The Display->Hide command is available in all modules except Tools. It hides (makes invisible) one or more elements (objects, cameras, lights) in the windows. As such, it is useful for simplifying a crowded display.
The Schematic window reflects the element's displayed/hidden status. When you hide an element, the corresponding rectangle in the Schematic changes from a filled to an empty outlined rectangle.
In the Schematic and other windows, the hidden elements remain selected or become deselected, depending on your choice of command.
When you save a scene, all hidden elements are saved as "hidden".
For more information on using these commands, see the Displaying and Hiding
Elements section of the Modelling User's Guide.
Toggles the current display state of the selected element between hidden and visible;
when hidden, an element is automatically deselected.
Toggles the current display state of the selected element(s) between hidden and visible
and keeps the element(s) selected at all times.
Hides all elements in the scene that are not currently selected.
Makes all elements visible.
To redisplay objects individually, open the Spreadsheet window and select the
NVisibility option for that object.
Hides ghosted elements.
Last updated 08-apr-1998