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Transparency bug in mental ray


Question I have a scene with a MR light (FX Director'd!) in the background (flare, glow & star), some atmospherical depth fading, and in the foreground there's a plane with a tiled 2D local texture which is of some hanging ropes with the background removed using transparency. All seems OK until I render with MR and the transparency seems to cause problems - where the MR light is behind the plane I get a clear line where the light doesn't seem to be shining through the plane quite  enough (looks as if the transparency isn't quite 100%). Any ideas what would cause this?

Kristofor Selden It is a known bug that transparency with depth fading does NOT work with mental ray. As far as I have heard it is NOT going to be fixed - they expect you to use a fog SHADER instead.

Depth fading was made for the soft renderer and is buggy with MR. As I said before they expect you to use a shader instead.

Last updated 29-mar-1998