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Who am I & What do I do


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About me


Who am I?

What have I done?

What can I do?

Picture of me


Picture of me

My name is Thomas Steffen Noerregaard Olesen. I was born in 1967 in Helsingoer and raised in Thisted and Middelfart. I now live in Odense with my girlfriend Jette.

I've recently started in a new job as a webmaster for a computer concern in Aalborg. They gave me an offer I couldn't refuse, even though I was planning to use my time to finish my demo reel. My plans about being a computer animator has been put off a little longer.

Until not so long ago I was unemployed. I chose to drop my job as a digital photo consultant. I needed time to finish my demo reel. I want to work with computer graphics, and I felt that my former job was leading me in the wrong direction.

I like programming, but my true interest is drawing.

Has by the way a general interest in computers and technology.

When the weather permits it you can always find me at the golf course as long as the sun still shines.

I went to school in Thisted and Middelfart and served my time in the military in Slagelse.

After that I worked for a year as a hospital porter at the hospital in Fredericia, before I took a technical drawing education.

I have worked as a technician in a computer store in Odense (Lavpris butikken), where I besides fixing computers was in charge of making advertisement and posters.

My next job was a computer consultant for Funens aid central for handicapped. Among other thing I made a registration system and trained the employees.

Before I came to photo av engros I worked for Funen county, where I was hired to make a graphical registrations system, and to make various visualization jobs.

I worked as a digital photo consultant at photo av engros, before I started as webmaster. There I sold and supported digital cameras for professional photographers, like commercial - and press photographers.
Besides that I from time to time hold various training curses, like how to work with digital imaging and color education.

I've worked with computers since 1983 (big mother f. with lots of blinking lights and punched paper tape), but my interest is in computergraphic and animation.
I've worked with almost every computer platform, like UNIX, Macintosh, Amiga, OS/2 Windows and Windows NT.

In 1994 I won the Leonardo da Vinci contest, held by IBM, in the freestyle catagory with an animated short story - TVision. TVision is a 3D animation which take an ironic look at the overuse of the TV remote control.

After the contest I was offered a freelance job at the advetising agency Klausen & Partners who hold the hole show for IBM.

Last updated 26-dec-1998