The Constraint->Cluster Centre command in the Actor and Motion modules constrains an object's cluster to a cluster centre. This is a way of creating a centre for a cluster, in case you didn't create one when you initially set the cluster. The cluster centre can be a null or any other object.
When you create a cluster, you can create a cluster centre automatically by selecting the Cluster Centre option when you choose the Tag->Set Cluster command.
This command is useful when doing facial animation, or any other type of animation that requires shape deformation. For more information about using shape deformation to animate objects, see the Deformations section of the Animating User's Guide.
Unlike the Constraint->Cluster to Object command, the clusters are not "gathered" to a point and moved to the cluster centre with this command. You only notice the effect of the constraint when you transform the cluster centre.
Last updated 03-apr-1998