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12-field chart 5-8
3D editor 1-10


skeleton export format 2-54
add to part 4-3
adding a new object 2-2
aim menu 5-6
aim-distance 1-3
aimpoint 1-3
align 5-6
allow double edge cuts? 7-19
annotate 7-6
apply transform 3-4
arc sampling 2-21
area of influence 1-40
defining 1-41
along the surface 1-42
falloff 1-43
influence distance 1-43
shortest route 1-42
with midpoints 1-41
aspect ratio for spotlights 4-3
attribute-edit default 5-4
auto hither/yon 7-10
auto ranging 5-3
menu 1-43
Camera 1-45
Eyepoint to Object 1-45
Select a Segment 1-44
Select element pair 1-44
Select Normal 1-44
This Element's Normal 1-44
Type in Cartesian Direction 1-45
Type in Spherical Orientation 1-45
selecting for an operation 1-43
axis move 3-6, 4-3
axis scale 3-6, 4-5


backfacing 3-28, 6-4
bevel 4-5
skeleton export format 2-55
bless 4-7
bodies 1-5, 4-1
coplanaring edges of 4-18
making faces convex 4-17
rotating 4-77
scaling 4-80
selecting elements of 4-81
smoothing 4-46, 4-83
triangulating 4-91
welding objects together 4-94
bridge 4-7
brightness 4-9
setting weight of control points 4-83


camera 1-2
aiming 5-6
aligning 5-6
camera motion menu 1-21
constraining 1-21
defining a new format 7-12
direction 1-3
leveling 5-7
moving 1-21
view angle 1-3
camera background color 7-17
camera background image 7-16
camera format 1-3, 7-12
defining 7-12
camera menu 1-13
camera modifiers 1-24
camera motion
move global 1-30
move local 1-31
pan global 1-28
pan local 1-29
shift global 1-32
shift local 1-33
swing global 1-26
swing local 1-27
camera motion menu 1-10, 1-11
fixed aim 1-24
global 1-24
rotate 1-22
table of moves 1-25
translate 1-23
zoom+ 1-21
camera text color 7-17
camera views 5-4
Cartesian coordinates 1-2
change sampling 4-10
chip off 4-11
chip off region 4-12
clipping plane 1-3
coincidence tolerance 7-19
collapse 4-13
collectability test 7-20
ending 1-36
growing and shrinking 1-37
saving as a part 1-38
starting 1-35
using the lasso 1-37
2D 1-37
3D 1-37, 1-38
color 4-14
combine 4-14
compound objects 1-6
connect new 4-15
constraining camera movement 1-21
constraining mouse movement 1-16
continuity 4-16
contour solid 2-30
control line
default display color 7-17
control objects 4-85
convexify 4-17
coplanar 4-18
copy 2-59, 3-29, 4-20
copy bridgee? 7-19
copy copies appearance 7-21
copy from 3-7
copy into trajectory 4-20
copy into wire 4-21
copy mirrored 4-21
copy with history 4-85
creating polyhedra 2-17
C-S init rot (initial rotation) 2-21
cube 2-19
cull elements 4-22
eliminating double edges A-3
3-arm locator 2-34
choosing default type 7-16
crosshair 2-34
full box locator 2-35
halfbox locator 2-34
locator box 2-34
custom menus 7-25
cut 4-23
cutting an object 4-70
cylinder 2-19
cylindrical mappers 2-8


default arc subdivide angle 7-19
default control line color 7-17
default light line color 7-17
default mapper line color 7-17
default object directory 7-17
default object line color 7-17
default object surface color 7-17
default operation 1-46
default primitive size 7-20
default view directory 7-17
deformation states (displacements) 4-27
dehole 4-25, A-3
delete 2-68, 3-29
depth 2-21
derez 4-26
describe 3-29, 4-27
describe selected? 7-15
deselecting elements 1-35
selecting 1-19
displace 4-27
displacements 4-50
combining into gestures 4-29
linear vs. rotational 4-54
displaying overlays 5-7
dissolve 4-30
dodecahedron 2-18
exporting objects as 2-54


edge subdivide 4-31
dissolving 4-30
Edit Body 2-66
edit menus 7-25
style 7-22
Edit Object 2-67
elements 1-5
adding to a part 4-3
deselecting 1-35
edge 1-5
face 1-5
moving 1-39, 4-63
moving along an axis 4-3
selecting 1-34
vertex 1-5
ending a collection 1-36
evert 4-31
export 2-53, 3-29
extrude 4-32
extrude region 4-33
using multiple operations 4-66
eyepoint 1-3


cutting 4-23
making triangular 4-91
with holes A-1
faces around 2-21
falloff angle 4-34
file 1-13
file types
supported 2-48
finding illegal faces 4-41
fixed aim camera moves 1-24
flatten 4-35
flip 4-36
flip path 4-36
font data (default path) 7-17
fractalize 4-37
free rotate 3-8, 4-39
free rotate aimed 4-39
free scale 3-9, 4-40
freeze mapper 4-57


GC behavior 7-23
geobody 1-4
GeoMenus 1-12
sharing between objects 1-5
gestures 4-29
get 2-57
global axis
gap size 7-15
length 7-15
setting color 7-16
show letters? 7-15
global axis color 7-17
global camera moves 1-24
global coordinate system 1-2
global default (pathname) 7-17
global origin 1-2
grid 2-38
mesh 2-39
NURBS sheet 2-39
polyhedral 2-39
grouping elements into parts 4-69
grouping objects 1-8
grow 4-40


hard edging 3-30, 6-4
height 2-21
highlight hidden (elements) 7-21
highlight segment heads 7-21
positioning 4-74
smoothing with 4-85
hither and yon planes 1-3
home 3-9
hotkeys 1-47
skeleton export format 2-55


icosahedron 2-18
identity matrix 1-7
illegal faces 4-41
generating objects from 2-43
info 7-6
inheritance 1-8
inset 4-42
interp smooth 4-46


labeled axes 5-3
lamina 2-30
lasso 1-37
level menu 5-7
lift from edge 4-48
lift from vertex 4-49
light groups 2-15
light strength radius 7-21
aim point 2-15
aspect ratio 4-3
brightness 2-15, 4-9
color 2-15
creating 2-13
ambient 2-13
infinite 2-13
spot 2-13
creating a light group 2-15
default display color 7-17
direction 2-16
falloff angle 4-34
hue 4-41
location 2-15
positioning the highlight 4-74
projecting 2-16
radius 2-15
reference space for 2-14
saturation 4-79
set light view 4-82
setting color of 4-14
setting the direction 4-82
shadowing 2-16
specifying a type 2-14
spot angle 4-88
linear displacements 4-54
list 3-30
list objects 7-6
loading objects from LISP 2-57
local axes 6-5
setting length 7-16
toggling display of 3-31
local coordinate system 1-2
local skew 3-11
logo utilities item 7-19


magnet distance route 7-18
magnet falloff function (see area of influence) 7-18
magnet moves 1-40
main menu
style 7-22
main radius 2-21
major axis 2-21
make part frozen mapper 4-58
make patch body 4-58
make spline (wires) 4-59
make splined surface 4-60
mappers 2-7
cylindrical 2-8
default display color 7-17
freezing 4-57
freezing on parts 4-58
planar 2-7
restructuring 2-10
spherical 2-9
materials 4-62
applying to a part 4-69
applying to an object 4-62
max face size for update 7-19
maximum face bevel ratio 7-19
maximum normals for update 7-19
customizing 7-25
min hither dist 7-11
minimum bounds ratio 7-19
minimum edge length 7-19
mirror 4-62
modes menu 5-2
modify body 2-64
modify menu
style 7-22
modifying bodies 1-34
modifying vs. transforming 1-7
monitor operations 7-14
accelerator 7-14
clicks 1-15
constraining 1-16
shift key factor (for translation) 7-14
speed 7-14
translation factor 7-14
mouse monitor 1-14
enabling 7-14
move 3-12, 4-63
move away 3-13
move origin 3-15
move texture 4-64
move to 3-16
moving the camera 1-21
multi-instanced objects 1-5
multiple extrude 4-66
multiply 2-61, 3-31


Nintendo 64
exporting objects as 2-56
n-Latitudes 2-21
n-Longitudes 2-21
non-planar faces A-4
normals 3-31
displaying 6-6
editing 4-78
flipping 4-31
numeric input default 5-4, 7-18
NURBS sheet 2-39


exporting objects as 2-54
body 1-4
object addition mode 7-20
object description display 7-15
object display menu 1-13
object hierarchy 1-8
object lists 1-17
adding 2-2
annotating 7-6
applying a material 4-62
bridging between 4-7
checking integrity of 4-22
clearing & editing materials 4-62
combining several into one 4-14
copying 2-59
creating multiple copies 3-31
creating reinstanced copies 3-32
default display color 7-17
default surface color 7-17
displaying information about 7-6
displaying normals 3-31
displaying points 3-32
grouping 1-6, 7-2
hierarchy 1-18
listing current 7-6
loading from LISP 2-57
making a copy of 4-20
moving 1-39
through menus 1-39
with the mouse 1-39
multiplying 2-61
parts of 1-4
positioning 4-72
rebuilding 2-64
reinstancing 2-59
renaming 3-33, 7-5
restructuring 3-33, 7-2
saving 2-50, 3-33
scaling along an axis 4-5
showing data about 7-7
tightening 4-90
toggling sensitivity of 3-33, 6-7
toggling shading of 3-34, 6-7
toggling stand-ins for 3-34, 6-8
toggling visibility of 3-35, 6-8
transformation matrix 1-4
transforming 2-64
tunneling through 4-7
verifying internal consistency 4-7
octahedron 2-18
Open 2-48
origin 2-21
menu 1-45
Aimpoint 1-46
Cursor 1-45
Eyepoint 1-46
Object Midpoint 1-45
Origin 1-46
Point along Segment 1-46
Select Element 1-46
This Element's Midpoint 1-45
Type In Location 1-46
selecting for an operation 1-45
ortho display 5-3
orthographic mode 7-10
overlays menu 5-7


part materials 4-69
parts 4-69
patch bodies 2-36
creating 4-58
pie-cut poles 2-22
planar mappers 2-7
plane cut 4-70
plane move 3-19
point display radius 7-21
points 3-32, 6-6
highlighting display of 6-6
polar axis 2-22
creating 2-17
parameter descriptions 2-21
sketching 2-25
polyhedra parameters
arc sampling 2-21
C-S init rot (initial rotation) 2-21
depth 2-21
faces around 2-21
height 2-21
main radius 2-21
major axis 2-21
n-Latitudes 2-21
n-Longitudes 2-21
origin 2-21
pie-cut poles 2-22
polar axis 2-22
radius 2-22
ring 2-22
sketch axis 2-22
swept angle 2-23
toroidal 2-23
tube radius 2-24
wedge cut 2-24
width 2-24
pop-up windows
moving 1-40
position 4-72
menu 7-9
saving 7-9
selecting 1-19


radius 2-22
randomize 4-74
range expansion 7-11
rebuild 2-64
reducing polygon count 4-26
reinstance 2-59, 3-32
relative bodyfile directory 7-17
remember 3-20
rename 3-33, 7-5
Render 7-8
replace with arc 4-75
replace with bezier 4-75
replace with Bspline 4-76
replace with wire 4-76
restructure 3-33, 7-2
how objects are renamed 7-20
reverse 4-77
ring 2-22
rotate 3-21, 4-77
rotate normal 4-78
rotating the camera 1-22
rotation axis 2-4
rotational displacements 4-54


saturation 4-79
save 2-50, 3-33
saving preferences 7-9
scale 3-22
scale by zero action 7-18
scale by zero standin 7-18
scale to fit 3-23
scaling 4-80
scaling center 2-3
screen stretch factor 7-10
Sega SGL
exporting objects as 2-56
segment highlight width 7-21
cutting 4-23
dissolving 4-30
selecting a loop 4-80
select 3-24
select edge loop 4-80
select elements 4-81
select face 4-82
select shared edges 4-82
selecting elements 1-34
sensitivity 3-33, 6-7
sensitivity element menu 1-10, 1-11
sensitivity threshold 7-20
serial numbers 5-3
set home 3-25
set weight 4-83
set? 7-6
setting preferences 7-9
shading 3-34, 6-7
from lights 2-16
shift key factor 7-14
shortcuts 1-46
show data 7-7
show global axes 7-15
shutdown save objects 7-20
shutdown save views 7-14
skeleton 2-46
sketch axis 2-22
sketch grid
defaults for 7-15
skew 3-26
smooth 4-83
with history 4-85
smoothing with history 4-85
solid of rotation 2-25
Sony RSD
exporting objects as 2-55
sphere 2-20
spherical mappers 2-9
sphericize 4-87
splined surface
creating 4-60
spot light angle 4-88
stand-ins 3-34, 6-8
displaying 3-34
starting a collection 1-35
sticky standins 5-4
making the default 7-21
swept angle 2-23
swirl 4-93


taper 4-88
tetrahedron 2-17
text 2-40
text edit boxes 1-18
moving on a model 4-64
tighten 4-90
toroidal 2-23
torus 2-20
track serial numbers? 7-14
trajectories 2-32
transform 2-64
transformation matrix 1-4, 1-7, 4-1
applying to body 3-4
axis move 3-6
axis scale 3-6
copying from another object 3-7
free rotate 3-8
free scale 3-9
local skew 3-11
move 3-12
move away 3-13
moving an object to another point 3-16
moving an object's origin 3-15
plane move 3-19
remembering an object's matrix 3-20
rotate 3-21
scale 3-22
scale to fit 3-23
selecting a matrix to use 3-24
setting an object's home position 3-25
setting home position 3-9
skew 3-26
transforming vs. modifying 1-7
translating the camera 1-23
translation factor 7-14
triangulate 4-91
tube 2-25
tube radius 2-24
tube solid 2-27
tube transforming
specifying additional parameters 7-18
TV-safe area 5-7
twist 4-92


undo 4-93
use accelerator 5-3
utilities menu 1-13


vertex subdivide 4-94
view angle 1-3
view window 1-10, 1-11
viewing volume 1-4
views menu 5-4
visibility 3-35, 6-8
visible attachments 5-3
visible attachments? 7-21
visible axes 5-3


wave off distance 7-23
wedge cut 2-24
weld 4-94
width 2-24
moving pop-ups 1-40
wires 2-32
adding segments 4-15
changing continuity (smoothness) 4-16
converting to spline 4-59
encoding options 2-33
joining two wires 4-76
replacing segments with arcs 4-75
replacing segments with bezier curves 4-75
replacing segments with Bsplines 4-76
reversing direction 4-77
world units 7-12


zooming the camera 1-21

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