Thomas Steffen Nørregaard
Thomas Steffen Nørregaard


Tips & Tricks
About me

Welcome here at my place

The keywords here are computer graphics & 3D animation


The purpose of this page is to show what kind of computer graphics I'm doing.

It have been a little while since I last updated these pages. That is because I don't work very much with 3D in the summer period, but don't despair I begin again at the winter.

I'm done with my latest project where I tried to create a realistic animated ocean.


Latest changes

26-12-98 Changed the internet address for the pages belonging to Anders Lundholm (Alien Workshop).
29-11-98 Recent change in my job situation required an update of the page with info about my self.
29-11-98 Small changes in the design of the gallery page.

I have recently started in a new job as a webmaster for a computer concern in Aalborg. So I've been very busy lately and have done no new work on animation at all.

If somebody ever should visit this place, I would appreciate comments if you find any errors, or if you don't. I'm sucker for email. Thanks.


These pages are designed for a resolution
at min. 800x600 pixels and true colors.
Requires Internet Explorer 3.0
or Netscape 4.0.

Mail me!

Last updated 26-dec-1998
