The Display->Ghost command is available in all modules except Tools. It displays the selected element (object, camera, or light) with dotted lines making it less visible on the screen than objects which are not ghosted.
Ghosted objects are not refreshed during a transformation, but only when you release the mouse button. During the transformation, they are displayed in the simplified form of a bounding box.
Unlike hidden objects, a ghosted object can still be tagged, transformed, and otherwise manipulated but at an optimized refresh rate.
This command is especially useful when working with lattices to deform objects.
Toggles the current ghost display mode of the selected object (or objects) between
ghosted and "unghosted".
Ghosts all elements not currently selected.
Returns the display of all elements to solid lines.
Elements that are currently hidden (with Display->Hide)
become visible, but are ghosted.
Last updated 08-apr-1998