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Make Wire from Joint Motion

Creates a multi-segmented wire based on the animated motion of a bone. A new segment is generated at the end of each frame; the segment is a straight line between the previous position of the joint and its position at the current frame.

This operation can be used to create "motion wires" which can be used with the IK Move Along Wire operation if you want to "fine tune" the motion capture data.

Figure 3.15 Wires can be generated from any joint on a skeleton

The generated wire is created from the tip of the bone that is further from the root.

The Make Wire from Joint Motion operation should come after the Update Skeleton operation.

Table 3.10 Make Wire from Joint Motion parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The skeleton being animated.



The bone whose tip is being used to create the wire.



The name of the wire.

If you select None, you are prompted for a name when you animate the script. If you choose an existing wire, that wire is modified when the script is animated.



Should the wire be visible as each segment is drawn?

Quaternion Rotate Bone

The Quaternion Rotate Bone operation lets you rotate a bone using "quaternion" notation, which describe the orientation of an object in 3D space using four values rather than three (as with X, Y, Z rotations).

Using a quaternion rotations avoids "gimbal lock" which can sometimes happen when a bone is closely aligned with the global X, Y, or Z axes. Some animators find it easier to use than other rotation commands, since you pose the skeleton and copy the current state of one or more bones into a cue (much like keyframing).

Figure 3.16 Left, original skeleton; right, copy, with upper left arm rotated with Quaternion Rotate Root

To use the Quaternion Rotate Bone operation:

1. Create a Quaternion Rotate Bone channel.

2. Insert a cue where you want the rotation to occur.

3. (CLICK-M) on a cue.

The following menu appears:

Figure 3.17 Using Quaternion Rotate Root on a bone

4. Rotate the target bone into the desired pose.

5. (CLICK-L) on CopyOrientation.

6. (CLICK-L) on the Animate button in the N-Dynamics script editor.

The script animates, and the bone rotates, hitting each cue in the channel.

Table 3.11 Quaternion Rotate Bone parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The skeleton being animated.



The bone being rotated.



The orientation of the bone at the given frame, described in quaternion notation.

Quaternion Rotate Root

The Quaternion Rotate Root operation is similar to the Quaternion Rotate Bone operation described previously. This operation lets you rotate the root of the skeleton using "quaternion" notation, which, as mentioned before, describe the orientation of an object in 3D space using four values rather than three (as with X, Y, Z rotations).

Using a quaternion rotations avoids "gimbal lock" which can sometimes happen when a skeleton is closely aligned with the global X, Y, or Z axes.

Figure 3.18 Left, original skeleton, right, skeleton root rotated on the Y axis with Quaternion Rotate Root

To use the Quaternion Rotate Bone operation:

1. Create a Quaternion Rotate Bone channel.

2. Insert a cue where you want the rotation to occur.

3. (CLICK-M) on a cue.

The following menu appears:

Figure 3.19 Using Quaternion Rotate Root on a skeleton

4. Rotate the target bone into the desired pose.

5. (CLICK-L) on CopyOrientation.

6. (CLICK-L) on the Animate button in the N-Dynamics script editor.

The script animates, and the bone rotates, hitting each cue in the channel.

Table 3.12 Quaternion Rotate Root parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The skeleton being animated.



The orientation of the bone at the given frame, described in quaternion notation.

Read Acclaim Data

Reads in Acclaim format motion capture data (including the .asf and .amc files). To animate using this operation you need:

To animate a skeleton using this operation, you'll typically include this channel as one of the first skeletal operations in the script; to animate the selected skeleton, use an Update Skeleton operation.

The Read Acclaim Data operation should come before the Update Skeleton operation.

Table 3.13 Read Acclaim Data parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The skeleton being animated.

Skeleton Dir.


The directory containing the skeleton file.

.asf File Name


The skeleton file.

Motion Dir.


The directory containing the motion capture data file.

.amc File Name


The motion capture data file.

Read Biovision Data

Reads in Biovision motion capture data. To animate using this operation you need:

To animate a skeleton using this operation, you'll typically include this channel as one of the first skeletal operations in the script; to animate the skeleton, use an Update Skeleton operation.

The Read Biovision Data operation should come before the Update Skeleton operation.

Table 3.14 Read Biovision Data parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The skeleton on which this operation is performed.

Motion Dir.


The directory containing the motion capture data.

.bvh File Name


The name of the motion capture data file.

Read Motion Analysis Data

Reads a Motion Analysis motion capture data file. To animate using this operation you need:

To animate a skeleton using this operation, you'll typically include this channel as one of the first skeletal operations in the script; to animate the skeleton, use an Update Skeleton operation.

The Read Motion Analysis Data operation should come before the Update Skeleton operation.

Table 3.15 Read Motion Analysis Data parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The skeleton on which this operation is performed.

Motion Dir.


The directory containing the motion capture data file.

.htr File Name


The name of the motion capture file.

Rotate Root

The Rotate Root operation lets you dynamically rotate the root of the skeleton around the X, Y, or Z axes.

Figure 3.20 Using rotate root on a skeleton

As with any dynamic operation, you can specify any number of cues in any channel. You might, for instance, want the skeleton to change its X, Y, and Z rotation at frame about a third of the way into the script, then change its X rotation twice more near the end of the script:

Figure 3.21 Enter cues in the appropriate channel wherever you want the skeleton to rotate

After inserting the cues where you want the rotations to occur, you can edit the cue values:

1. (CLICK-M) on the cue.

2. Adjust the value using the slider.

3. (CLICK-L) on the Animate button.

The following parameters can be set for the Rotate Root operation:

Table 3.16 Rotate Root parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The skeleton being animated.

X Angle


The value by which the root should be rotated around its X axis.

Y Angle


The value by which the root should be rotated around its Y axis.

Z Angle


The value by which the root should be rotated around its Z axis.

Scale Bone

Scales the length of the selected bone using the dynamic value in Factor. You can scale the bone using one of the three modes described below. This technique can be used on several bones to create cartoonish effects, as described in the Skeletal Animation System Tutorial.

Figure 3.22 Scaling a bone

Note. You must make sure that the bone being scaled does not have a fixed length. If the DOF defined for this bone does not allow it to be scaled, the operation executes, but the bone doesn't change length.

To check the DOF for the referenced bone, (SHIFT-L) on the bone in the N-Geometry window and try to resize it using the Scale Bone operation. If the bone has a fixed length, the following dialog box appears:

Figure 3.23 Scaled bones cannot have fixed length

You can (CLICK-L) on Yes to free the bone.

To check the fixed length setting for multiple bones at the same time, (SHIFT-L) on the skeleton and (CLICK-L) on DOF Editor, then make sure the Scale DOF is checked for that bone:

Figure 3.24 Use the DOF editor to set the "scalability" of multiple bones at once; Min and Max values are displayed if the Scale DOF is active

In Figure 3.24, the second bone can be scaled; all others are of fixed length.

Table 3.17 Scale Bone parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The skeleton on which this operation is performed.



The bone being scaled.



Determines how the dynamic value in Factor is applied to the Bone.

Set uses the value in Factor for the new bone length.

Add adds the value in Factor to the current bone length.

Multiply uses the value in Factor as a factor by which to multiply the bone length.



The dynamic value used to scale the bone.

Transform Root

If you want to transform (move, rotate, or scale) the entire skeleton, you can use the Transform Root operation. This operation is actually performed on the skeleton object.

Figure 3.25 Transforming the Root node

This operation could be used to move the entire skeleton in 3D space, to rotate the skeleton around its root, or scale the entire skeleton object larger or smaller. Note that by default the scale subchannel is not dynamic, although it can be made so. Dynamic channels are created for XYZ rotations and offsets:

Figure 3.26 In a Transform Root operation, rotate and translation channels are automatically dynamic

The following parameters can be set with the Transform Root operation:

Table 3.18 Transform Root parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The skeleton being transformed.

X, Y, and Z Offset


The dynamic values for the X, Y, and Z move of the skeleton (using the root).

X, Y, and Z Angle


The dynamic values for the X, Y, and Z angles of rotation for the skeleton.


Can be

The value (which can be dynamic) for the scale of the skeleton.

Translate Root

If you want to translate the entire skeleton (move it along one or more axes), you can use the Translate Root operation. This operation is actually performed on the skeleton object.

Figure 3.27 Translating the Root, in this case, along the Z axis

This operation has fewer parameters than the Transform Root operation described earlier; translations do not include scaling or rotation of the target object.

Table 3.19 Transform Root parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The skeleton being translated.

X, Y, and Z Offset


The dynamic values for the X, Y, and Z move of the skeleton (using the root).


Can be

The value (which can be dynamic) for the scale of the skeleton.

Update Skeleton

As mentioned in the section "Skeletal Operation Order in N-Dynamics Scripts," on page 3-2, the Update Skeleton operation applies the changes specified in other skeletal operations to the skeleton.

The Update Skeleton operation is visually divided into several logical sections:

Update Skins

If you do a simple dynamic operation such as Move or Rotate to a skeleton after the Update Skeleton operation, any skins are not updated. Update Skins updates the skins according to the new skeleton position (and should obviously go toward the bottom of the script).

Table 3.21 Update Skin parameters
Element Variable Dynamic? Description



Should the skin(s) attached to this skeleton be updated as the skeleton is animated?



Should skin displacements driven by bone rotation be applied as the skeleton is animated?

Write Acclaim Data

Writes an .amc file based on the animated motion of a skeleton.

This operation might be used, for example, after you had used the IK Move along Wire operation to tweak a previously saved motion capture (.amc) file. These saved files can then be reread using the Read Acclaim Data operation.

Table 3.22 Write Acclaim Data parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The skeleton being used to generate the Acclaim data.

Skeleton Dir.


The .asf file with which the .amc file should be associated.

.asf File Name


The name of the .asf file.

Motion Dir.


The directory into which the motion capture file should be written.

.amc File Name


The name of the motion capture file.

Note. If you write out a frame range of the script, written frames are numbered 1 through N, regardless of their frame number in the script.

X Rotate Bone

Rotates a bone around its local X axis.

Table 3.23 X Rotate Bone parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The skeleton on which this operation is performed.



The bone you want to rotate.

X Angle


The dynamic value for the X rotation.

XYZ Rotate Bone

Rotate a bone in any or all three planes. Separate subchannels are created for each dynamic value.

Table 3.24 XYZ Rotate Bone parameters
Parameter Dynamic? Description


The skeleton on which this operation is performed.



The bone you want to rotate.

X, Y, and Z Angle


The dynamic values for the X, Y, and Z rotations.

Y Rotate Bone

Rotates a bone around its local Y axis. See X Rotate Bone, above, for details.

Z Rotate Bone

Rotates a bone around its local Z axis. See X Rotate Bone, above, for details.

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