Channel Run


The Channel->Channel Run commands in the Motion module allow you to create animation generated by all active input devices for a single frame, and record animation generated by all active input devices for a sequence of frames in real time. These commands also allow you to drive output devices.

For more information about doing a Channel Run, see the Motion Capture and Control section of the Animating User's Guide.


Frame I/O

This command allows you to create animation generated by all active input devices for a single frame.

  1. Perform the necessary channel and connection setup operations.

    See Channel->Channel Setup and Channel->Connection Setup for more information on setup commands.

  2. Move to the desired frame, using the playback box or the time line pointer.
  3. Select the object(s) you want to animate.
  4. Choose the Channel->Frame I/O command.
  5. Move or activate the input devices using the mouse buttons, which are configured as follows:

Sequence I/O

This command allows you to record animation generated by all active input devices for a sequence of frames in real time.

  1. Perform the necessary channel and selection setup operations.

    See Channel->Channel Setup and Channel->Connection Setup for more information on setup commands.

  2. Select the objects you want to animate.
  3. Choose the Channel->Sequence I/O command in the Motion module.
  4. Move or activate the devices as desired, using the mouse buttons, which are configured as follows:


When the end of the frame range is reached, the capture mode is not automatically ended. Instead, it changes to Pause mode so you can choose the next operation.

Fast Sequence I/O

This command is similar to the Sequence I/O command. It allows you to record animation generated by all active input devices for a sequence of frames, but the speed of the recording is increased because the screen is not refreshed after every keyframe.

  1. Perform the necessary channel and selection setup operations.

    See Channel->Channel Setup and Channel->Connection Setup for more information on setup commands.

  2. Select the object(s) you want to animate.
  3. Choose the Channel->Fast Sequence I/O command.
  4. Move or activate the devices as desired, using the mouse buttons, which are configured as follows:


When the end of the frame range is reached, the capture mode is not automatically ended. Instead, it changes to Pause mode so you can choose the next operation.


This toggle lets you enable or disable channel capture.


This toggle lets you enable or disable channel control.

Display Refresh Rate

Allows you to display the refresh rate in the status bar during frame and sequence input.

Supra Keys Enabled

This toggle lets you activate or deactivate Supra key functions during a channel capture or control.


It may be important to deactivate the Supra Keys when you are using a keyboard driver. The Supra keys have priority over the keyboard drivers.

When they are enabled, you can use any of the Supra keys described below in any Channel mode.


Camera and Selection

o orbit the camera
p dolly the camera
z pan/zoom the camera
f frame selected objects in current window
Shift-f frame selected objects in all windows
a frame all objects in current window
Shift-a frame all objects in all windows
Space bar select an object


Object Transformations

The transformation modes are active only while the Supra key is pressed. It is also possible to change the corresponding transformation modes while the key is pressed. These are the important operations for calibration:

x system is in object scaling mode while the key is pressed
c system is in object rotation mode while the key is pressed
v system is in object translation mode while the key is pressed


Play Control

Left mouse can be used to move the time lien pointer and change any of the play modes in the playback box.

Arrow keys are used to go to the first frame (up arrow), last frame (down arrow), next frame (right arrow), or previous frame (left arrow).


Channel Operations


h toggles between PAUSE and RUN mode


For more information about keyboard shortcuts and Supra keys, refer to the Info->Supra Keys.


Last updated 03-apr-1998