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About This Document

N-Paint is a digital painting and image processing package. It includes a wide variety of color correction, filtering, and other image-processing tools, which can be applied using a brush, an arbitrary shape, or to an entire image. Its powerful color reduction tools make it easy to transform your work from image to reality on any game platform.

This tutorial is designed to familiarize you with some of N-Paint's features in a step-by-step fashion. This chapter describes some of the formatting and syntax conventions used in this book.

Contents of this Document

Document Style Conventions

This document contains a number of style conventions designed to make it easier to use. Different typefaces indicate such things as screen messages and operator entries. The following sections describe the style conventions used.


Notes of special interest are set off from the text within horizontal rules:

Note. Notes provide information that is important enough to demand special attention. The information may be relevant to the current discussion but awkward to include without disrupting the flow of information.

Mouse and Keyboard Notation

The following conventions are used in the text:

Table 1 Style conventions
Style Description

Key combinations are enclosed in parentheses. (shift-L) means to click the left mouse button while holding down the shift key.


Special modifier keys are also enclosed in parentheses.


Combinations of modifier keys are also possible.

Menu Notation

Menu items that are preceded and followed by a period have multiple selections, which you select by clicking left, middle, or right on the mouse. (The different options are shown on the mouse documentation line, displayed at the bottom of the screen.)

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