This chapter provides a brief overview of some of the most important Lisp concepts, including:
Xemacs includes an interface with the Allegro Common Lisp interpreter. This interface includes, among other things, several Xemacs menu items, as well as the Lisp prompt:
The Lisp Interpreter and Evaluation
The current Lisp package is shown on the left sign of the prompt, while an incremental counter (similar to many UNIX shell prompts) appears on the right. You enter your Lisp forms to the right of the colon.USER(1):
For example, consider how to add the numbers 2 and 2. In Lisp you evaluate the form:
+ 2 2)USER(2): (
USER(2): (+ 2 2)
In other words, the form (+ 2 2) evaluates to 4. We can symbolize this relationship with the => symbol, which means "evaluates to.":4
(+ 2 2) => 4
Symbols are named data objects which serve to name functions and variables within programs. Internally, a symbol is a data structure with five components:
setf x 7)USER(3): (
A symbol bound to a value has a symbol-name and a symbol-value. Evaluating a symbol returns the value of that symbol.7
USER(4): x
However, if you evaluate a symbol with the single-quote sign ('), the symbol-name is returned:7
USER(5): 'x
Symbols allow you to reference either the symbols themselves, or the values they are bound to. They can be bound to any Lisp data type, including complex data structures, classes, and functions. In addition, all Lisp data objects, including every function and variable defined in N·World, are themselves symbols.x
Packages are collections of Lisp symbols which serve as name spaces. They provide a handy way of preventing name conflicts when several developers are working on different pieces of a large project. Symbols within packages can be declared to be internal or external.
A Lisp form is an expression, enclosed within parentheses, which returns a value when evaluated by the Lisp interpreter. Forms can themselves contain other forms nested within them. Evaluation occurs from left to right. Evaluation for the form:
Forms and Evaluation
A function is any symbol which can be executed as code when supplied with the appropriate number and types of arguments. Functions accept arguments and return values. For example, the Lisp addition function + operates on arguments you supply:
USER(7): (+ 2 2)
This function can be described as "performing the addition function on the arguments two and two returns the value four." Symbols can also be used as arguments in a function, as in this example:4
USER(8): (setf x 9) ;Bind the symbol x to the value 9
9 ;Lisp returns the symbol value
USER(9): (+ x 1) ;Evaluate + with arguments x and 1
Because functions return values, they can be used as arguments themselves.10 ;Lisp returns the result
USER(10): (+ 1 (+ 2 3))
In this example, Lisp evaluates the forms from the inside out. The form 6
(+ 2 3)
returns the value 5, which is then supplied as an argument to the second form, (+ 1 5)
. Arguments supplied to a function from outside of that function are said to be passed from one function to another. In this example, the inner function passes it's result, 5, to the next function, which accepts it as an argument.
Functional programming is the dominant paradigm for Lisp programmers. Whereas other languages encourage you to use variables to store values, Lisp programmers focus on the return values of their functions. Setting global variables with
Evaluation, Side Effects,
and Functional Programmingsetf
is generally frowned upon. For example, the following function relies on a variable to hold it's result:
(setf x (+ 2 2)) => 4
(+ 2 2) => 4
Defining Your Own Functions
You can define your own functions using the DEFUN
macro, which has the following basic syntax:
defun FuncName (args) (....body of function....))(
For example, consider a simple function which sums 7 and 2:
USER(11): (defun add9() (+ 2 7) ;Define the function ADD9,
;with no arguments
The empty parenthesis after the name of the function indicates that this function accepts no arguments. Try evaluating this function at the Lisp prompt:add9 ;Lisp returns the name of the
USER(12): (add9)
Lisp returns the result, 9. Now let's define a simple function which can accept arguments. 9
USER(13): (defun add-two-nums (x y)
(+ x y))
Now, when we evaluate this function we have to supply it with two arguments, using the syntaxADD-TWO-NUMS
USER(14): (add-two-nums 3 4)
Failing to supply the number of arguments that a function expects to receive results in an error:7
USER(15): (add-two-nums 3)
Error: ADD-TWO-NUMS got 1 arg, wanted 2 args.
You extend Lisp by creating your own functions. You can use functions which you define in exactly the same way that you use standard ANSI Lisp functions. [condition type: PROGRAM-ERROR]
A list is a series of linked cells called conses. A cons cell has two parts, called the car and the cdr. The origin of these seemingly obscure terms lies in the earliest days of symbolic programming. Lisp was developed for use on the IBM 704 mainframe (which used vacuum tubes!). This machine's memory was divided into several components, including the address register and the decrement register. Hence, CAR stems from "Contents of Address Register", and CDR from Contents of Decrement Register.
Lists are always terminated by a special symbol called (Apple Foo Bar 1)
, or the empty list. In other words, the last element of a list always has NIL
as it's cdr. NIL
and the empty list are symbolized by two empty parentheses, ().
You can visualize a this list as a chain of cons cells like this:
And it's cons cell representation:( A (BIG FAT) LIST)
Manipulating Lists
Lists are useful for managing sets of data. For instance, you can collect several discrete items into a list and pass them to a function as a single argument. You can also perform operations on each of the elements of a list in sequence, or search through a list and operate on those elements which meet certain criteria. Finally, lists can be useful for managing sequential data sets, since each element of a list has a pointer to the next element in the list in its cdr.
Creating a List
Lists are created in several ways. The list
function accepts an unlimited number of arguments, which it returns as the elements of a new list. For example,
list 1 2 3 4 5)USER(16): (
The (1 2 3 4 5)
function adds an argument as the first element of a list. For example:
cons 1 (list 2 3 4 5))(
Lisp programmers sometimes refer to the act of using the cons function as consing. You can append elements to the end of a list using the (1 2 3 4 5)
append (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6))(
You can create a one element list by consing a symbol and NIL, or the empty list.(1 2 3 4 5 6)
Returning Elements of a List
You can return elements of a list by specifying their position using the nth
function. For example, to return the fourth element of a list:
nth 3 (list 1 2 3 4 5))USER(181): (
(The first element of a list is considered to be the 0th element, thus nth 3 is actually the fourth element of the list).4
Variables are symbols bound to values. In other words, they are symbols whose symbol-values are not undefined. Values are bound to symbols using the
USER(182): (setf avariable 3223)
Once bound, variables remain bound within certain programmatic constraints, called the scope of a variable. Scope is a fairly complex issue, but suffice to say that variables can have global scope or local scope. Global variables, once bound, remain bound within the confines of the program within which they were bound. Usually, variables with local scope are bound only within the confines of the form within which they were bound. For example, variables bound within a function remain bound only within the confines of that function. To use variables like these outside of a macro, you must use setf
to bind them globally.
Setting Local Variables
You can use the let
macro to create local variable bindings:
(your-code here))
are only bound within the let form itself. For example, the variable z is defined in this function only within the confines of the let form::
(defun test-let (x y)
Nichimen Graphics has addressed the issue of typing in the interest of optimizing code for speed by creating several macros, called anti-generics, which essentially declare types for you in certain situations. To learn more about anti-generics, see "Optimizing Math with Anti-Generic Functions," on page 12-1
An array is a data structure whose elements are arranged in some Cartesian coordinate space. The rank of an array is equivalent to the number of dimensions it has. For example, a 5 x 5 element array is said to be of rank 5.
Create arrays with MAKE-AR
(setf my-array (make-array '(5 5))
You can find any given point in an array by specifying the coordinates of its storage location with the (NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL))
(aref my-array 2 1)
Finally, you can use setf and aref together to initialize elements of an array:NIL
(setf (aref my-array 3 3) 'foo)
A class is a data structure which controls the structure and behavior of other objects, which are it's instances. In other words, a class is a template of sorts, and instances are objects produced according to this template. Classes can inherit properties from other classes, and they can define properties which are inherited by other classes. Given a class,
, subclasses of Foo are those classes which inherit properties from Foo, while superclasses are classes from which Foo
inherits properties.
Classes inherit two major types of properties:
Slots are essentially storage spaces in an object which contain one and only one value. Slots can have:
, which provides default values for initialization when the class is instantiated.
, which provides a function for retrieving the value stored in the slot
, which provides a function for changing the value stored in the slot
, which combines both :reader
and :writer
Generic Functions
Generic functions are similar to regular functions, except that they know how to behave based on the nature of the arguments passed to them. For example, the generic function move
has several methods, which behave differently when different instances of different classes are passed to them. If you pass a geobody to move, the geometry of that body is modified. If you pass an object, then the object is transformed.
Defining Classes
Let's define a few simple classes to illustrate the way that inheritance, generic functions, slots, and methods work. First, you define a class with the defclass
defclass BIRD(
(sp:name-mixin sp:property-list-mixin)
((body :initform nil
:initarg :body
:accessor bird-body)
(beak :initform nil
:initarg :beak
:accessor bird-beak)))
. All instances of bird will inherit slots, generic functions, and methods from these classes. For bird, the precedence list includes sp:name-mixin
and sp:property-list-mixin
, which provide certain useful functions for our objects.
Now, we'll define a subclass of
, called song-bird
(defclass song-bird
((song :initform "Bye Bye Birdie"
:initarg :song
Class :accessor bird-song)))
has class bird
in its precedence list, which means that instances of song-bird
will have the same slots as class bird
. This includes not only body
and beak
, but all the slots defined for the classes in birds precedence list as well, including sp:name-mixin and sp:property-list-mixin!
also includes a new slot, song
Now, we'll make an instance of each of our new classes using the make-instance
(setq bird-obj
make-instance bird :name 'my-bird (
:body 'fat
:beak 'long-and-pointy))
Now, use the
function to examine the object we just created.
describe bird-obj)USER(35): (
#<BIRD MY-BIRD> is an instance of #<STANDARD-CLASS BIRD>:
The following slots have :INSTANCE allocation:
As you can see, all the slots we defined are described here with the values we assigned. BODY FAT
Manipulating Slot Values
Both of the slots we defined for class bird
have accessor methods we can use to read and change the values in these slots. For example, to return the value of the body slot in our bird, use the get-body
USER(36): (bird-body bird-obj)
Because class bird is a subclass of FAT
, we can use accessor functions defined for the slots of this class as well, including one which returns the name of the object:
USER(41): (sp:get-name bird-obj)
We can also use accessor functions to change slot values:MY-BIRD
USER(73): (setf (bird-body bird-obj) 'a-fat-bird)
Now, describing A-FAT-BIRD
reveals the new value for the body slot:
USER(75): (describe bird-obj)
#<BIRD MY-BIRD> is an instance of #<STANDARD-CLASS BIRD>:
The following slots have :INSTANCE allocation:
Defining Methods
Let's create methods for both our new classes. The following code defines two methods called hit-bird
(defmethod HIT-BIRD ((self song-bird) new-song)
(setf (bird-song self) new-song))
defmethod HIT-BIRD ((self bird) new-body)(
Defining these methods results in the implicit definition of a generic function with the same name, (setf (bird-body self) new-body))
. When called, hit-bird
behaves differently depending on the type of object passed it. In the first case, passing an instance of class song-bird
and an argument to hit-bird
results in the value of the :song slot being replaced by the argument. In the second case, passing an instance of class bird
and an argument to hit-bird
results in the value of the body slot being changed to the value of the argument. In each case, the methods invoke the accessor functions for the slots in question to accomplish the change.
Inheritance of Slots and Methods
In our examples, song-bird
is a subclass of bird
. Therefor, methods and slots defined for bird
are also defined for song-bird
. To illustrate this concept:
1. Create an instance of each class
USER(94): (setq bird-obj (make-instance 'bird))
#<BIRD NIL 435420666>
USER(95): (setq song-bird-obj (make-instance 'song-bird))
2. Use the :accessor function to change the value of the body slot for bird-obj.
#<SONG-BIRD NIL 435437210>
USER(110): (setf (get-body bird-obj) 'a-fat-bird)
3. Use the same accessor function to change the value of the body slot for song-bird-obj.
USER(113): (setf (get-body song-bird-obj) 'a-fat-song-bird)
4. Describe each object
USER(121): (describe bird-obj)
#<BIRD NIL 435420666> is an instance of #<STANDARD-CLASS BIRD>:
The following slots have :INSTANCE allocation:
USER(122): (describe song-bird-obj)
#<SONG-BIRD NIL 435437210> is an instance of #<STANDARD-CLASS SONG-BIRD>:
The following slots have :INSTANCE allocation:
SONG "Bye Bye Birdie"
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