

The Info->Textures command is available in all modules except Tools. It displays information about all textures in the current scene and allows you to edit their parameters.


  1. Choose the Info->Textures command.

    The Scene Information - Textures dialogue box is displayed.
  2. Select the name of the object whose texture you want to edit, then click Edit. The 2D Texture File or 3D Solid Texture dialogue box is displayed.
  3. You can then edit the texture parameters as desired. When you exit the texture dialogue box, the Scene Information - Textures dialogue box reappears.


Scene Name

Current scene file name.

No. of 2D Textures

Displays the number of 2D textures currently used by the models in the scene.

No. of 3D Textures

Displays the number of 3D textures currently used by the models in the scene.

No. of Animated Textures

Displays the number of animated textures in the scene.

List of Textures in Current Scene

Lists the file names of all the textures used in the scene.

Objects Using Selected Texture

Lists the names of the objects using the texture selected.


Displays the resolution, in pixels, of the selected 2D texture.


Shows if the selected texture is animated or not.


Opens the 2D Texture File or 3D Solid Texture dialogue box for editing.


Last updated 02-apr-1998