The Constraint->Tangency command in the Actor and Motion modules constrains the x-axis of an object to be tangent to a curve (path). That is, the x-axis points in the direction of the curve's slope at all times.
This constraint is particularly useful for having an object follow a path's direction, such as a roller coaster car following the tracks.
There are three ways in which you can use this constraint:
For more information on path animation, see the Animating on a Path section of the Animating User's Guide and the Path commands starting on Path->Pick Path in this guide.
You can also use this constraint in conjunction with the Up Vector constraint to define the rotation of an object around its x-axis. Otherwise, the roll around the x-axis is determined by the x-rotation of the object.
This is the typical way to use a tangency constraint (constraining an object to be tangent to its path):
The constrained object's x-axis is repositioned in the direction of the slope of the curve. As the object moves along the path, its x-axis follows the curve's slope.
Last updated 03-apr-1998