Classic Scaling


The Preferences->Classic Scaling command is a toggle, available in all modules except Tools, that allows those who really need the classic scaling mode to use it as opposed to the default SOFTIMAGE 3D scaling mode. By default, Classic Scaling is deselected because it should be used only with the full understanding of its implications.

SOFTIMAGE 3D scaling scales objects according to their local axes. The advantage of this is that the object retains its shape in a uniform manner.

Classic scaling, however, scales all objects in a hierarchy according to the parent's axis. If you then rotate an object in the hierarchy, the effect is that it deforms along the specified x, y, or z-axis of its parent.


Classic scaling should be used only as a compatibility option, especially when converting from other software scenes. Unpredictable results may occur with animation or inverse kinematics, especially if non-uniform scaling is present in the hierarchy.

Choosing this command affects the entire scene, meaning that you cannot mix the Classic and SOFTIMAGE 3D scaling types. A message appears in the status line if you try to load a scene that can affect the current scaling type.


Last updated 02-apr-1998