default circle to generate the envelope, you can choose whether the result is a patch or a NURBS.

When you draw and pick a curve, the envelope is the same type as the picked curve and you cannot modify its type; in this case, this option is ghosted.


You can cap the top or bottom of the envelope, or both.

Steps per Joint

Defines the resolution of the envelope.

Envelopes Initial Assignment

Once you click Ok in the Automatic Envelope dialogue box, the Envelopes Initial Assignment dialogue box is displayed.

  1. Select the weighting assignment and the assignment depth according to which the envelope is assigned.
  2. Click Ok to apply the settings or Cancel to exit the dialogue box.
  3. An envelope the length of the chain is generated along the chain's local axis, but can be scaled later.
  4. The envelope is assigned to the chain.



Assignment Method

Default nb of Joints Assigned

If you select the Full Weight option, this text box is not available.

If you select the Weighted option, you can specify the number of joints (or skeleton objects) to which each vertex in the envelope is initially assigned, with the percentage weighting based on relative proximity. The default value is 2.


This distribution applies to vertices not already governed by bounding models.

For example, if you specify 3, then all vertices not governed by a bounding model are assigned to the three nearest joints or objects, and weighted according to the relative proximity of each. For a description of bounding models and their influence, see the Creating a Bounding Area for Envelope Vertices section of the Modelling User's Guide. For details of related menu cells, see the Bounding Model section of this guide.

Assignment Depth


Last updated 02-apr-1998