

The Preferences->Mouse command, available in all modules except Tools, allows you to customize the mouse preferences that determine how your mouse acts.


  1. Choose the Preferences->Mouse command.
    The Mouse Preference dialogue box is displayed.
  2. Modify the options as desired, then click Ok to confirm the settings and exit the dialogue box.


Dialogue Box Default Mouse Position


Moves the mouse cursor to the centre of the dialogue box.

Over Default Button

Moves the mouse cursor to the default button of the dialogue box.

Current Location

Leaves the mouse cursor in its current location when the dialogue box is opened.

Cursor Shape


Default mouse cursor size.


Enlarges the size of the mouse cursor. This can be useful when doing demonstrations, or if you're fairly near-sighted!

Mouse Displacement


Defines how promptly the displacement warp takes effect. A higher value makes the mouse respond more slowly.


When the value is higher than 1, the cursor travels faster when the mouse is moved rapidly.

Ring Bell on Errors

A bell rings when severe errors are reported on the status line.


Last updated 02-apr-1998