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- . 6-8
- .DAT files
- creating 6-8
- sending to PSX 6-8
- .GRP files 5-6
- .MAT files 5-6
- .PLY files 5-6
- .RSD files 5-6
- creating 6-8
- sending to PSX 6-8
- .WAVE files 5-6
- creating 6-8
- sending to PSX 6-8
- action 1-4
- action editor
- using 6-2
- action list 1-7
- actions
- animating 6-7
- converting 6-8
- converting and sending 6-8
- converting to flay polygons 6-8
- converting waves only 6-8
- creating 3-18, 6-3
- deleting 6-3
- editing parameters 6-3
- generating from dynamics 6-8
- selecting 6-3
- updating 6-9
- add displacement 5-4
- animating
- playback 6-7
- playback loop 6-7
- animation
- previewing TOD 2-11
- animations
- setting up for Playstation Express 3-15
- using vector and wave data 3-20
- attributed objects 1-8
- attributes
- viewing on the PSX 1-8
- Attributes Editor 7-3
- auto redisplay 5-4
- base displacement 1-7
- base displacment 5-2
- base vector 6-2
- color 7-5, 7-6
- create new MIME object 5-2
- create new vector 5-3
- creating data for the playstation 1-3
- current action 6-2
- current frame 6-2
- current MIME object 5-2
- data export 1-4
- defaults 7-4
- displacements 1-2
- saving 3-4
- display 5-3
- duplicate vector 5-3
- Dynamics
- configuring 1-9
- dynamics channels
- defining 3-8
- editing vector 5-2
- facing control 7-6
- final coordinates 1-7
- finalize vector 1-7
- FTP preferences 7-5
- geometry object 1-7
- groups 5-6
- clearing 5-6
- reading 5-6
- saving 5-6
- hostname
- specifying 1-9
- keyframe vs. vector animation 1-2
- map directory 7-4
- mappers
- assigning 2-4, 2-8
- materials
- assigning 2-7
- max world coords 7-4
- MIME 1-2
- MIME animation
- creating 3-2
- defining displacements 3-4
- MIME data structure 1-6
- mime object 1-4
- MIME objects 1-7
- creating 3-17
- creating and animating 3-2
- deleting 5-5
- modify 5-4
- N64 attributes 7-5
- Nichimen support
- contacting 2-15
- objects
- attributing 2-2
- creating 2-2
- manipulating on PSX 2-10
- omit face? 7-6
- PC
- specifying hostname 1-9
- preferences
- saving 7-5
- preshade 7-7, 7-8
- previewing 7-4, 7-8
- PSX Express
- overview 1-2
- redisplay 7-8
- auto redisplay 6-7
- redisplay mode 6-6, 6-7
- relative displacements 1-7
- remove displacement 5-4
- rename 5-4
- reorder displacement 5-5
- reset Playstation 7-8
- RSD file set 1-4
- save preferences/done 7-5
- scripts
- animating 3-15
- creating 3-7
- shader attributes 7-5
- smooth shade? 7-6
- Sony PSX attribute domain 2-6
- squash 5-2
- stretch 5-2
- subactions 6-2
- creating 6-3
- deleting 6-3
- texture map 7-7
- assigning 2-7
- texture parameters 7-7
- TOD 1-2
- TOD animation
- previewingPrefs 2-11
- TOD animations 1-8
- vector 1-4
- vector editor 1-4
- overview 5-2
- vector files 1-4
- vectors 1-7
- deleting 5-5
- reading 5-7
- saving 5-6, 5-7
- saving as RSD 5-7
- with one normal 5-7
- updating 6-9
- wave 1-5
- wave files 1-4
- waves 1-8, 6-4
- converting 6-8
- creating 6-4
- deleting 6-5
- editing 6-5
- merging 6-6
- reading 6-5
- renaming 6-4
- updating 6-9
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