PostScript Playback


The Output->PostScript Playback commands in the Tools module let you create a PostScript file for each frame in a sequence as you play it.



  1. Select any window in SOFTIMAGE 3D by clicking the letter identifier box (A, B, C, or D) in its upper-left corner. The window is highlighted in red.
  2. Choose the Output->On command in the Tools module.
  3. In the browser that appears, select the path and specify a file name for the PostScript files you want to be created. Close the browser.
  4. Place the time line pointer at the appropriate frame, then click the Forward icon in the Playback box to play your sequence (make sure that the L (loop) button in the playback box is not selected).

    The whole sequence is played and stops when it reaches the end. If you interrupt the playback process, files are created only up to that frame.

  5. Choose the Output->Off command.

There is now a PostScript file for each frame of your sequence. If you named the files outpost, the files would be outpost.1, outpost.2, outpost.3, and on up to the last frame of the sequence.


Last updated 02-apr-1998