

The Control->Select command in the Actor module allows you to assign a control to the selected object or chain joint. You can assign more than one control to an object.

For more information, see the Animating with Dynamics section of the Animating User's Guide.


When you use two non-default gravities on an object, the average value of the two is used.



Before you assign a control to an object, you must do the following:

You should also (if necessary):

  1. Select the object to which you want to assign a control.
  2. Choose the Control->Select command.
  3. Pick the displayed control icon.


You can select a control for many objects in a single operation using the Multi menu cell.

The following is a description of how each control is linked to an articulated chain (in the case of a hierarchy of objects, the control is always assigned to the root):


Last updated 03-apr-1998