[N-World Contents] [Book Contents] [Prev] [Next] [Index]
About this Document
- Contents of this Document
- Document Style Conventions
- Notes
- Mouse and Keyboard Notation
1 Using PlayStation Express
- Overview
- Using the PC
- Keyframe vs. Vector animation
- Creating Data for the PlayStation
- MIME Objects
- Data Export
- Data Structure
- Attributed Objects and TOD Animations
- Configuring N-Dynamics
2 Objects and TOD Animations
- Previewing Attributed Objects
- Creating and Attributing an N·World Object
- Setting up the PC
- Troubleshooting
- Previewing TOD Animations of Attributed Objects
- Getting Help
3 MIME: Using Displacements
- Creating and Animating MIME Objects
- Creating the Animation
- Create your Object
- Define any Displacements
4 MIME: Using Motion Capture Data
- Animating with Motion Capture Data
5 The Vector Editor
- Using the Vector Editor
6 The Action Editor
- Using the Action Editor
7 Sony PSX Materials and Attributes
- The SonyPSX Domain
- Materials and Inheritance
- The Attributes Editor
- `SonyPSX Domain Defaults
- SonyPSX Attributes
- Shader Attributes
- Texture Parameters
- SonyPSX Domain Commands
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