Edit Key Point


The FcrvEdit->Edit Key Point command in the Motion module allows you to edit key points on the selected function curve. You can also perform this action by selecting the EDITKEY option from the Fcurve window title bar.



You can perform a playback to view the result, then edit the function curve again without exiting this mode.


  1. Select an animated object.
  2. Choose the FcrvSelect command for the type of function curve you want to edit. The Fcurve window is displayed.
  3. Choose the FcrvEdit->Edit Key Point command.
  4. In the Fcurve window, edit the key points on the selected function curve with the appropriate mouse button.



Removing lattice, shape, and cluster key points in the Fcurve window does not actually remove the respective lattice, shape, or cluster from memory - only its location in time. To remove lattice, shape, or cluster keyframes, refer to the Lattice, Shape, and Cluster commands.


Last updated 02-apr-1998