Points |
The Info->Points command is available in all modules except Tools. It displays information about all points in a curve, surface, polygon mesh, or face and allows you to modify points numerically. However, there is no visual feedback as to which point on your object corresponds to the point selected in the scroll box.
Coordinates values for selected points can also be modified using Edit->Coordinate. Using that selection, there is onscreen feedback as to which point is selected.
Type of object, such as patch, polygon mesh, curve, and so on.
Object's name.
Local Coordinates
Displays the coordinates in the scroll box according to the object centre.
Global Coordinates
Displays coordinates in the scroll box according to the origin (global centre).
Scroll Box
List all points by number with their associated X, Y, and Z coordinates. For a NURBS curve, a fourth parameter, W (Weight) is also displayed.
Modification Boxes
Displays the current point number and allows you to edit the X, Y, Z coordinates. For NURBS, you can also modify the value for W (Weight). For other curve types, the value for w is always 1.0 and cannot be modified.
No. Points
Number of points on the object.
Confirms the modification but keeps the dialogue box open.
Faces and Bezier Curves
If you select a face or a Bezier curve, a different dialogue box is displayed. If you select a face, the Face Points dialogue box is displayed. From this dialogue box, you can choose to edit points on its exterior contour, or points for a hole. When you click the Edit button, the Info Points or the appropriate curve information dialogue box is displayed and you can edit the points as desired.
If you select a Bezier curve, the Curve Info (Bezier) dialogue box is displayed. For more information, see Curve Info (Bezier).
Last updated 02-apr-1998