Desktop Colours |
The Preferences->Desktop Colours command, available in all modules except Tools, allows you to customize the SOFTIMAGE 3D desktop colours (including the wireframe colour box) and save them to a file.
The colour file name in which you can save these preferences. The default is Desktop.
Colour Files
Displays the Read New Desktop Colours browser. You can then load a saved colour file.
Allows you to modify the colours of all the window (view) backgrounds, the window title bar, and the space between the windows. You will see the colours of the windows change as you drag the colour sliders.
Allows you to modify the colour of dialogue box backgrounds and menu cell menus (popups).
Colour Box
Allows you to modify the colours in the wireframe colour box.
Colour Sliders
Defines RGB, HLS, or HSV colours for the specified option you are changing.
Defines the colour of text for error and warning messages shown in the status line. You can also change the colour of the text (and lines) and background in the status bar (status line, mouse line, and time line), playback box, wireframe colour box, and manipulation mode areas.
Displays the Palette dialogue box and allows you to use the system palettes to select and mix colours. See the Paint menu cell for information on the palette.
Saves the colour setup to the file name you specified in the Name text box.
Resets the display to the default colours.
Last updated 02-apr-1998