Show File


The Line->Show File command in the Tools module displays a .lin format picture (wireframe or hidden-line rendered). It also allows you to convert .lin files to .pic files.



  1. Choose the Line->Show File command. The standard database browser is displayed.
  2. Select a .lin file name by double-clicking it.

    The Show Line dialogue box is displayed.





Image resolution in pixels. The aspect ratio is defined by the width, so the height is automatically set accordingly.

Output to a File

Converts the .lin file and saves is as a .pic (picture) file.

Output File Name

Name for the .pic file.

Alpha Channel

Saves the alpha channel in the .pic file.

Alpha Value

Sets the intensity of the lines in the alpha channel. The background is always 0 (black).


Reduces jagged edges on all lines, but is especially obvious for oblique lines.

Background Colour

Defines the colour for the background with a value ranging from 0 to 1 for each Red, Green, and Blue component.

Foreground Colour

Defines the colour for the foreground (lines) with a value ranging from 0 to 1 for each Red, Green, and Blue component.


Last updated 02-apr-1998