

The Preferences->Increments command, available in all modules except Tools, allows you to set the size of transformation increments in the appropriate unit of measurement, for each mouse movement unit (pixel) when transforming an object. For example, if you set a incrementation value of 0.5 for the TransX/Y/Z menu cells, the object translates 0.5 SOFTIMAGE units per pixel of mouse movement.

You can set an incrementation value that is applied when an entire transformation menu cell group (such as ScaleX/Y/Z) is selected, and you can also set an incrementation value for each mouse button that is applied when a single transformation axis command (such as ScaleX) is selected.


  1. Choose the Preferences->Increments command.
    The Transformation Increments dialogue box is displayed.
  2. Change the incrementation settings as desired.
  3. Click Ok to accept the settings and exit the dialogue box.


Menu Cell is Highlighted

Used when the transformation menu cell group is selected. The same incrementation value is applied to each axis menu cell as the mouse buttons are then typically configured by axis. For example, if you select the RotX/Y/Z menu cell group, the object rotates according to the value set for all axes.

Only X, Y, or Z is Highlighted

Used when only one axis menu cell for a given transformation type is selected. You can set an incrementation value for each mouse button (left, middle, right). Typically, values are set for small, medium, and large increments.


Last updated 02-apr-1998