


The Channel->Calibrate command in the Motion module interactively calibrates transformations (translation, rotation, and scaling) from motion-captured animation data.

For more information about calibrating channel data, see the Calibrating your Animation Data section of the Animating User's Guide.

Reset Selected

The Channel->Reset Selected command resets the offsets and scaling values of all the selected objects' channel connections to their default values.

  1. Choose the Channel->Reset Selected command.
  2. Reset Offset to 0.0 and Scaling to 1.0.

A message is displayed in the status bar confirming that the operation has been completed. To see the results, choose the Channel->Connection Setup command to display the Connection Setup dialogue box.

Reset All

The Channel->Reset All command resets the offset and scaling values of all channel connections to their default values.

  1. Choose the Channel->Reset All command.
  2. Reset Offset to 0.0 and Scaling to 1.0.

A message is displayed in the status bar confirming that the operation has been completed. To see the results, choose the Channel->Connection Setup command to display the Connection Setup dialogue box.


Last updated 03-apr-1998