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adding a bone 2-7, 2-8
Align/Rotate Axis 2-12
Animate Multiple Poses operation 3-5
Animate Pose operation 3-6
Animate Pose to Pose
operation 3-7
with motion capture data 3-10
Append 2-8
assigning hard and soft parts 2-36
Attached Objects 1-2
attached objects
making default 2-56
modifying 2-58
selecting 2-74
attaching objects 2-14
attaching skins to skeletons 2-77
attaching wires as bones 2-8
axes of rotation
mirroring 2-13
with imported skeletons 2-13
Axis Move 2-15
Axis Scale 2-15


Base 1-2
Bone 1-2
bone axes
display 2-19
fixed vs. rotating 2-20
bone frame
display 2-19
adding 2-7
by attaching wire 2-8
by encoding 2-7
Align/Rotate Axes 2-12
aligning axes to inferior bone 2-13
aligning axes to superior bone 2-13
assigning hard & soft parts 2-36
calculating soft influence 2-83
Collapse 2-22
Cut 2-24
arbitrarily 2-26
in half 2-25
in thirds 2-25
describing attributes of 2-27
detaching an object 2-14
displaying hard and soft parts 2-38
flipping orientation 2-33
Lock Bone 2-55
locking 2-56
Rename 2-69
Rotate/Twist 2-22
rotating (translated) 2-70
rotating along bone axis 2-14
rotating around local axes 2-70
Scale Axis 2-74
Scale Bone 2-74
selecting bone at top of limb 2-85
selecting inferior 2-84
selecting joint at head 2-76
selecting joint at tail 2-76
selecting superior 2-84
setting DOF limits 2-30
skin displacements
deleting 2-81
editing 2-79
linking 2-80
renaming 2-81
Skin Update 2-82
Soft Influence 2-83
toggling bone axis display 2-19
toggling bone frame display 2-19
Traverse 2-84
twisting around bone direction axis 2-70
unlocking 2-56
XYZ Rotate 2-87


collapsing a bone 2-22
Copy 2-23
Copy Joint 2-24
copying a limb 2-8
cutting a bone 2-24, 2-25, 2-26


detaching an object from a bone 2-14
detaching skins from skeletons 2-78
Disconnect Limb 2-28
DOF Editor 1-3
DOF editor 2-30
DOF Limits 1-2
Dummy Bones 1-3


fixed vs. rotating axes 2-20
Flip 2-33
Free Scale 2-34


Hard Part 1-5
Hard/Soft 2-35
highlighting 2-5


IK move 2-39
IK Move along Trajectory operation 3-11
IK Move along Wire operation 3-12
IK Move Root 2-41
IK Move Single 2-45
IK Move thru Root 2-46
IK Move to Object operation 3-15
IK Move to Part operation 3-17
IK Rotate Root 2-48
IK Set 1-3
IK Sets 2-51
IK sets
creating 2-52
deleting 2-53
editing 2-51
renaming 2-53
selecting 2-54
Inferior 1-9
Inverse Kinematics 1-5


Joint 1-5
Joint Identification 2-54
Add 2-7, 2-8
selecting inferior bone 2-18
selecting superior bone 2-18
copying properties between 2-24
IK Move 2-39
selecting IK set for 2-40
using current IK set 2-39
using relax method 2-39
IK Move 2D 2-40
in a fixed plane 2-41
in a rotating plane 2-40
IK Set
creating 2-52
deleting 2-53
editing 2-51
renaming 2-53
selecting 2-54
Joint Identification 2-54
selecting 2-76


Lengthen Bone operation 3-19
Local Axes 1-5
Lock Feet operation 3-20
locking bones 2-56


Make Attached Objects 2-56
Make Wire from Node Motion operation 3-21
motion capture
using with different skeletons 2-60
Motion Capture Data 1-6
Motion Transform 2-60
Move 2-60


attaching 2-14


hard and soft 2-35
Pose 1-7
poses 2-66
making values dynamic 3-8
moving to 2-67
saving 2-67


Quaternion Rotate Bone operation 3-22
Quaternion Rotate Root operation 3-24


Read Acclaim Data operation 3-26
Read Biovision Data operation 3-27
Read Motion Analysis Data operation 3-28
relax method IK 2-39
Root 1-7
Rotate 2-70
Rotate Root operation 3-29
Rotate/Twist 2-70


attached objects 2-5
skeletons 2-4
skins 2-4
saving poses 2-67
Scale Axis 2-74
Scale Bone operation 3-31
scaling a skeleton 2-73
linear vs. hierarchical 3-3
operation order 3-2
Select Attachments 2-74
Select Joint 2-76
Select Skins 2-76
selecting 2-5
selecting a bone's inferior 2-84
selecting a bone's superior 2-84
selecting bone at top of limb 2-85
selecting joint at head of bone 2-76
selecting joint at tail of bone 2-76
Skeleton 1-8
connecting to another 2-8
creating a primitive 2-3
creating custom 2-3
attaching skin 2-77
Base 2-15
base state
deleting 2-17
renaming 2-17
selecting 2-18
Check Skin 2-20
clearing skin parts 2-59
copying 2-23
Describe 2-27
detaching skin 2-78
Display Bone 2-18
DOF Editor 2-30
initializing to base 2-16
loading 2-5
Make Skin Parts 2-58
making skin parts
default 2-59
default hard 2-59
moving 2-60
moving to a pose 2-67
Pose 2-66
deleting 2-68
renaming 2-68
Position 2-69
saving a base state 2-16
saving a pose 2-67
Scale 2-73
scaling around midpoint 2-73
scaling around selected element 2-73
scaling around vertex 2-73
Select Elements 2-75
selecting bones in 2-76
selecting points on 2-75
Skin 2-77
Skin Displacement 2-79
xyz scaling around arbitrary vertex 2-35
xyz scaling around midpoint 2-34
xyz scaling around selected location 2-35
Skin 1-8
Skin Displacements 1-8
skin displacements 2-79
deleting 2-81
editing 2-79
linking 2-80
renaming 2-81
Skin Parts 1-9
skin update mode 2-82
selecting 2-76
Soft Influence 1-9
soft influence 2-83
Soft Parts 1-9
Superior 1-9


Transform Root operation 3-33
Translate Root operation 3-35


unlocking bones 2-56
Update Skeleton operation 3-36
Update Skins operation 3-38


Write Acclaim Data operation 3-39


X Rotate Bone operation 3-40
XYZ IK Rotate Root 2-85
XYZ Rotate Bone operation 3-40


Y Rotate Bone operation 3-40


Z Rotate Bone operation 3-40

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