Connection Setup


The principle behind channel-driven animation is to define a source of animation data and connect it to a destination element. The Channel->Connection Setup command in the Motion module allows you to choose between three types of channel connections: capture, control, and direct.

When you choose the Channel->Connection Setup command, the Connection Setup dialogue box is displayed:



Capture (In)

This option defines the channel connection as an input type connection for motion capture.

Control (Out)

This option defines the channel connection as an output type connection for controlling external devices and processes.

Direct (Through)

This option defines the channel connection as a direct type connection for an input driver to directly control an output driver.


The input channels are identified by their driver name and an extension denoting the degree of freedom. For control connections, you can also use function curves as a source.


The output channels are identified by their driver name, and an extension denoting the degree of freedom. For capture connections, you can also use function curves as a destination.


Connects the selected source (channel or function curve) to the selected destination (channel or function curve). The channel assignment and its associated offset and scaling values are then displayed in the Channel Connection scroll box.

Connection List

Displays the channel assignment, its associated offset and scaling values, and its active status (on or off).


Sets the offset value of the output motion data of the connection.


Sets the scaling value of the output motion data of the connection. See Resetting Offset and Scaling Values of the Animating User's Guide for more information.


Opens the Expressions dialogue box, where you can apply mathematical expressions to modify the data being sent to the destination. For a complete description of expressions, see the Expressions section of the Animating User's Guide.


You can also double-click a channel connection to open the Channel Expressions dialogue box.

Show Expressions

Displays the connection as an expression (instead of a simple channel assignment) with offset and scaling values in the Channel Connection scroll box.


Removes the selected channel connection from the channel connection list.


Changes the destination of an existing channel connection or copies an existing channel connection to another destination. To do this:

  1. Select the connection in the Connection scroll box.
  2. Click Reconnect.
  3. Select the new destination in the Destination scroll box.


Allows you to activate or deactivate the channel connection. The active status is displayed on the right side of the Channel Connection scroll box.


Exits the Connection Setup dialogue box without accepting any changes to the channel assignment.


Accepts the channel assignments and exits the Connection Setup dialogue box.

For more information about Channels, see the Overview of Channel Connections section of the Animating User's Guide.


Last updated 03-apr-1998