Compared to a language like C, Lisp is a fairly high-level language. As a result, Lisp programmers do not have to be as explicit in Lisp about how certain operations are to be performed. Lisp itself steps in wherever it can to make decisions for you. For example, the following simple Lisp addition function with three integer arguments:
Optimizing Math with Anti-Generic Functions
which is also of type 6
The addition function itself is generic, which means that its' arguments do not have to be of a specific type. However, Lisp must still make internal decisions about the types of the arguments so it can allocate storage space and determine the type of the result. In our example, this was fairly simple, since we provided the function with constants as arguments. Lisp knew ahead of time that these arguments were integers, and it was able to determine that the result of this operation with integers is another integer.
However, suppose you provide arguments of different types, e.g.
The value 3.0 is of type float. Lisp recognizes this and returns(+ 1 2 3.0)
When Lisp evaluates the function, it determines that one of the arguments is of the type float. As a result the function returns a value of type float. The manner in which Lisp makes these decisions can generate processor overhead. To understand how, first consider how Lisp evaluates a simple form like the one above.6.0
A more complex example yeilds a longer list, for example:(+ (+ 1 (+ 2 3)))
Again, because we have provided Lisp with constant values, it knows that the value returned by this function must be an integer. However, suppose we had defined a function which accepted three arguments and then summed them?(+ 1(+2 (+3 (+ 4 5)
(defun foo (a b c)
Lisp assumes that all of the arguments are numbers because addition is a math operation, but it knows nothing more specific about the values it is passed. Lisp can only conclude that the response must be a number between +infinity and -infinity, but cannot be more specific. As a result, it allocates a large amount of memory to handle this value, as well as the arguments passed to the function. In addition, this penalty is incurred twice, because the operation(+ a b c))
expands after compiling to(+ a b c)
Lisp uses the unbounded type number to hold the intermediate values of the sum of b and c, as well as the eventual result. You can see explicitly how Lisp makes these decisions by compiling our example with a declare statement:(+ (+ a b) c))
(defun foo (a b c)
(declare (:explain :types))
Lisp returns the following descriptive data: (+ a b c)))
;Examining a call to +_2OP with arguments:
; call to +_2OP type (NUMBER * *)
; symeval C type T
; which returns a value of type (NUMBER * *)
;Examining a call to +_2OP with arguments:
1; symeval A type T
1; symeval B type T
2; which returns a value of type (NUMBER * *)
First, Lisp breaks our list of three arguments into two nested pairsNIL
and evaluates them separately with two calls to the function +_2OP. In the first addition, Lisp cannot predict what type A and B are going to be when passed to the function, so it evaluates them as type T, which means essentially any type. However, Lisp knows that the result of this operation must be a number, and expresses this conclusion in the statement on line 2. However, Lisp has no idea how large or small these numbers might end up being, so it assigns them an infinite range with the symbol (* *). (+ a (+ b c))
1. Use disassemble
to view a compiled function in assembly language
The result is well over 100 lines of machine code. Nearly all of this code is devoted to determining the types of the arguments supplied to foo, and routing these arguments to the correct algorithms for evaluation. (disassemble `foo)
(defun foo ()
(declare (:explain :types))
Disassembling this function yields only a few lines of machine code. Because there are no arguments to foo, and the operands to be added are all integers, Lisp is able to forego the complex process of deciding how to treat variables of unknown type. Instead, it passes the values 1, 2, and 3 directly to the appropriate function. (+ 1 2 3)))
The original form expands fully into this form:(f! (+ (f! (+ (f! a) (f! b))) (f! c)))
e single-float(th
(+ (the single-float
(+ (the single-float a)
(the single-float b)))
The (the single-float c)))
macro expands the addition operation into nested pairs, and also explicitly types the arguments passed to it. In addition, the first declaration instructs the compiler to return a value of type single-float.
NCL Anti-Generic Functions
Nichimen Common Lisp (NCL) includes a wide array of anti-generic functions intended for use with float, double float, and fixnum arguments. Each of these is exported by the NCL package. They can be used without package specifiers in nearly all situtations.
There are 7 basic groups of anti-generic functions:
These forms are shorthand macros for the various type definition forms. For example, the I! macro is equivalent to "The fixnum ...".
Fixnum | Float | Double Float | Comments |
All accept single FLOAT args.
Fixnum | Float | Double Float | Comments |
Equivalent to PLUSP.
Equivalent to MINUSP
Fixnum | Float | Double Float | Comments |
Equivalent to +
Equivalent to -
Equivalent to *
Equivalent to /.
Multiple Values Bind Utilities
Use these functions to parse ftriplets and other structures which contain several values:
The following syntax is for multiple-ivalue-bind, but all three share the same general syntax:
(multiple-ivalue-bind vars form &BODY body)
A vector is a single dimensional array. Vectors and lists are very similar. However, the processor time required to access any given component of a list increases with the length of the list, whereas the time required to access a vector component is constant. However, it takes a constant amount of time to add items to the front of a list, while the time required to add elements to an array increases proportionately with the length of the array.
Optimization with Floating Point Vectors
An ftriplet is a vector with with three floating point elements. Although you may use ftriplets for any purpose, they are typically used to store 3D cartesian coordinates. Regardless of the type of any values you pass to functions which create ftriplets, they are converted into floating-point values.
Creating Ftriplets
Create ftriplets with 3D:MAKE-FTRIPLET!
where x, y, and z must be of the real type.(3D:MAKE-FTRIPLET! &OPTIONAL x y z)
For example, to make an ftriplet with 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0:
returns an ftriplet:(3d:make-ftriplet! 1.0 2.0 3.0)
The three numeric arguments are optional. Failure to supply an argument results in that element of the vector defaulting to 0.0:#(1.0 2.0 3.0)
returns an ftriplet:(3d:make-ftriplet! 1.0 2.0)
Failure to supply any arguments to this macro results in an array with 0.0 in each element:#(1.0 2.0 0.0)
returns an ftriplet:(3d:make-ftriplet!)
#(0.0 0.0 0.0)
Creating Origin Ftriplets
You can quickly and easily create an ftriplet with x, y, and z values of 0 with 3D:ORIGIN-FTRIPLET
returns an ftriplet:(3D:ORIGIN-FTRIPLET)
#(0.0 0.0 0.0)
Creating Ftriplets Interactively
You can also use a pop-up menu to create ftriplets. 3D:MENU-GET-FTRIPLET generates a pop-up menu like the one in Figure 12.1
3D:MENU-GET-FTRIPLET has the following form:
(3d:menu-get-ftriplet initial-value &OPTIONAL
label-string value-string do-it-method
precision relative?)
, e.g.
Reading Ftriplets
Because ftriplets are arrays, all of the standard Lisp functions for accessing arrays (such as aref) will work with ftriplets. However, the NGCL provides some handy tools for returning ftriplets and for returning individual elements of ftriplets.
Returning Parts of Ftriplets
You can return the x, y, or z elements of an ftriplet singly with one of three similar macros:
3D:FTRIPLET-X ftriplet
- returns the first element of the array
3D:FTRIPLET-Y ftriplet
- returns the second element of the array
3D:FTRIPLET-Z ftriplet
- returns the third element of the array
returns 1.0.(3D:FTRIPLET-X (3d:make-ftriplet! 1.0 2.0 3.0))
Binding Multiple Values
You can bind the components of ftriplets to variables using the macro 3D:FTRIPLET-VALUES-BIND
(ftriplet-values-bind (x y z) (make-ftriplet! 1.0 2.0 3.0)
(format t "X=~d~%" x)
(format t "Y=~d~%" y)
(format t "Z=~d~%" z)
which returns )
Modifying Ftriplets
Several functions allow for the modification of ftriplets after they are initialized. You can scale, displace, and replace values in ftriplets. These functions are particularly useful when you are manipulating coordinate values during object translations and transformations.
Replacing Ftriplet Elements
Let's assume we've defined an ftriplet with x, y, and z values of 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0, and bound it to ftvar
(setf ftvar (3d:make-ftriplet! 1.0 2.0 3.0))
You can change any element of the array by adding a setf form to one of the macros which returns the individual elements of the ftriplet. For example:#(1.0 2.0 3.0)
changes the value of the ftriplet to(setf (ftriplet-z ftvar) 6.6)
You can also use #(1.0 2.0 6.6)
function to manipulate individual elements of ftriplets. For example, the following form changes the y value of ftvar (as first defined above) to 6.6:
The ftvar variable now evaluates to(3D:FILL-FTRIPLET ftvar nil 6.6 nil)
#(1.0 6.6 3.0)
Scaling Ftriplet Values
applies a scaling factor to each element of an ftriplet, and returns the result in a new ftriplet. You can apply a single scaling factor to one or all elements of the ftriplet. You can also apply different scaling factors to each element of the array. 3D:SCALE-FTRIPLET
has the following basic form:
(x-factor &OPTIONAL y-factor z-factor)
(&OPTIONAL into-triplet-var)
For example, given ftvar as described above, the following form doubles all the elements of the ftriplet:)
(3d:scale-ftriplet ftvar (2))
If you provide two scale-factors to the #(2.0 4.0 6.0)
macro, the first factor will be applied to the x-element of the ftriplet, and the second factor will be applied to the y and z elements of the ftriplet. For example, given ftvar
as defined above:
(3d:scale-ftriplet ftvar (2 4))
#(2.0 8.0 12.0)
Finally, providing three scale factors results in each element of the ftriplet being scaled by the corresponding factor. For example, given ftvar
as defined above:
(3d:scale-ftriplet ftvar (2 3 4))
#(2.0 6.0 12.0)
This example changes the values in ftvar. The following example does not alter the values of ftvar
, but stores the result of the scale in another ftriplet, nuftvar
(3d:scale-ftriplet ftvar (2) nuftvar)
Note that #(2.0 4.0 6.0)
must be bound to a defined ftriplet, or the macro returns an error. Of course, you could create into-triplet-var
within the scale-ftriplet
form, but this is cumbersome.
Moving Ftriplet Values
You can apply displacement to ftriplet values in much the same way that you scale them. You can use 3D:MOVE-FTRIPLET
to apply a displacement to the elements of an ftriplet:
(3D:MOVE-FTRIPLET ftriplet-var (x-displacement &OPTIONAL
For example, given y-displacement z-displacement) &OPTIONAL into-triplet-var)
as first defined above, the following form adds 10.0 to all elements of the ftriplet:
(3d:move-ftriplet ftvar (10.0 10.0 10.0))
#(11.0 12.0 13.0)
Unlike scale-ftriplet, you must provide x, y, and z displacements to move-ftriplet
, or the macro returns an error.
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