Element |
The Get->Element command is available in all modules except Tools. It allows you to load any element that has been saved previously with one of the Save commands (see description starting on Save->Scene).
An element is essentially any element in a scene, such as an object, camera, light, texture, material, etc. Chapters for element types that cannot be loaded directly using this command appear dimmed in the scroll box. For example, waves cannot be loaded directly using this command.
To access element files from a different database, double-click the two dots (..) at the top of the scroll box to move up to the database level. You can then switch directories and move back down the tree.
For more information, see the Databases section of the Working with SOFTIMAGE 3D User's Guide.
Text Box
You can type in the name of the element directly into the text box. To quickly access a file, you can type the first letters in the file name and press Enter to go to the first file that begins with the letters you typed.
Scroll Box
Lists the chapters in the current database. To quickly access various directories, you can click on quick access entries to jump from one directory to another without scrolling or typing path names.
For more information, see Quick Access Entries.
Moves up to the next directory level; in this case, the database level.
Displays the List Options dialogue box common to all browsers. You can set sorting and viewing options. For more information, see Options.
Displays the Find Element dialogue box common to all browsers. You can set search options and find elements. For more information, see Search.
Loads the currently selected element into your scene.
Last updated 02-apr-1998