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defined 3-2
Action Editor host 2-22
action operations menu 3-37
Action Properties 5-4
activating 3-57
cutting 3-55
deactivating 3-57
deleting 3-41
dissolving 3-41
emptying 3-41
Add operation 5-9
adding parallel subactions 3-38
adjust parameter values menu 3-24
Align to Object Midpoint operation 5-37
Align to Object Origin operation 5-38
Align To operation 5-37
individual frames 2-30
interactively 2-30
part of a script 2-30
range of frames 2-30
Animate Attributes operation 5-87
Animate button 2-29
animate increment 2-21
with render or paint 2-29
animation line 3-34
setting 3-35
auto adjust timeline 2-21
Axis Move operation 5-58
Axis Scale Compensated operation 5-42
Axis Scale operation 5-41


bias 4-9, 4-13
Blur operation 5-72
Animate 2-29
Playback 2-32
Views 2-24


Call Script operation 5-10
setting the format 5-27
change phase 4-31
change value 4-31
defined 3-2
editing all cues 4-41
channel colors 2-22
channel order 3-12
channel padding style 2-22
channels 2-3
activating 3-17
basic operations 3-19
closing 3-20
multiple levels 3-20
copying 3-20
cutting 3-21
deactivating 3-17
deleting 3-21
editing properties 3-22
expanding 2-22
inserting a parent above 3-41
moving 3-42
opening 3-19
replacing with a copy 3-44, 3-46, 4-39
replacing with a curve 3-44
replacing with a variable 3-44
resizing 3-21
toggling executable status 5-4
tracing value 5-4
Chroma Key operation 5-70
Closing a channel 3-21
for channels 2-22
Composite Images operation 5-61
concurrent cues 4-27
confirm enabled 2-22
constraining to grid 2-22
continuity 4-13
Copy Image operation 5-68
Copy Indexed Images operation 5-19
Copy Transformation operation 5-55
cue operations menu 3-26
cues 3-23
adding 4-25
adding multiple 4-41
adding new 4-40
deleting 3-26, 4-28
detaching 3-26
Edit Properties 3-31
Edit Value 3-26
complex values 3-25
simple values 3-24
editing all cues in channel 4-41
editing concurrent 3-27
editing value of 3-24
editing values 3-24
editing values of 4-25
editing with sliders 4-27
emptying all in a channel 4-42
Freeze/Unfreeze Cues 3-27
Link to Marker 3-27
moving 4-25
Remember 3-30
respacing evenly 4-40
Set Time 3-30
Use Remembered Time 3-31
Use Remembered Value 3-30
cursor 2-3
Trace Channel? 4-4
Channel Variable 4-4
deactivating 4-42
defined 3-2
editing all cues 4-41
Name 4-4
remembering for copying 4-43
Subchannel ID 4-4
curve editor 4-22
curve operations menu 4-37
curve type
conic spline 4-5, 4-9
filtered 4-17
hold 4-8
Kochanek spline 4-5, 4-13
linear 4-5, 4-6
sketched 4-5, 4-15
slow in 4-5, 4-19
slow out 4-5, 4-20
adding derived 3-52
adding imported 3-54
adding parallel 3-52
defined 4-2
deleting 4-38
emptying of all cues 4-42
extending 4-39
extending curves 3-55
Freeze/Unfreeze Cues 4-40
interpolated 4-15
recomputing derived 3-58
replacing with a copy 4-39
replacing with a variable 4-39
replacing with an action 4-38
shifting or scaling entire curve 4-24
sliding 4-40


debugger enabled 2-22
decircularize 4-32
default curve 5-3
deleting cues 3-26
derived curves
adding 3-52
recomputing 3-58
detaching cues from markers 3-26
Displace Shape operation 5-45
Dissolve 3-41
Distance from Location operation 5-33
Distance from Object operation 5-33
Distance from Plane operation 5-34
Distort operation 5-72
Divide operation 5-11
Do if then else operation 5-11
Do when operation 5-11
GL Shade 5-87
N64 5-88
N-Render 5-87
Sega 5-87
Sony PSX 5-87
dynamic values 5-4


Edge Key operation 5-71
Edit Concurrent Cues 3-27
edit curve properties menu 4-3
editing action properties 5-4
editing sketched curves 4-29
Empty 3-41
end treatment 4-9, 4-13
clamped 4-10
cyclic 4-10
diagram 4-11
held 4-10
relaxed 4-10
slow in/out 4-10
Equalize operation 5-80
Erase Canvas operation 5-62
Erase Matte operation 5-63
Evaluate Lisp Form operation 5-12
Executable? 5-4
Expand operation 5-73
expanding channel size 2-22
exponent 4-20
Export Game Animation operation 5-18
Export Object operation 5-34


Field Mode 2-21
filter width 4-17
filtered curves 4-17
Flip operation 5-77
Fly along Trajectory operation 5-54
Four Color Gradient operation 5-65
fps 2-21
frame box 2-4
frame range area 2-3
frame range box 2-4
frames per second 2-21


game animation 5-18
Get Variable Value operation 5-12
GL Shade and playback 2-29
GL Shade domain 5-87
grid enabled 2-22


hierarchical structure of scripts 3-2
hot keys 2-23


IHS Recolor operation 5-81
imported curves
adding 3-54
In Range? operation 5-13
inherited values 5-4
insert parent 3-41
inserting parent channels 4-38
invert curve in time 4-33
invert curve in value 4-34


Move, Scale and Rotate 5-56
XYZ Move 5-59
XYZ Rotate 5-40
Kochanek interpolant curve 4-13


Less than? operation 5-13
XYZ Scale 5-44
Load Canvas from File operation 5-63
Load Canvas from Image operation 5-64
Load Image into Window operation 5-21
local values 5-4
loop subchannels 5-3
LUT Directory 4-15
LUT Name 4-15
LUT Size 4-15


Magnify operation 5-78
Make Invisible operation 5-60
Make Visible operation 5-60
marker track
adding 3-47
adding 3-48
adding without cues 3-49
deleting 3-50
moving 3-49
Mirror operation 5-78
Mix operation 5-13
modules 2-21
Mosaic operation 5-74
Move along Trajectory operation 5-54
Move Here 3-42
Move to Object operation 5-58
Multiple Displace Shape operation 5-46
Multiple Operations operation 5-35
Multiply operation 5-14


N64 domain 5-88
diagram 1-2
with 2D elements 1-3
with 3D objects 1-3
noise curve 4-34
Noise Filter operation 5-74
now-time cursor 2-3
N-Render domain 5-87


Object Size operation 5-35
operation 5-40, 5-44, 5-45, 5-56, 5-59
specifying 5-4
operation classes
diagram 5-6
Orient along Trajectory operation 5-55


parallel curves
adding 3-52
parent channels
inserting above a curve 4-38
Pause operation 5-14
Perform Frame Action operation 5-36
Playback button 2-32
playback FPS 2-21
playback loop pause 2-23
Posterize operation 5-82
Print Value operation 5-15
creating new 2-17
selecting the current 2-16
project definition
deleting 2-17
project operations menu 2-15


Quaternion Rotate operation 5-38


Randomize operation 5-82
Record Animation operation 5-24
Record Movie Audio operation 5-21
Record Movie Image operation 5-22
A & P 2-34
deleting 2-32
playing 2-33
playing looped 2-34
renaming 2-35
saving 2-14
saving to memory 2-35
Render operation 5-85
Renormalize operation 5-15
repeating a subchannel (see loop subchannels) 5-3
Resmooth operation 5-47
respacing cues 4-40
Return Value operation 5-16
Reverse Matte operation 5-64
RGBA Recolor operation 5-83
Rotate operation 5-39
rotation order 3-13


Save Canvas to File operation 5-64
Save Canvas to Image operation 5-65
Save Window to File operation 5-23
sawtooth curve 4-35
Scale Image operation 5-69
Scale operation 5-43
Scatter operation 5-75
animating part of 3-35
building a basic 3-4
changing the length of 3-33
copying 2-7
creating new 2-7
defined 3-2
hierarchy 3-2
modifying 3-11
renaming 2-9
viewing part of 3-34
script editor 2-2
diagram 2-2
interface 2-2
script operations menu 3-37
Sega domain 5-87
sequential subactions
adding 3-51
Set Aimpoint operation 5-26
Set Aimpoint to Object Center operation 5-26
Set Aimpoint X operation 5-27
Set Aimpoint Y operation 5-27
Set Aimpoint Z operation 5-27
Set Camer Format operation 5-27
Set Hither Distance operation 5-28
Set Light Aimpoint operation 5-30
Set Light Aimpoint to Object Center operation 5-30
Set Light Brightness operation 5-31
Set Light Color operation 5-31
Set Light Falloff Angle operation 5-31
Set Light View Angle operation 5-32
Set Shape operation 5-47
Set View Angle operation 5-28
Set View from Object operation 5-29
Set View operation 5-28
Set Visibility operation 5-60
Set Yon Distance operation 5-29
Sharpen operation 5-76
Shear along Y by X operation 5-51
Shear along Y by Z operation 5-52
Shear along Z by X operation 5-52
Shear along Z by Y operation 5-52
Shift operation 5-79
Shrink operation 5-76
silhouette on playback 2-29
sine wave curve 4-36
Single Color operation 5-66
Skeletal Animation 5-53
sketched curves
adding noise 4-34
change phase 4-31
change value 4-31
decircularize 4-32
editing 4-29
inverting curve in time 4-33
inverting curve in value 4-34
sawtooth 4-35
sine wave 4-36
smooth 4-30
Skew 5-50
smooth 4-30
Sony MIMe Animation operation 5-25
Sony PSX domain 5-87
sort library menus 2-23
adding parallel 3-38
parallel vs sequential 3-12
Subtract operation 5-16
Swap Channels operation 5-84
Swirl operation 5-48


Taper operation 5-49
Displace Shape 5-45
tension 4-9, 4-13
Time 3-33
time 3-55
time box 2-3
time line 2-4, 3-34
setting 3-34
setting 3-57
Timewarp operation 5-16
trace channel 5-4
Twist operation 5-49
Two Color Gradient operation 5-67


all channels 3-59


dynamic 5-4
inherited 5-4
local 5-4
adding 2-24
deleting configurations 2-28
saving configurations 2-27
single view 2-26
spacing views evenly 2-27
Views button 2-24


Warp Image operation 5-69


X Move operation 5-59
X Rotate operation 5-39
X Scale operation 5-43
XYZ Rotate (Linked) operation 5-40


Y Move operation 5-59
Y Rotate operation 5-41
Y Scale operation 5-44


Z Move operation 5-59
Z Rotate operation 5-41
Z Scale operation 5-44

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