Record |
The Video->Record command in the Tools module allows you to output frames to an Accom recorder.
When you choose this command, the Record To Accom dialogue box is displayed.
Allows you to search for the desired file name in a browser. You can also type of the name of the file to which to record the images in the Accom file name text box.
Used for recording a single image. This option is activated by default.
Used for recording a series of images.
True Black
Sets the level of blackness to 7.5 IRE to ensure a true black colour.
Records the alpha channel values.
Specifies the start frame of the input sequence if you selected the Sequence option.
Specifies the end frame of the input sequence if you selected the Sequence option.
Specifies the frame step increments of the sequence to be recorded if you selected the Sequence option. For example, if you select 2, every second frame is recorded.
Specifies the number of frames per image to be recorded.
Accom Host Name
Specifies the name of the Accom host to which you want to record.
Starting Location
Specifies the recording start frame number on the Accom.
Tells the Accom to interpret the recording, from its starting location, as a sequence of linear frame numbers (typical ranges are from 0 to 1615). By default, this option is activated.
Time Code
Tells the Accom to interpret the recording, from its starting location, as a sequence of time code numbers (ranging from 00:00 to 50:00
Grab |
The Video->Grab command allows you to input frames from an Accom video recorder.
When you choose this command, the Grab From Accom dialogue box is displayed.
Allows you to search for the desired file name in a browser. You can also type of the name of the file to which to save the grabbed images in the Accom file name text box.
Select this option when you are grabbing a single image. This option is activated by default.
Select this option when a series of images is being grabbed.
Specifies the start frame of the input sequence if you selected the Sequence option.
Specifies the end frame of the input sequence if you selected the Sequence option.
Specifies the frame step increments of the sequence to be recorded if you selected the Sequence option. For example, if you select 2, every second frame is recorded.
Accom Host Name
The name of the desired Accom host from which you want to grab.
Starting Location
Specifies the start frame number of the sequence on the Accom.
Tells the Accom to interpret the recording, from its starting location, as a sequence of linear frame numbers (typical ranges are from 0 to 1615). By default, this option is activated.
Time Code
Tells the Accom to interpret the grabbing, from its starting location, as a sequence of time code numbers (ranging from 00:00 to 50:00).
Last updated 02-apr-1998