Global Envelope


The Skin->Global Envelope command in the Actor module allows you to assign a model as a global envelope for either:

The global envelope object is the parent of the items to which it is assigned.

For an overview of all envelopes, their use and structure, see the Skin for Skeletons section of the Modelling User's Guide.


Assigning Envelopes to Chains

When you assign any type of envelope to a chain, vertices are never assigned to the chain root.

Initially, the effector has no vertices assigned either, but you can manually assign vertices to it later, as described in the Skin->Modify Weights.



If you assign a global envelope to a skeleton hierarchy and then insert a new element into the hierarchy (chain, object, or bounding model), the new element is not recognized by the global envelope until you choose either Skin->Reassign Automatically (the most frequent method) or Reassign Manually.

Only then does your envelope deform in response to the new element.



  1. Position the skeleton (chains or objects) within the model that you want to use as the envelope.


    Positioning of the skeleton in its skin influences the result.

  2. Select the envelope model.
  3. Choose the Skin->Global Envelope command.
  4. You can pick one or more hierarchies to be enveloped.

    The Envelopes Initial Assignment dialogue box is displayed for each of the envelopes you selected, as described for Assignment Method.

  5. Select the weighting assignment and the assignment depth according to which the envelope will be assigned.
  6. Click Ok to apply the settings or Cancel to exit the dialogue box.
  7. The envelope is assigned to the skeleton.


Last updated 02-apr-1998