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File Formats

N-Paint supports a variety of popular image formats, including TIF, JPG, and SGI's native SGI (RGB) format. You can specify the number of components and bits for most of these formats, ranging from 8-bit to 64 bit.

Supported File Formats

In N-Paint, when you save an image or matte, you can specify the file format to use when saving the image. The supported file formats are described in Table A.1:

Table A.1 File formats and descriptions
File Format Description



Tagged image file format.


Format used with N-Render rendering package.


Four component SGI format.


Three component SGI format


Native Sony Playstation image format.

N-Paint can also read all of the above formats.

Mapping Components

N-Paint lets you specify the number of components to be used when saving either a canvas, a matte, or both. Because the number of components specified for the destination may not match the number in the source, N-Paint must decide how information in images is to be mapped when saved.

Table A.1 describes the various mappings that occur when using the Save Canvas Only, Save Matte Only, and Save Both operations in the Library and Script/Canvas Operations sections of N-Paint.

Table A.2 Mapping components
being saved
To 4 channels To 3 channels To 1 channel
Canvas only

RGB channels saved to RGB.

Matte written out as black.

RGB channels
saved to RGB.

Matte ignored.

RGB channels
written out as one channel grayscale (based on luminance).

Matte ignored.

Matte only

RGB channels
written out as black.

Matte saved to alpha channel.

RGB channels ignored.

Matte written out as three channel grayscale.

RGB channels ignored.

Matte saved to alpha channel.

Canvas & Matte

RGB channels
saved to RGB.

Matte saved to alpha channel.

RGB channels saved to RGB.

Matte ignored.

RGB channels ignored.

Matte saved to alpha channel.

Note. The Components value you specify when saving a file remain in effect until changed. So if you save the first in a series of images to a 3 component image, N-Paint saves all subsequent images with 3 components until you change that setting.

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