Pick Path |
The Path->Pick Path command allows you to link a selected object to a path and specify at which frame you want the object's animation to start and end.
To have a camera follow its interest on a path, simply put the camera and the interest on the same path, but with a lag time in the start and end frame. For more information about animating the camera on a path, refer to lesson 4 in the Quick Start guide.
For a description of paths and path animation, see the Animating on a Path section of the Animating User's Guide.
You can edit the timing of the animation by choosing the Path->Timing command to display the Path Timing dialogue box. Modify the parameters, click Ok to confirm the changes, and exit the dialogue box. When you play back the sequence, the new timing is applied.
Start Frame
Sets the frame number where the object starts translating along its path.
End Frame
Sets the frame number where the object ends translation on its path.
Reset fcurve
By default, this parameter appears dimmed. It is usually used when modifying the timing of a function curve.
For more information on this parameter, refer to the Path->Timing command.
Last updated 02-apr-1998