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Dynamic Operations

In an N-Dynamics script, you layer different operations, one on top of another, to move objects, animate skeletons, perform paint operations-in short, to animate almost any function available in the N·World suite of products.

Editing Channel Parameters

Each operation occupies its own channel, which is a visual representation of the operation's position in the script:

Figure 5.1 Script channels

A script lasts a set number of frames. When you animate a script, channels are executed from top to bottom. When all channels have been executed, the frame counter is incremented and all channels that exist at the next frame are executed.

Channel Properties

All channels share a number of parameters. These channel properties appear at the top of the Edit Action Properties dialog box. To view an action's properties, (CLICK-M) on an action in the script.

Figure 5.2 Channel properties

Action Properties

While there are a number of parameters that are common to all channels, each action may require a different set of parameters. While the channel properties are specified above the black line, in the Edit Action Properties dialog box, the operation properties are specified below the black line.

Depending on the type of operation you select, a number of additional parameters appear in the Edit Action Properties dialog box; the parameters required for each operation are discussed in the appropriate sections below.

Local, Inherited, and Dynamic Values

Many N-Dynamics operations let you specify whether the supplied parameter values are local, inherited, or dynamic.

To change the source of the value for the parameter, (CLICK-L) in the text box next to the parameter.

Figure 5.3 Changing the source for operation values

The following dialog box appears:

Figure 5.4 Selecting a source

N-Dynamics Operation Classes

N-Dynamics' operations are grouped into different modules. Each module corresponds to an individual product in the N·World suite of products. In N--Dynamics, each module contains a number of operation classes, and each class contains a number of operations.

Figure 5.5 The Dynamic Operation Class menu

Operations are grouped into classes according to the type of function they perform. In the Scaling operation class (in the N-Geometry module), for example, there are a number of operations that let you scale objects in many different ways:

Figure 5.6 Scaling operations

When you select an operation, the appropriate parameters are displayed in the Edit Action Properties dialog box:

Figure 5.7 Parameters for X Scale

You enter appropriate values for each parameter, then (CLICK-L) on Do it when you're done.

The name of the channel in the script editor changes to reflect the operation you have selected. If the operation affects an object (as it typically does) that object's name appears in the channel as well.

The following pages describe each of the dynamics operations.

Dynamics Operations

Dynamics operations are those that do not directly perform operations in other modules like N-Geometry or N-Paint; rather they provide additional control over aspects of N-Dynamics itself.

There are operations that perform mathematical operations on other values, that control flow of the script itself, or which can limit certain operations to be performed only when certain conditions exist.

Basic Functions

This operation class contains the more "programmatic" operations in N-Dynamics.


The Add operation has two dynamic values. An Add operation could be inserted in place of a dynamic value for another action; for example, if you wanted an object to rotate a number of degrees equal to two dynamic values, you could set up an action that looked like this:

Figure 5.8 Using an Add action as a dynamic value

The value in the first curve would be added to the value of the second curve (at each frame), and the object would be rotated that number of degrees.

The value returned by the Add operation can also be referenced using the Channel Variable assigned to the Add channel.

The following parameters can be specified:

Table 5.1 Add parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
Number 1


The first of two values to be added together.

Number 2


The second of two values to be added together.

Call Script

Calls the specified dynamics script from within the current script. If you are coordinating a large number of complex motions in your script, you may find it useful to animate the motions in individual scripts, then create a "main" script which calls those other scripts as appropriate.

For example, if you created a main script to do the bulk of your animation, then created a second script to animate the walk cycle for a character, you could simply call the walk cycle script whenever you wanted to use it.

Also, because the script can be more modularized, debugging problem areas of the script is easier.

In the same example, if you found an error in the walk cycle script, you could simply make a change to it, then reanimate the main script, and the motion would be corrected every place the walk cycle script was called.

Table 5.2 Call Script parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The name of the script being called.

Offset Time


If No, the frame of the called script is equal to the current frame of the calling script.

You would set this value to No, for example, if the called script matched the length of the main script and you wanted frame 1 of the called script to execute at frame 1 of the main script, and so on.

If Yes, the called script starts at frame 1 whenever it is called.

You would set this parameter to Yes, for example, if you wanted to start the called script part way through the main script.

Stretch Time


If Yes, the called script is "stretched" to match the length of the main script. If the two scripts are not identical in length, frames are duplicated or skipped as necessary to make the two match.


This operation is identical to the Add operation described in the section "Add," on page 5-9, except that the two dynamic values are divided rather than added. Divide divides the value in Number 1 by the value in Number 2.

Table 5.3 Divide parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
Number 1


The dividend.

Number 2


The divisor.

Do if then else

This operation performs one action if the result of a test is true, or another if the test is false. To use the operation, you need to insert a Do if then else parent channel, with three subchannels:

Figure 5.9 A typical Do if then else operation

Do when

This is similar to the Do if then else operation above, except that actions are only performed only if the result of the test channel is true.

Figure 5.10 A typical Do when operation

You can add multiple actions to be performed either by grouping them in the first subaction immediately after the test channel, or adding them at the same level.

Evaluate Lisp Form

Evaluates the specified LISP form.

Table 5.4 Evaluate Lisp Form parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The form to be evaluated.

Get Variable Value

This action retrieves the Channel Variable from another channel. It is typically used to replace a curve.

For more on replacing a curve with a Get Variable Value operation, see the section "Replace with Variable," on page 4-39. Also, refer to the N-Dynamics Tutorial.

Table 5.5 Get Variable Value parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The variable you want to use for the action.

In Range?

This is a condition operation, typically used as a test case in the operations Do if then else and Do when.

In Range? checks to see if a variable or result is within a certain range. If Value is between Min and Max, the operation returns a true result, if not, it returns a false result.

Table 5.6 In Range? parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
Min Value

Can be

The lower number that value is tested against.

Max Value

Can be

The higher number that value is tested against.



The value tested.

Less than?

This is a condition operation, typically used as a test case in the operations Do if then else and Do when.

It tests the value in Number 1 against the value in Number 2; if Number 1 is less, the operation returns a true result, if not, it returns a false result.

Table 5.7 Less than? parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
Number 1


The value being tested.

Number 2

Can be

The value being tested against.


Mixes the two values specified in Number 1 and Number 2, using the mix factor specified in Mix Amount:

Table 5.8 Mix parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
Number 1


The first value being mixed.

Number 2


The second value being mixed.

Mix Amount


The mix amount; a higher value uses more of Number 2.

To see a sample of the effect, add a derived curve to the channel, then create a Mix Amount that ramps from 0 to 1 over the length of the channel. Create a sketched sine wave curve in the first channel, and a sketched sawtooth curve in the second channel. Finally, insert a derived curve and recompute it to show how the two are mixed:

Figure 5.11 Mixing two curves and showing the result in a derived curve

Note that in the derived curve channel, the mix used mostly data from the sawtooth curve at first, but gradually mixes in more of the sine wave curve.


This operation is identical to the Add operation described in the section "Add," on page 5-9, except that the two dynamic values are multiplied rather than added. Multiplies the value in Number 1 by the value in Number 2.

Table 5.9 Multiply parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
Number 1


The first value to be multiplied.

Number 2


The second value to be multiplied.


Temporarily pauses the execution of a script. When a Pause operation is encountered the following dialog box is displayed:

Figure 5.12 Pausing a script

Pause is useful if you want to perform some manual operation at each frame of a script (e.g., some rotoscoping type of task), then resume execution of the script. All other N·World products are still active when the script is paused.

Print Value

Prints the dynamic value in its subchannel to the Nichimen Message Window (automatically displayed on screen if required). You may use the replace with variable command on the dynamic value for the operation to print the value of a selected variable:

Figure 5.13 A typical Print Value operation

Table 5.10 Print Value parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The dynamic value to be printed.


Renormalizes the values in the Input channel using the Min and Max values supplied. You could use this operation, for example, to convert values between 0 and 1 to values between 0 and 360 if you used the parameters below:

Table 5.11 Renormalize parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The actual data being renormalized; this is a dynamic value.

Input Min

Can be

The minimum value for the input data (e.g. 0).

Input Max

Can be

The maximum value for the input data (e.g., 1).

Output Min

Can be

The minimum value for the normalized output (e.g., 0).

Output Max

Can be

The maximum value for the normalized output (e.g., 360).

Return Value

This operation does nothing more than return a value based on the content of its subchannels. This channel is normally inserted as a parent channel around a series of sequential curves (since they must be contained in a channel, and by default they do nothing more than return a value).

For example, you could also use this operation if you wanted all your operations to use the same curve data. You'd add a Return Value channel (or several), assign them variable names, then in operations requiring a curve, you could replace the curve with a Get Variable Value operation and specify the variable name assigned to the curve in the Return Value operation.

Table 5.12 Return Value parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description

Can be

The value to be returned.


This operation is identical to the Add operation described in the section "Add," on page 5-9, except that the two dynamic values are subtracted rather than added. Subtracts the value in Number 1 from the value in Number 2.

Table 5.13 Multiply parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
Number 1


The first value to be multiplied.

Number 2


The second value to be multiplied.


Timewarp sets a curve that affects the apparent flow of time in a script. For example, if you have a script that manipulates a number of objects, and wanted to slow down the entire animation at the beginning, you could apply a Slow-In curve on the whole script by using Timewarp.

In order to do this, add a channel to hold the Timewarp operation at the top of the script. The script affects all channels below it in the same parent channel:

Figure 5.14 Placing a Time Warp operation

Consider the two "extremes:"

As each frame executes, N-Dynamics passes a value to each channel from top to bottom, telling it the current frame. When it encounters a Time Warp channel, that value is temporarily replaced by the value in the curve. The value of the curve at that frame tells N-Dynamics what frame to execute for any affected channels (as described above).

So in the second example below, at frame 1, the value in the curve is 1. This means that N-Dynamics now thinks it should execute the frame at 100% of the length of the channel. The next frame is a slightly lower value (say 95%), so the frame corresponding to that percentage of the length of the time warp channel would be executed.

Figure 5.15 Sample Time Warp

Export Game Animation

This operation is intended for use with the Nichimen Game Exchange. This operation records the information required to send Game Exchange animation data for the selected object. Animation data can be output to a specified directory and filename.

Refer to the Game Exchange User's Guide for more information on the actual animation data format.

Table 5.14 Export Game Animation parameters
Parameter Value Dynamic? Description


The user who generated the animation-this defaults to the user's username.



The directory into which you want to write the animation data.



The name of the object for which you are exporting animation data.

Light Group


Generate animation data for all lights in the specified light group (e.g., position, angle, etc.)

Export Camera?


Specifies whether or not to generate animation data for the camera.

File Name


The base filename for the animation data file. The extensions .gaf, .gof, and .gmf will be appended to this filename for the generated animation, object, and materials.

Reference Axis



Exports vertex and object animation data measured with respect to global center.


Exports vertex and object animation data measured with respect to the local center for each part.

Image Operations

This operation class contains "image management" operations; operations that don't affect the image directly (such as recoloring it), but rather let you do things like copy from one directory to another, load images into windows, save images in windows to file, and write movie files.

Copy Indexed Images

Copies a series of indexed images from one directory to another:

Table 5.15 Copy Indexed Images parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
From Directory


The source directory (from which images are read).

File Name


The name and format of the images being copied; the filename is used to determine which files are to be copied. The default filename,
"from-0001.tif" has four parts to it:

from is the base file name

- is the character that separates the base file name from the index number. This may be either a dash or a period.

0001 indicates the amount of padding used in the index (images are named 0001, 0002, etc.)

.tif is the extension part of the filename.



An increment used when loading files. If the files are indexed, a new image is loaded each frame.

An increment of 1 loads images in sequence, an increment of 2 loads every other image, and an increment of 5 would load every 5th image. An increment of 0 loads only the specified image.

Max Frame


The highest extension number that will be copied; frames with a higher value are ignored.

To Directory


The destination directory (where images are written).

File Name


The filename format for the output image, following the same format constraints outlined for the input image above.



The increment for the indexed files written out to the destination directory. Note that this need not match the increment specified for reading images above. You could read every other image using an increment of 2, but write out a sequence incremented by 1.

Load Image into Window

Loads an image into the background of the specified window.

Table 5.16 Load Image into Window parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The directory that contains the image to be loaded.



The name and format of the images being loaded into the window; you can load TIF, RGB, or TPX files. The filename is used to determine which files are to be loaded if you load a sequence of images. The default filename, "from-0001.tif" has four parts to it:

from is the base file name

"-" is the character that separates the base file name from the index number. This may be either a dash or a period.

0001 indicates the amount of padding used in the index (images are named 0001, 0002, etc.)

.tif is the extension part of the filename.

(CLICK-R) to choose the input image from a list of images in the specified directory.



An increment used when loading files. If the files are indexed, a new image is loaded each frame.

An increment of 1 loads images in sequence, an increment of 2 loads every other image, and an increment of 5 would load every 5th image. An increment of 0 loads only the specified image.



The window the image should be loaded into. Images can be loaded into the 3D Camera window (N-Geometry), the Render Window (N-Render), or the Paint Canvas (N-Paint).

Record Movie Audio

Inserts an .aiff audio file into a movie.

Note. You must have a Record Movie Image operation higher in the script than this operation. Record Movie Image creates the movie file, and this operation expects such a file to exist when it is executed.

Table 5.17 Record Movie Audio parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The directory containing the movie file.

Movie Name


The name of the movie file.

Audio Track


The name of the audio track to be added.

Record Movie Image

Writes out an SGI movie (.clip) file that can be played back with the SGI movie player utility.

Table 5.18 Record Movie Audio parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The directory into which the .clip file is written.

Movie Name


The name of the movie.



The window from which the images to generate the movie are taken (frames are generated as a series of screen shots). You can capture images from the following windows:

Render window

Paint Canvas

3D Camera (the N-Geometry window)

To play back a .clip file, use the following command:

movieplayer movie.clip

where "movie.clip" is the name of your file.

Save Window to File

Saves the contents of the specified window to a file.

Table 5.19 Save Window to File parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The directory into which images are written.



The name and format of the images being saved to the directory; you can save images in TIF, RGB, or TPX format. The filename is used to determine how saved images are named if you save a sequence of images. The default filename, "foreground-0001" has three parts to it:

foreground is the base file name

"-" is the character that separates the base file name from the index number. This may be either a dash or a period.

0001 indicates the amount of padding used in the index (images are named 0001, 0002, etc.)



The increment used to save images with; 1 for each frame, 2 for every other frame, and so on.



The window from which the image is captured. You can capture images from the following windows:

Render window (N-Render)

Paint Canvas (N-Paint)

3D Camera (N-Geometry)



Scales the image by the specifies factor (a factor of 2.0 will create an image twice as tall and twice as wide).



The format in which the images are saved:






Specifies whether an alpha channel should be included with the saved file.

Record Animation

Generates data required to export animation to the Nintendo 64 and Sega Saturn game platforms using N64 Express and Saturn Express tools.

Table 5.20 Record Animation parameters
Parameter Value Dynamic? Description
Hierarchy Type


Determines the level in an object hierarchy for which transformation matrices are generated.

Consider the following object level hierarchy, which shows the levels at which transformation matrices are generated:

Upper Arm Group G S

Upper Arm F G

Lower Arm Group G S

Lower Arm F G

Hand Group G S

Hand F G

Where F=flat, G=geometry, S=skeleton. Each of thehierarchy types is described in the sections below.


Pre-multiplied transformation matrices are generated for each terminal object in the hierarchy.


Transformation matrices are generated for each object (or objects), just as in N-Geometry. If there is an object hierarchy, transformation matrices are generated for each subobject in the hierarchy; to determine the position of a terminal object, matrices in the hierarchy must be multiplied.


Pre-multiplied transformation matrices are generated for each non-terminal object in the hierarchy. (This is basically the opposite of flat, above.)

If you specify skeleton as the hierarchy type, you are also prompted to specify which skeleton's animation you want to export.

Which Objects?


Generated data for all visible objects in N-Geometry.


Generate data for objects selected from an object list.

If you specify object as the hierarchy type, you are also prompted to specify which skeleton's animation you want to export.

Record Camera?


Record camera information as well.

Record Light?


Record light animation information as well (e.g., position, angle, etc.)

Sony MIMe Animation

Generates data required to export animation to the Sony PlayStation. For more information, see the PlayStation Express User's Guide.

Table 5.21 Sony MIMe Animation
Parameter Dynamic? Description


A subaction is generated for each cue in this channel.



Makes the curve value for the subactions cyclic.

Undershoot Factor


Higher values give more "bounce" as the object is displaced to one of the saved states.

Geometry Operations


Camera operations apply only to cameras, and their arguments default to those of the current camera.

Set Aimpoint

Sets the aimpoint for the camera using Cartesian coordinates.

Table 5.22 Set Aimpoint parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description

Can be

The X, Y, and Z values for the camera aimpoint.

Set Aimpoint to Object Center

Aims the camera at an object. This defaults to 1 (so that the camera starts out and ends up pointing at the specified object).

Table 5.23 Set Aimpoint to Object Center parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object at which you are aiming the camera.


Can be

Specifies how the light should move from its current position toward its destination (the object). This defaults to 1 (so that the camera starts out and ends up pointing at the specified object.

If you want the camera to reorient itself from its current position at the beginning of the script until it is pointing directly at the specified object at the end of the script, you could edit the curve value so that it started at 0 and ended at 1.

Set Aimpoint X

Sets the aimpoint of the camera. Similar to Set Aimpoint except that you modify only the X value of the aimpoint. Based on the curve data supplied, the camera's aimpoint moves along the global X axis.

Table 5.24 Set Aimpoint X parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
Aimpoint X


The name of the curve data channel that drives the camera.

Set Aimpoint Y

Similar to Set Aimpoint X, except that the value defined is for the aimpoint along the global Y axis.

Set Aimpoint Z

Similar to Set Aimpoint X, except that the value defined is for the aimpoint along the global Y axis.

Set Camera Format

This operation is useful for defining the characteristics of your viewport (i.e., aspect ratio) and is particularly useful when creating rendered scenes you wish to composite, for example, with live footage. If you know the camera settings used to generate the live footage, you can select that format and be sure that the two will match.

Note. Positioning the mouse over any of the format names listed in the pop-up menu displays the aspect ratio of that format in the mouse documentation line.

Table 5.25 Set Camera Format parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The camera format used for setting the viewport characteristics.

Set Hither Distance

The hither distance is the closest distance from the camera at which objects are still displayed. If they move closer, they "drop out" or are no longer displayed.

Table 5.26 Set Hither Distance parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


Sets the camera's hither clipping plane.

Set View

Sets the camera's position. You can use the operation to make the camera's position constant throughout the length of the script, or to move it from one view to another.

By opening the VIEWER subchannel, you can specify a beginning and ending camera view in the Start Value and End Value fields. You could also specify a single camera view for the length of the script using a hold type of curve and specifying a single start value.

Views may be selected from a menu of saved views or copied from the current camera view.

Table 5.27 Set View parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The curve data that drives any changes between camera views.

Note. You can add cues to the curve, then tie a camera view to each cue. The curve data in this channel, however, does not reflect the x, y, and z changes in the camera's position; it is only an aid in seeing that cues have been defined at certain points in the channel.

Set View Angle

Adjusts the view angle of the camera.

Table 5.28 Set View Angle parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
View Angle


The camera's horizontal view angle.

Set View from Object

Enables you to "attach" the camera to an object. This operation positions and orients the camera onto another object's local origin, and points it along the specified axis.

Table 5.29 Set View from Object parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object with which to align the camera.



The axis along which the camera is aimed (based on the local axis of the Object).

Set Yon Distance

The yon distance is the distance from the camera at which objects "drop out" or are no longer displayed.

Table 5.30 Set Yon Distance parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The camera's yon clipping plane.


The Lights operation class lets you work specifically with lights;

You can animate a light's geometric properties by using geometric operations such as Rotate And Move, or you can the operations under the Lights operation class.

Set Light Aimpoint

Lets you aim a spotlight at a point in space, specified using Cartesian coordinates.

Table 5.31 Set Light Aimpoint parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
Light Object


The name of the spotlight



The X, Y, and Z coordinates you want to aim the light at.

Set Light Aimpoint to Object Center

Lets you aim a spotlight at the center of an object, or using the curve channel, move a spotlight toward an object. This operation is useful for setting up a spotlight so that it follows (or catches up to) an object that is moved by some other operation.

Table 5.32 Set Light Aimpoint parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
Light Object


The name of the spotlight



The name of the object you want the spotlight to follow.



Specifies how far the light should move from its current position toward its destination (the object). This defaults to 1 (so that the light starts out and ends up pointing at the specified object.

If you want the light to reorient itself from its current position at the beginning of the script until it is pointing directly at the specified object at the end of the script, you could specify a curve that started at 0 and ended at 1.

Set Light Brightness

Sets the brightness component for the selected light.

Table 5.33 Set Light Brightness parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
Light Object


The name of the light



The relative brightness of the light over the length of the channel. The default value is 1 (which equals full brightness for the light as created in N-Geometry).

Note that the brightness for a light can be scaled to values beyond 1 (particularly useful for animating dark scenes or forcing a light to wash out a scene).

Set Light Color

Sets the color component for the selected light.

Table 5.34 Set Light Color parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
Light Object


The name of the light



Specifies the color value of the light over the length of the channel.

Note that by using the curve data in association with the change in beginning and ending colors for the light, you can create dramatic lighting changes. A light could start out red, maintain its color through most of the script, then change quickly to green at the end.

Set Light Falloff Angle

Changes the falloff angle for the selected spotlight over time. If you specify a dynamic value, you can use this operation to gradually soften a light (or make it harder, depending on the curve data in the Falloff Angle subchannel).

Figure 5.16 Left, original light; right, light with modified light falloff angle

Table 5.35 Set Light Falloff Angle parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
Light Object


The spotlight being modified.

Falloff Angle


The value for the falloff angle.

Set Light View Angle

Changes the spot angle for the selected spotlight over time. If you specify a dynamic value, you can change the diameter of a spotlight over time (using the curve data in the View Angle subchannel).

Figure 5.17 Left, original light; right, light with modified view angle

Table 5.36 Set View Angle parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
Light Object


The spotlight being modified.

View Angle


The value for the view angle.


Distance from Location

Returns an object's distance from a specified location.

Table 5.37 Distance from Location parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object being tested.



A Cartesian point in space.



Causes the returned value to be expressed as a ratio of the Object's size to the distance from the specified location.

For example, if the object size were 10, and the object's center was 30 units from the location, the operation would return a value of 3.

If normalize were turned off, the returned value would be expressed in global units (30 in the example above).

Distance from Object

Returns the distance between two objects.

Table 5.38 Distance from Location parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object being tested.

Other Object


The object being tested against.



Causes the returned value to be expressed as a ratio of the Object's size to the distance from the Other Object.

For example, if the object size were 10, and the object's center was 30 units from the Other Object, the operation would return a value of 3.

If normalize were turned off, the returned value would be expressed in global units (30 in the example above).

This can be used to determine when one object is approaching another; you could, for example, displace a character (e.g., make him "duck") whenever another object came within a certain distance of the character's midpoint.

Distance from Plane

Returns an object's distance from a specified plane.

Table 5.39 Distance from Plane parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object being tested.



The plane being tested against.



Specifies the offset for the test plane from the global center (e.g., choosing the YZ plane and an offset of 10 would measure the distance from the object and an imaginary YZ plane 10 units from the global center).



Causes the returned value to be expressed as a ratio of the Object's size to the distance from the specified plane.

For example, if the object size were 10, and the object's center was 30 units from the plane, the operation would return a value of 3.

If normalize were turned off, the returned value would be expressed in global units (30 in the example above).

This can be used to determine when one object is approaching the selected plane.

Export Object

Enables you to set up a channel that exports an object at each frame over the course of the script. This is useful, for example, if you want to displace multiple versions of an object that is somehow being deformed over the course of the script.

Objects are written out with the following syntax:


where 0001 is the frame number and obj is the automatically appended extension. (Note that you can (CLICK-L) on a single frame to export the object for only one frame.)

Table 5.40 Export Object parameters
Parameter Value Dynamic? Description


Specifies the object to export.




Exports object in DXF format.

Wavefront OBJ


Exports object in OBJ format.



Exports skeleton in ASF format.



Exports skeleton in BVH format.

HTR Skeleton


Exports skeleton in HTR format.

Sony RSD


ASCII format (RSD) object for Sony PlayStation.

Nintendo 64


ASCII format (GBI) object for Nintendo 64.

Sega SGL


ASCII format (SGL) object for Sega Saturn.

To Directory


The directory to which objects are written

Multiple Operations

Displays a menu containing all N-Dynamics operations. To select operations, (CLICK-L) on each operation to highlight it. After selecting the desired operations from the menu, (CLICK-L) on Do It.

If more than one operation is selected from the menu, a separate channel is created for each operation; each channel is a subchannel to the multiple channel operation itself.

Object Size

Returns the size of an object, expressed in global units.

Table 5.41 Object Size parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object whose size you want to check.

It is mainly used for some of the Basic Operations. For example, you could use a Do if then else operation to force an object to disappear from the scene if it became so small that it was inconsequential.

Perform Frame Action

Lets users conversant in LISP apply a form directly to an object in the script.

Table 5.42 Perform Frame Action parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to which the form is being applied.



The curve associated with the LISP form.



The LISP form to apply.

The referenced variable for the object in the LISP form must be "$object".


The rotation operations rotate an object so that it is aligned with another selected object, or around some arbitrary axis specified by the user.

Align To

Aligns the object's local +Z axis with the specified values. (You must (CLICK-M) on the curve channel to set the beginning and ending values, or to specify any cues.)

Table 5.43 Align To parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object you are "aiming."



Specifies the direction the object faces.

This could be used to make a character's "face" turn from one point in space toward another.

Align to Object Midpoint

Aligns the object's "front" (+Z) with another object.

Table 5.44 Align To parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object you are "aiming."



The object you are aiming at.

This could be used to make a character's "face" turn to follow an object, such as a flittering butterfly.

Align to Object Origin

Same as above, but points the camera to the object's local origin rather than its midpoint.

Table 5.45 Align To parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object you are "aiming."



The object whose origin you are aiming at.

Note. An object's origin is not necessarily its midpoint; for example, if you bake an object once you have applied some transformation, its origin is realigned with the global origin.

Quaternion Rotate

Rotates the selected object using a quaternion algorithm, which is particularly useful for avoiding "gimbal lock" (which can cause the camera to "flip" when it is closely aligned with one of the global axes.

To use the Quaternion Rotate function with an object, insert several cues into the curve channel for the operation. Transform the object into a different position, then (CLICK-M) on a cue and (CLICK-L) on Copy Orientation. This copies the object's orientation into the cue.

When you animate the script, the position of the object interpolates between cues.

Table 5.46 Quaternion Rotate parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object you are positioning.



The dynamic channel which contains cues for each position to interpolate between.


Rotates the object a specified number of degrees around a specified axis.
Normally, this operation is used with an object to which you have attached a rotation axis (using the Add Attachment command in N-Geometry).

Table 5.47 Rotate parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to rotate.



A value for the rotation operation (curve channel if dynamic).



Specifies whether the object is rotated around its local or the global



Specifies which axis to use. (If the specified object has no rotation axis attached to it, you can only use the Type in Axis option, described below).

Type in Axis lets you specify the rotation axis around which the object is rotated. The axis runs from the global center to the location specified.

Any Axis of this Object lets you rotate the object around its own rotation axis.

Any Axis of any Object lets you rotate the object around an axis on another object.

X Rotate

Rotates a cube around either its local X axis or the global X axis.

Table 5.48 X Rotate parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to rotate.



Specifies whether the rotation occurs around the object's local X axis
or the global X axis.



Specify how much the object rotates around the specifies axis.

XYZ Rotate [Linked]

Rotate an object around the x, y, or z axes (either local or global). A subchannel is created for each rotation axis; in addition, a marker track is inserted in the channel so that cues in the different curve channels can be easily tied to one another:

Figure 5.18 A subchannel is created for each rotation; a marker track is automatically inserted so that cues can be tied together

Table 5.49 XYZ Rotate [Keyframe] parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to rotate.

X, Y, and Z Angle


Rotation around the specified axis.



Specifies whether the rotation occurs around the object's local set of
axes or the global axes.

For information on how to link cues together using the marker track, see the section "Move, Scale and Rotate [Linked]," on page 5-56.

Y Rotate

Rotates an object by a given angle about the specified Y axis. See "X Rotate," on page 5-39.

Z Rotate

Rotates an object by a given angle about the specified Z axis. See "X Rotate," on page 5-39.


The Scaling operation class scales objects along a given axis (either local or global) or around a selected point.

Axis Scale

Scales an object along a specified axis (the default is the object's local Y axis).

Table 5.50 Axis Scale parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to scale.



The factor by which you want to scale the object. If you specified a
start value of .5 and an end value 2, the object would grow from half its original size to double its original size.



Specifies which axis to use. (If the specified object has no rotation axis attached to it, you can only use the Type in Axis option, described below).

Type in Axis lets you specify the rotation axis around which the object is rotated. The axis runs from the global center to the location specified.

Any Axis of this Object lets you rotate the object around its own rotation axis.

Any Axis of any Object lets you rotate the object around an axis on another object.



Specifies whether the object is scaled locally or in relationship to the global center.

The object is stretched along the specified axis; its dimensions in the other two axes is not affected.

Axis Scale Compensated

Squashes-and-stretches an object along a specified axis. This operation differs from Axis Scale in that the object scaled retains its volume as it is squashed or stretched along the specified axis.

Figure 5.19 As object is stretched or squashed, it retains its volume

Table 5.51 XYZ Rotate [Keyframe] parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to scale.



The factor by which you want to scale the object along the specified axis.


Can be

Specifies which axis to use. (If the specified object has no rotation axis attached to it, you can only use the Type in Axis option, described below).

Type in Axis lets you specify the rotation axis around which the object is rotated. The axis runs from the global center to the location specified.

Any Axis of this Object lets you rotate the object around its own rotation axis.

Any Axis of any Object lets you rotate the object around an axis on another object.



Specifies whether the object is scaled locally or in relationship to the global center.

You could use this, for example, to animate an object colliding with a surface; you would want it to "squash" along the axis of its movement toward the object it collided with, but retain its volume.


Scales the selected object by the specified factor.

Table 5.52 Scale parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to scale.



The factor by which the object is to be scaled.



Specifies whether the object is scaled locally or in relationship to the global center.

X Scale

Axis scales the selected object along the specified X axis (either local or global)

Table 5.53 X Scale parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to scale.



The factor by which the object is to be scaled.



Specifies whether the object is scaled locally or in relationship to the global center.

XYZ Scale [Linked]

Scales the object independently along the x, y, and z axes (either local or global). A subchannel is created for each axis; in addition, a marker track is inserted in the channel so that cues in the different curve channels can be easily tied to one another, as shown in the section "Move, Scale and Rotate [Linked]," on page 5-56.

Table 5.54 XYZ Scale [Keyframe] parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to scale.

X, Y, and Z Scale


The factor by which the object is to be scaled along that axis.



Specifies whether the object is scaled locally or in relationship to the global center.

Y Scale

Scales the object along the Y axis. See the section "X Scale," on page 5-43.

Z Scale

Scales the object along the Z axis. See the section "X Scale," on page 5-43.


The Shape operation class is used to animate displacements created in N-Geometry, and to swirl, taper, or twist objects.

Apply Transform

Applies the transformation to all vertices on the object, aligning the object's local origin with its superior's origin (typically the global origin).

Table 5.55 XYZ Scale [Keyframe] parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The selected object.

Note. This has serious consequences to your animation! Because operations are based on an object's transformation matrix, using Apply Transform on the object creates a whole new "offset" from which subsequent actions are performed.

Displace Shape

Displaces an object to a known state. You should have saved at least one relative or rotational displacement on the object to use this operation, and should have included a Set Shape operation on a channel higher in the script. (You may also want to use the Displace Shape [Template] operation, described below.)

Table 5.56 Displace Shape parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to displace.



Controls how much of the displacement is applied to the shape.



Specifies the displacement state to which the object is

Displace Shape [Template]

Creates the proper subchannels to set up an animation based on saved displacements for an object. (This is a combination of the Displace Shape and Multiple Displace Shape operations.

After choosing this operation type, you are prompted to enter the following information:

When you (CLICK-L) on Do It, the following subchannels are created:

Figure 5.20 A template with channels for two relative displacements

For information on how to link cues together using the marker track, see the section "Link to Marker," on page 3-27.

Multiple Displace Shape

Lets you animate using multiple displacements in the same channel (similar to a gesture, as described in the N-Geometry Reference Guide). You should have defined multiple displacement states for this object in N-Geometry before using this operation, and should have included a Set Shape operation in a channel higher in the script before using it. See the Displace Shape [Template] described above.

Table 5.57 Multiple Displacements parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to displace.



Which displacements are used in this channel.

For each displacement specified, a separate curve channel is generated, which controls how much of the displacement is applied to the shape.

If you had defined two displacements for a character, one of a frowning face called "frown" and one of a smiling face called "smile," you could animate the face from one state to another with a single action.

In the frown channel, you could specify a linear curve with a start value of 1 and an end value of 0. In the smile channel, you could use another linear curve with a start value of 0 and an end value of 1. When animated, the character would start out in its frown state, but gradually move toward the full smile displacement at the end of the script.


Resmoothes a patch body or an object that has been smoothed with history. For details on patch bodies or smoothing with history, see the N-Geometry Reference Guide. Typically, when you create a copy of an object that has been smoothed with history, you manipulate the lo-res version of the object, then animate the hi-res version.

Table 5.58 Resmooth parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to resmooth.

Copy Transforms?


Specifies whether the smoothed object copies the transformation matrix of the original object or uses its own.

Set Shape

If you are using any of the following operations, you need to use this operation to specify the base shape from which the displacements are measured:

The Set Shape operation should come before either the Displace Shape or
Multiple Displace Shape operations in the script. See also the section
"Displace Shape [Template]," on page 5-45.


Swirls the body of an object. For a more complete description of what Swirl does to an object, refer to the N-Geometry Reference Guide.

Note. This operation should be immediately preceded by a Set Shape operation to set the base shape of the object being deformed.

Table 5.60 Swirl parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to swirl.



The number of degrees to swirl the polyhedron from the center to the axis location.



The global axis that the swirl proceeds along. The twist default is y.

At Distance



Can be

The point in space through which the twist axis passes, and the center of the twist; that is, the point on the axis at which no effect occurs. The default is the midpoint of the polyhedron.


Can be

The exponential power of the rate at which the twist proceeds. A 1.0 power does a linear twist. A lower power, such as 0.5, twists quickly near the center, then more slowly near the ends. A higher power, such as 2.0, twists slowly at the beginning and then more quickly near the ends.


Tapers the body of an object. For a more complete description of what Taper does to an object, refer to the N-Geometry Reference Guide.

Note. This operation should be immediately preceded by a Set Shape operation to set the base shape of the object being deformed.

Table 5.61 Taper param1ters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to swirl.



The percent to scale the polyhedron along each of its axes. The default is a taper of (1, 1, 1) for the x, y, and z axes, respectively. This default does no scaling. To taper an object symmetrically by A along the y axis, the components factor should be (A, 1, A).



The global axis that the taper proceeds along. The default is y.

At Distance

Can be



The reference point on the taper axis at which the polyhedron is or would be tapered the specified angle. The default is the highest point of the polyhedron in y.


Can be

The exponential power of the rate at which the taper proceeds. The default power of 1.0 power creates a linear taper. A lower power, such as 0.5, tapers quickly near the center, then more slowly near the ends. A higher power, such as 2.0, tapers slowly at the beginning and then more quickly near the ends.



Determines whether the tapering occurs symmetrically around the center of the object.


Twists the body of an object. For a more complete description of what Twist does to an object, refer to the N-Geometry Reference Guide.

Note. This operation should be immediately preceded by a Set Shape operation to set the base shape of the object being deformed.

Table 5.62 Twist parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to twist.



The number of degrees to twist the polyhedron from the center to the axis location.



The global axis that the twist proceeds along. The default is y.

At Distance

Can be



The point in space through which the twist axis passes, and the center of the twist; that is, the point on the axis at which no effect occurs.
The default is the midpoint of the polyhedron.


Can be

The exponential power of the rate at which the twist proceeds. A 1.0 power does a linear twist. A lower power, such as 0.5, twists quickly near the center, then more slowly near the ends. A higher power, such as 2.0, twists slowly at the beginning and then more quickly near the ends.



Whether the twist reverses direction on either side of the center.


Skewing is the process that modifies an object along a local axis using the distance from the object to its origin in X, Y, and Z. For example, skewing can transform a typeface into italic form, or a rectangle into a parallelogram. A typical skewing specification might slide points in the Z direction according to their X-coordinate values. You could make such a specification to transform an airborne bird's wings from straight to swept-back as it dives toward the earth.

There are six ways to skew in XYZ space, and there is a dynamic operation for each:

Skew along X by Y

Skews the object along the X axis, around the Y:

Figure 5.21 Left, original cube; right, skewed along X by Y

Table 5.63 Skew Along X by Y parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to skew.

Skew Factor


The amount of "skew." A higher value causes the selected object to be skewed more.



Whether the skewing effect is based on local coordinates or global ones.

Skew along X by Z

Skews an object along X by a factor of Z (local or global).

Figure 5.22 Left, original cube; right, skewed along X by Z

Skew along Y by X

Skews an object along Y by a factor of X (local or global).

Figure 5.23 Left, original cube; right, skewed along Y by X

Skew along Y by Z

Skews an object along Y by a factor of Z (local or global).

Figure 5.24 Left, original cube; right, skewed along Y by Z

Skew along Z by X

Skews an object along Z by a factor of X (local or global).

Figure 5.25 Left, original cube; right, skewed along Z by X

Skew along Z by Y

Skews an object along Z by a factor of Y (local or global).

Figure 5.26 Left, original cube; right, skewed along Z by X

Skeletal Animation

The Skeletal Animation operations are described in more detail in the Skeletal Animation System Reference Guide.


You can create paths called trajectories in N-Geometry, then use N-Dynamics to move objects along those paths. There are three N-Dynamics operations for moving any object (or the camera) along a trajectory.

Trajectories are encoded and edited like wires, however, the nodes on the wire are actually control points for a B-spline or interpolating spline "flight-path" in three dimensions. The nodes and segments of the control shape can be moved, deleted, cut, or edited in any other way, and the computed spline path is automatically updated to reflect these changes.

The position of an object along the trajectory is controlled by changing the value in the fraction subchannel for the sequence.

Note, however, that a linear interpolation from the start to the end of the curve will not produce motion along the trajectory at a constant speed. An object's speed along a trajectory is controlled by the relative spacing of the control points along the trajectory. Where the control points are closely spaced (perhaps to define a sharp bend in the trajectory) the motion slows down. Where the control points are widely spaced, the motion speeds up. This results in a natural-looking acceleration and deceleration effect, which actually depends on the sharpness of the trajectory. Of course, you can always override by using a curve-type other than linear for the sequence.

All three trajectory operations take a set of arguments in common:

Fly along Trajectory

Moves an object to a fractional position along a trajectory object. Orientation is computed so the heading and elevation of the object matches the tangent to the trajectory at that position.

Table 5.64 Fly along Trajectory parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object being "flown" along the trajectory.



The trajectory being used for the path.



The position (0.0 - 1.0) of the object along the trajectory.



Whether the curve is a B-spline or interpolating spline.


Can be

The tightness of trajectory near the control points.



Whether the tangent of the trajectory and curvature of the trajectory at each endpoint will match.

Bank Scaling

Can be

Local Z-axis roll for object.

Bank Parameter

Can be

Used to calculate bank scaling; see description below.

With Fly Along Trajectory, banking (local Z-axis roll) is computed to match the tightness of curvature of a point slightly ahead of the current position on the trajectory (allowing for the effect of anticipation). This point is at the point
Fraction + Bank Parameter along the trajectory. The amount of banking computed can be scaled up or down by the bank-scaling factor. A negative factor here can be used to give the effect of a car or boat rolling around the outside of a turn, rather than an aircraft banking into a turn.

Move along Trajectory

Moves an object to a fractional position along a trajectory object. The object retains its current orientation and is simply translated to each new position on the path.

Table 5.65 Move along Trajectory parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object being moved along the trajectory.



The trajectory being used for the path.



The position (0.0 - 1.0) of the object along the trajectory.



Whether the curve is a B-spline or interpolating spline.


Can be

The tightness of trajectory near the control points.



Whether the tangent of the trajectory and curvature of the trajectory at each endpoint will match.

Orient along Trajectory

Moves an object to a fractional position along a trajectory object. Orientation is computed so the heading and elevation of the object matches the tangent to the trajectory at that position. The object's heading (or azimuth angle) and elevation are changed to align its local Z-axis with the tangent of the path at the point where it is positioned.

Table 5.66 Orient along Trajectory parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object being "oriented" along the trajectory.



The trajectory being used for the path.



The position (0.0 - 1.0) of the object along the trajectory.



Whether the curve is a B-spline or interpolating spline.


Can be

The tightness of trajectory near the control points.



Whether the tangent of the trajectory and curvature of the trajectory at each endpoint will match.

Transform Combinations

N-Geometry's transform combinations allow you to perform numerous transformation operations on an object or objects in a single action.

Copy Transformation

Copies the transformation matrix from one object to another. An object's transformation matrix determines its position and orientation with respect to the global center.

Table 5.67 Copy Transformation parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object whose transformation matrix you are copying.

From Object


The object using that transformation matrix.

This operation could easily be layered with another transform operation to make two objects move in unison: move the first object, copy the transformation matrix to the second, then offset the position of the second object some known amount.

Move, Scale and Rotate [Linked]

Specify the position, angle, and scale of the selected object using cues linked to a marker track to create keyframes.

When you select this operation, the appropriate subchannels for moving, scaling and rotating a selected object are created automatically; a marker track is also inserted at the bottom of the channel.

1. (CLICK-L) on the marker track to add cues to all the channels contained in the action:

Figure 5.27 Move, Scale and Rotate operation automatically adds the subchannels required for the operation

2. (SHIFT-M) on the second marker in the marker track.

Labels appear in each of the curve channels, showing the value of the curve at that cue. All cues tied to that marker are highlighted and labels appear in each curve channel, showing the value of that cue at that point in time.

Figure 5.28 Create linked cues with the marker track

3. (DRAG-M) across the label for a curve to update the object's position interactively.

Dragging back and forth over the channel changes the value of the cue, and updates the object interactively. (DRAG-L) updates the value in the cue, but doesn't update the object in the N-Geometry window until you let up on the mouse.

Table 5.68 Move, Scale, and Rotate parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to be transformed.

X, Y, and Z Offset


Offset value (in global units) for the object along the x, y, and z axes.

X, Y, and Z Angle


Rotation angle for the object in the x, y, and z axes.



Scaling factor for the object.


The translation operations below move an object based on its transformation matrix.

Axis Move

Moves an object along a specified axis.

Table 5.69 Axis Move parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to be moved.



The total distance the object is to move along the selected axis.



The axis along which the object is to be moved.



Whether the move is local or global.

Move to Object

Moves two objects toward each other. Note that this operation is actually moving the object centers toward each other. Typically, this operation occurs in a channel in the script after the transformation matrix for both objects have been initialized.

Table 5.70 Move to Object parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to be moved.



The object to move toward.



How far to move the first object toward the second (0.0 equals no move, 1.0 equals complete coincidence).

For example, you may want a bouncing ball to land on the roof of a car passing by; in such a script, the transformation matrix for both the car and the ball will usually have been initialized earlier on. This operation is typically used as a layered action in addition to the main actions being performed on two objects.

X Move

Move an object along the X axis.

Table 5.71 X Move parameters
Parameter Description

The object to be moved.

X Offset

The position of the object (usually supplied as a dynamic value using a curve subchannel).


Whether the move is local or global.

Moves an object along the specified X axis.

XYZ Move [Linked]

Move an object to the specified position (or positions) using cues linked to a marker track to create keyframes. For more information on linking cues to markers, see the section "Move, Scale and Rotate [Linked]," on page 5-56.

Table 5.72 Move [Keyframe] parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to be moved.

X, Y, and Z Move


The position of the object is to be moved along the x, y, and z axes. Add multiple keyframes to specify a series of positions to "pass through."



Whether the move is local or global.

Y Move

Moves the selected object along the specified Y axis. See the section "X Move," on page 5-59.

Z Move

Moves the selected object along the specified Z axis. See the section "X Move," on page 5-59.


Controls whether objects are visible in the N-Geometry scene.

Make Invisible

Makes the selected object invisible.

Table 5.73 Make Invisible parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to make invisible.

Make Visible

Makes the selected object visible.

Table 5.74 Make Visible parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object to make visible.

Set Visibility

Another way to turn the visibility of the selected object.

Table 5.75 Set Visibility parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The object whose visibility is to be toggled.


Yes or No, depending on the state desired.

Paint Operations

The Paint Operations module contains operations that perform functions found in N-Paint.

Canvas Operations

The Canvas Operations class performs operations that affect the entire canvas (the workspace for the current image).

Composite Images

Composites images from two sources onto one another.

Note. The two images being composited should be of the same size. In particular, if you save an image to the canvas-backup, then load a different image onto the canvas that is a different size, the contents of the canvas-backup are lost (since this is automatically update to match the size of the new image).

Table 5.76 Composite Images parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


Specifies whether the matte of the foreground image is to be used when compositing it onto the background. If yes, only the portion of the image which has a matte is composited.



A multiplier, determining the opacity of the foreground image applied to the background image. (Note that this is further multipled by the foreground image's matte, if PreMultiplied is set to Yes.)



Specifies the source for the foreground ("top") image.

Canvas uses the image currently on the canvas.

Image uses another image loaded into memory.

File selects an image from disk.

X and Y offset

Can be

The amount to offset the foreground image with respect to the background image.



Specifies the source for the background ("bottom") image-the image can be the active image (Canvas), another image in memory (Image), or an image on disk (File).



Specifies the source for the foreground ("top") image-the image can be the active image (Canvas), another image in memory (Image), or an image on disk (File).



Specifies where the composited image is to be writtenthe image can be written to the Canvas, to another image in memory (Image), or to disk (File).

Erase Canvas

Paints over the entire canvas using the specified color.

Table 5.77 Erase Canvas parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description

Can be

The color used to erase the screen.

If you want to change the color used to paint the canvas over the length of the script, make color a dynamic value, then (CLICK-M) on the curve channel. The Edit Curve properties menu lets you define the start and end colors for the animation.

(CLICK-L) on the color box next to either the Start Value or End Value to select a different color; a color palette appears; (CLICK-L) on the Edit button to modify the value of a color with sliders:

Figure 5.29 Color palette

If you insert additional cues into the curve channel, (CLICK-M) on the cue to bring up the color palette and change the color at that cue.

Choosing colors from a palette is described in more detail in the N-Paint Reference Guide.

Erase Matte

This operation is identical to the Erase Canvas operation, except that the destination is the matte channel rather than the canvas itself.

Table 5.78 Erase Matte parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description

Can be

The color used to erase the matte channel.

Working with the matte channel is described in more detail in the N-Paint Reference Guide.

Load Canvas from File

Loads the specified image file into the canvas. This can be animated to load an entire sequence of images.

Table 5.79 Load Canvas from File parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The directory from which the image is loaded.



The name and format of the images being copied; the filename is used to determine which files are to be copied. The default filename,
"from-0001.tif" has four parts to it:

from is the base file name

- is the character that separates the base file name from the index number. This may be either a dash or a period.

0001 indicates the amount of padding used in the index (images are named 0001, 0002, etc.)

.tif is the extension part of the filename. This determines the format of the image (tif, rgb, rgba, sgi, or tpx).



An increment used when loading files. If the files are indexed, a new image is loaded each frame.

An increment of 1 loads images in sequence, an increment of 2 loads every other image, and an increment of 5 would load every 5th image. An increment of 0 loads only the specified image.

Load Canvas from Image

Loads an image currently in memory into the canvas.

Table 5.80 Load Canvas from Image parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The image to be loaded into the canvas. (CLICK-L) on the text box to display a list of images currently loaded into memory.

Reverse Matte

Reverses the matte channel for the canvas (the current image).

Save Canvas to File

Saves the image currently on the canvas to file.

Table 5.81 Save Canvas to File parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The directory to which the image is saved.

File Name


The name and format of the images being saved; the filename is used to determine which files are to be copied. The default filename,
"from-0001.tif" has four parts to it:

from is the base file name

- is the character that separates the base file name from the index number. This may be either a dash or a period.

0001 indicates the amount of padding used in the index (images are named 0001, 0002, etc.)

.tif is the extension part of the filename. This determines the format of the image (tif, rgb, rgba, sgi, or tpx).



An increment used when loading files. If the files are indexed, a new image is loaded each frame.

An increment of 1 loads images in sequence, an increment of 2 loads every other image, and an increment of 5 would load every 5th image. An increment of 0 loads only the specified image.

Bits per component


The depth for each component in the image (either 8 or 16).

Save Canvas to Image

Saves the image currently on the canvas to a named image.

Table 5.82 Save Canvas to File parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The directory to which the image is saved.

Image Name


You can save the image to the Canvas Backup, the Canvas Foreground, or the Canvas-Foreground-Source buffers in N-Paint.


The Coloring operation class applies ink to a part or all of the canvas.

Four Color Gradient

Applies a four color gradient to the specified area of the canvas (or the entire canvas).

Table 5.83 Four Color Gradient parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
Upper Left

Can be

The color in the upper left corner of the shape.

Upper Right

Can be

The color in the upper right corner of the shape.

Lower Right

Can be

The color in the lower right corner of the shape

Lower Left

Can be

The color in the lower left corner of the shape.



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the gradient is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.

Single Color

Applies a single color ink to the specified area of the canvas (or the entire canvas).

Table 5.84 Single Color parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description

Can be

The color to be applied to the specified shape.



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.

Two Color Gradient

Applies a two color gradient to the specified area of the canvas (or the entire canvas).

Table 5.85 Two Color Gradient parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
Color 1

Can be

The color used at the beginning of the gradient.

Color 2

Can be

The color used at the end of the gradient.



The direction the gradient should follow:

Vert creates the gradient from top to bottom.

Horiz creates the gradient from left to right.

Rad creates a radial gradient (from the center of the shape to the outer perimeter.

Ang lets you specify an angle in the shape at which the gradient is to begin; the color changes in a clock-wise direction around the shape.



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.

Copy Image

Copies, warps, or stretches one image into another shape or onto the canvas.

Copy Image

Copies pixels from another part of the image (or from a different image) into the area specified in shape.

Table 5.86 Copy Image parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The image in memory to be copied: Canvas to copy from another part of the canvas, Canvas-Backup to copy from the backup, or specify another image in memory.

X Offset

Can be

The horizontal offset for the copy.

Y Offset

Can be

The vertical offset for the copy.



Specifies how the offset is calculated.

Yes copies from the corresponding area of the source image when drawing on the current canvas. If you draw a rectangle whose upper left corner is at 50, 50, the rectangular portion of the source image starting at 50, 50 is copied into the destination image.

No fills the portion of the source image starting at 0, 0 (the upper left corner.



If set to Yes, copies only the area under the matte of the source image onto the destination image (very useful as a compositing tool).



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.

Scale Image

Copies the entire specified image into the specified shape (or the entire canvas).

Table 5.87 Scale Image parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The image to be scaled (and copied) into the shape (or canvas).



If set to Yes, copies only the area under the matte of the source image onto the canvas (very useful as a compositing tool).



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.

Warp Image

Copies the selected image, or the entire canvas into the specified shape by stretching its edges to match the four corners of the rectangle.

Table 5.88 Warp Image parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The image to be warped.



If set to Yes, warps only the area under the matte of the source
image onto the destination image.



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.

Create Matte

Creates an alpha channel based on either an edge detection filter or on a chroma key pulled from the image.

Chroma Key

In N-Paint, the chroma key ink can be used to build a matte based on either RGB or IHS components of an image. It can be used to build a matte that lets you protect part or parts of an image based on their particular color or IHS characteristics.

For more information on creating a Chroma Key, see the N-Paint Reference Guide.

Table 5.89 Chroma Key parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


Select whether to pull the matte based on the RGB or IHS values of the image.



For IHS only, select the components with which to pull the matte: Intensity, Hue, or Saturation, or any combination.



Yes inverts the matte; a matte is created over those areas of the image that don't match the search criteria.


Can be

The basic color to search for when pulling the matte.


Can be

A value between 0 and 1, which specifies the relative amount of the image given a 100% matte when compared to the test color. A value of 0 selects only pixels that match the test exactly, a value of .5 would select half of the pixels in the image, and a value of 1 would select all pixels.


Can be

A value between 0 and 1 that specifies the relative softness around the edge of the generated matte. A higher value produces a softer edge on the matte. A value of 0 would produce no softness, and a value of 1 would select the entire image.



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.

Edge Key

The edge key ink creates a high contrast matte along areas of high contrast (edges) in an image.

Table 5.90 Edge Key parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
Test Channel


Select whether to pull the matte based on the RGB or alpha values of the image.



Yes inverts the matte; a matte is created over those areas of the image that don't match the search criteria.



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.


Applies the selected filtering effect to the selected area or to the entire image.


Blurs or "diffuses" the selected shape or the entire canvas.

Table 5.91 Blur parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description

Can be

The number of times the blur ink is applied to the selected area.



3x3 blurs the image by averaging each pixel with its immediate neighbors (using a 3x3 grid.

7x7 blurs the image using three pixels on each side of the current pixel (using a 7x7 grid). This filter blurs the image even more than the 3x3 grid.



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.


Applies a distortion map to the selected shape or to the entire canvas. For a complete description of how to build and use distortion map, see the N-Paint Reference Guide.

Table 5.92 Distort parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


Is the distorted map.



Is the base map.


Can be

The amount to distort the image between the two maps (e.g., .5 would distort the image halfway).



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.


For the affected area, the value of every pixel is set to its lightest neighboring pixel. (You could use this ink to clean dirt specks from an image that had a lower intensity than the rest of the image.)

Table 5.93 Expand parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description

Can be

The number of times to repeat the application of the ink on the selected area (or the entire canvas).



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.


"Pixelates" the affected area (the same affect that occurs when repeatedly zooming in on an image). The new cell size is determined by the X and Y values specified.

Table 5.94 Mosaic parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
X Duplication

Can be

The width of the repeating cells.

Y Duplication

Can be

The height of the repeating cells.



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.

Noise Filter

A filter ink designed to remove noise (specks) from an image. Noise is eliminated by changing the value of the "offending" pixel with the median value of surrounding pixels.

Table 5.95 Noise Filter parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description

Can be

The percentage darker a pixel must differ from its neighbors to be considered "noise."


Can be

The percentage lighter a pixel must differ from its neighbors to be considered "noise."



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.


Creates a "streaking" or scattering effect, depending on whether one or both parameters are used.

Table 5.96 Scatter parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description

Can be

The maximum horizontal distance that pixels are scattered. Use a higher value for more scatter. If you use only the horizontal component, images appear to have streaking from left to right.


Can be

The maximum vertical distance that pixels are scattered. Use a higher value for more scatter. If you use only the horizontal component, images appear to have streaking from top to bottom.



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.


Sharpens the specified area (or the entire canvas).

Table 5.97 Sharpen parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description

Can be

The sharpness of the filter (a value of 0 does no sharpening; the maximum value is 1.)



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.


For the affected area, the value of every pixel is set to its darkest neighboring pixel. (You could use this ink to clean dirt specks from an image that had a higher intensity than the rest of the image.)

Table 5.98 Shrink parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description

Can be

The number of times to repeat the application of the ink on the selected area (or the entire canvas).



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.

Pixel Moving

These inks affect the selected area of the canvas, as their operation class implies, by moving pixels.


Flips the selected area (or the entire canvas) in the specified direction. This would be useful for images saved in non-standard formats (which sometimes read in upside-down) or images that were scanned incorrectly (e.g., a slide that was scanned from the wrong side).

Table 5.99 Flip parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


Vert flips the image from top to bottom.

Horiz flips the image from side to side.



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.


Magnifies the pixels under the selected area, as if they were being viewed under a magnifying glass.

Table 5.100 Magnify parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description

Can be

The factor by which the size of each pixel is modified.



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.


Creates a "mirror" effect in the area to which the ink is applied (or to the entire canvas).

Table 5.101 Mirror parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


Vert mirrors the top half of the area onto the bottom half of the area.

Horiz mirrors the left half of the area onto the right half of the area.



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.



The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.


Shifts the selected area (or the entire canvas) either horizontally or vertically a number of pixels. (The amount the canvas is shifted can be either static or dynamic.)

Table 5.102 Shift parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description

Can be

Shifts the area right or left. A positive value shift the image to the left, negative to the right. This value can be local or dynamic.


Can be

Shifts the area up or down. A positive value shifts the image up, a negative value down. This value can be local or dynamic.



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.


The inks in the Recoloring Operation class change the value of individual pixels.


Often, a scanned or frame-grabbed image uses only a fraction of the colors actually available in the format. The Equalize command spreads the colors of the selected area (or the entire canvas) over the entire available spectrum. The effect is most visible on images that appear "dull" or "faded;" such images appear to "pop" when equalized.

Table 5.103 Equalize parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description

Can be

The lower intensity value of pixels to be included in the equalization process. This is a threshold; any pixels below this value are changed to black.


Can be

The upper intensity value of pixels to be included in the equalization
process. This is a threshold; any pixels above this value are changed
to white.



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.

IHS Recolor

Recolor the selected area (or the entire canvas) based on Intensity, Hue, or Saturation levels.

Table 5.104 IHS Recolor parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


Specifies the component (Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation) to be modified by this operation.



Set lets you specify a value for the component (using the Color field below).

Shift lets you shift the specified component up or down by the specified Amount.

Scale lets you specify a factor by which you want to move the component up or down.


Can be

For use with the Set operation only. Supplies the color from which the specified component is taken (and applied to the specified area).


Can be

The value used when applying the operation specified above (used in Shift and Scale mode).



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.



The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.


Posterization is the "banding" effect sometimes seen on images represented with fewer colors than are required for a continuous tone image.

Table 5.105 Posterize parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description

Can be

The number of colors to break the specified area (or the entire canvas) into. A value of 256 leaves the image unaffected.



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.


Adds a random amount of noise to the selected area (or to the entire canvas).

Table 5.106 Randomize parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description

Can be

The amount of noise introduced (a higher number produces a more visible effect). A value of 0 produces no change, and the maximum value you can specify is 1.



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.

RGBA Recolor

Recolor the selected area (or the entire canvas) based on its RGB levels.

Table 5.107 RGBA Recolor parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


Set lets you specify a value for the component (using the Color field below).

Shift lets you shift the specified component up or down by the specified Amount.

Scale lets you specify a factor by which you want to move the component up or down.

Exponent exponentiates the value of the color. This is equivalent to setting the "gamma" of the selected area.

Cycle cycles the colors by putting them through a lookup table.

Invert creates a negative for the selected component when the ink is applied.



The channels upon which the operation is to be performed.


Can be

The value used when applying the operation specified above.



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.


Can be

The opacity of the ink applied to the specified shape.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.

Swap Channels

Swaps the values of components in a selected area (or the entire canvas). This is particularly useful, for example, if you want to copy the red, green, or blue channel to or from the alpha channel (the matte), or if you have imported an image from another system whose channels are swapped.

Table 5.108 Swap Channels parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description
Red Gets


Copies the value of the specified channel into the red channel.

Green Gets


Copies the value of the specified channel into the green channel.

Blue Gets


Copies the value of the specified channel into the blue channel.

Alpha Gets


Copies the value of the specified channel into the alpha channel.



The area in which the ink is to be applied; either a shape or the entire canvas.



Sets the mode for the matte: Default, Off, Add, Use or Open. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.

Mix Mode


Sets the default mix mode for the operation: Cover, Additive, Subtractive, PixelAdd, PixelSub. See the N-Paint Reference Guide for more information on these modes.



Choose the components into which the ink is to be applied: RGBA, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Intensity, Hue, Saturation, or Hue+Saturation.

Other Operations


If you are using N-Dynamics in conjunction with the N-Render package, this operation lets you render your scenes.

Table 5.109 Render parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Render GL Shade
Render Domain


Render renders the scene using the N-Render product, a high quality, photorealistic renderer.

Render to either the render window or the paint canvas.

GL Shade renders the scene using GL Shade, the built-in SGI hardware renderer.

Output to the N-Geometry window only.



The directory into which rendered images should be saved.

File Name


The filename under which rendered images are saved.

Output WIndow


Render renders the scene to the N-Render preview window.

Paint renders the scene to the N-Paint canvas.



Clear renders the scene after clearing the target window.

Existing Image renders the scene over the image in the currently specified Output WIndow (essentially a composite mode).



The width of the output image.



The height of the output image.


Can be

Gamma correction value, normally set to 1.0. Refer to the
N-Render Reference Guide for mor information on setting gamma.



The increment for rendered frames; a value of 1 renders every frame, 2 renders every other frame, 5 every fifth frame, etc.



Scales the output to the
N-Geometry window

Compute Matte?


Whether or not an alpha channel is computed for the rendered scene. An alpha channel is created under any object rendered, paying attention to the opacity of the object.

Save Render?


Whether or not an image file is saved in the Directory and File Name specified above.

Output Format


The format for the output image: SGI RGB, TIFF, or TPX.

Compress Image


If Yes, the UNIX compress command is applied to the output image.

Disable Redraw


When this is set to Yes, this disables N-Dynamics' automatic redrawing of the current N-Geometry window.

Because the scene is redrawn as soon as it is rendered, if you do not disable N-Dynamics' automatic redraw, the scene is drawn twice, which can slow down renders.


Animate Attributes

Change the attributes in a material over time. The attributes that can be animated depend on which render domain is selected. To use this operation:

1. Choose the domain for which you wish to animate an attribute.

2. (CLICK-L) on the material you want to animate over time.

(CLICK-L) on Attribute Name.

Depending on the the domain selected, a number of different options are displayed. For example, if you are using the Render domain, the attributes that can be animated are grouped further into different attribute classes (shader, texture, bump, opacity, reflect, and refract).

For most other domains, all of the attributes that can be animated appear on a single list.

3. To animate the attribute, edit the dynamic value for the operation ((CLICK-M) on the curve channel) and update the values for that channel.

Render Domain

Animatable attributes are divided into six classes: shader, texture, bump, opacity, reflect, and refract. For more information on any of the particular attributes, refer to the Attributes Editor & N-Render User's Guide.

GL Shade Domain

Animatable attributes include Diffuse Color, Shininess, Specular Color, Emission Color, and Opacity.

Sega Domain

Animatable attributes include Gouraud, Mode, and Diffuse Color.

Sony PSX Domain

Only Diffuse Color can be animated.

N64 Domain

Only Diffuse Color can be animated.

The values that must be specified to animate an attribute change depending on the nature of the attribute. When animating a color, for example, you can select the start and end color to animate between, while other values requiring a start and end value may prompt you to enter those values as a doublet (two pairs of numbers).

For a complete description of the parameters each parameter, refer to the N-Render Reference Guide.

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