

The Info->Elements command is available in all modules except Tools. It displays information about elements in the current scene. You can set a prefix or set a substitution number for the elements you specify. This is also a quick way to see the name of every element in a scene.

  1. When you choose the Info->Elements command, the Info Elements dialogue box is displayed, listing all chapters used in the current scene.
  2. Double-click the desired chapter, such as MODEL, to display its list of elements. You can now view specific information about a selected element, or edit the element's prefix and substitution number.


Elements that are saved in the next save scene operation show a small rectangle on their left side.


Text Box

You can type in the name of the element directly into the text box. To quickly access an element, you can type the first letters in the element name and press Enter to go to the first element that begins with the letters you typed.

Scroll Box

List the chapters files in the current scene.


Displays the List Options dialogue box common to all browsers. You can set sorting and view options. For more information, see Options.


Displays the Find Element dialogue box common to all browsers. You can set search options and find elements. For more information, see Search.

Set Prefix

Displays the Set Prefix dialogue box. You can enter a prefix for the selected element or for all elements in the chapter.

A prefix can be set only for root elements in hierarchies.

Set Subst

Displays the Set Substitution ID dialogue box. You can assign a substitution number to the selected element. Refer to the Get->Substitution command for more information.

Collapse All/Expand All

Collapses or expands all hierarchies. When you click Collapse All, it toggles to Expand All so that you can expand the hierarchy again.

Select Node

Selects the node element in the scene that corresponds to the element you have selected in the scroll box.

Select Branch

Selects the branch element in the scene that corresponds to the element you have selected in the scroll box.

Unsel All

Deselects all scene elements in the chapter.

Set Share

Allows you to share any file that is in any chapter except PICTURES and RENDER_PICTURES. This is very useful when you are working with a number of scenes that have the same models or any other element. The shared element is always overwritten, and is placed in the SHARE subdirectory of its chapter.

  1. Select a file name.
  2. Click the Set Share button.

The Set Share dialogue box appears warning you that changing the share status of an object moves the file in or out of the SHARE subdirectory in a chapter and that the files in the SHARE chapter are always overwritten.

The file is moved into a SHARE subdirectory of a chapter. For example, if you share a model, then the model is placed into the SHARE subdirectory of the MODEL chapter.

You can also set shared files manually by creating the SHARE subdirectory in the operating system and moving files into it.

You can have several elements in a scene that have exactly the same name and prefix as a result of sharing files.

You can also set the share status of an element using Info->Elements. When you set the share for the element, it is saved to a share subdirectory and is reflected in the Database Manager the next time you save your scene.

Making Shared Files Distinct

If you no longer want to share a file, you can use the Set Share button to make the file distinct.

  1. Select the shared file.
  2. Click the Set Share button. The Set Share dialogue box is displayed.
  3. You can make the file distinct for all scenes or only for the current scene.
  4. Click Ok to remove the object from the SHARE subdirectory.

    When you make the file distinct, a copy of the shared file is made and is moved out of the SHARE directory and into the main directory to which it belongs. For example, a distinct model file is placed directly in the MODEL chapter. This file is referenced only by the current scene. Any other scenes continue to share the original shared file.


If you are making the file distinct from the Database Manager, you can only make it distinct for all scenes. If you use Info->Elements to make a file distinct, you have the choice to set it for either all the scenes or just the current scene.

For more information about sharing files, see the Sharing Files section of the Working with SOFTIMAGE 3D User's Guide.


Last updated 02-apr-1998