DB Exchange |
The Get->DB Exchange command is available in all modules except Tools. It opens a dialogue box which contains options that let you move and copy files from a source location to a destination location, as well as delete and rename files. You can perform these operations on individual files or a group of files.
Special characters have a specific meaning in most operating systems. Since they may cause problems if you use them in database or file names, SOFTIMAGE 3D automatically replaces special characters with underscores (_). Here's a list of special characters that will be replaced:
space ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + [ ] { } | \ ; : ? = < > "
When you choose the Get->DB Exchange command, the Database Exchange Management dialogue box is displayed.
For more information on using the parameters in this dialogue box, see the Managing Files section of the Working with SOFTIMAGE 3D User's Guide.
Scroll Boxes
The scroll box on the left side of the dialogue box is the Source; on the right is the Destination scroll box. When you copy or move files or scenes, you select a file or scene from Source and it is put in a specified location in Destination. By default, both scroll boxes display a list of your available databases, also known as the Database Level (see the Databases section of the Working with SOFTIMAGE 3D User's Guide).
Beneath each scroll box, the remaining disk space is displayed in megabytes. Warning and confirmation messages are also displayed under the scroll boxes.
The Options button opens a dialogue box which allows you to modify the way files are sorted and displayed. The Options button is dimmed unless one of the scroll boxes displays a list that is outside the database. The Database Exchange Options button works the same way as the Options button in the Database Manager. For information on using it, see Options.
The Search button allows you to search for specific files. This button is dimmed unless one of the scroll boxes displays a list that is outside the database. When selected, the Search button searches the displayed list in the Source scroll box for the specified search string. This button works in the same way as the Search button in the Database Manager. For information on using it, see Search.
The Suffix option is dimmed unless both scroll boxes display files that are outside the database. This option allows you to highlight all files of a particular type, as selected from the Suffix menu (for example, you can highlight all material or picture files). It is particularly useful for identifying specific types of files that you want to move, copy, or delete as a group.
- Make sure both scroll boxes display files outside the database.
- Select the Suffix option to display its menu.
- Select a file type from the menu.
All files of the selected type are highlighted in both scroll boxes.
See Content
The See Content button works with the Source browser, allowing you to see a list of everything contained in certain types of files. It can also be used when outside the database. This button works in the same way as the See Content button in the Database Manager. For information on using it, see See Content.
See Unused
The See Unused button highlights files in the Source scroll box which are not currently used in any scene. It can be used only while in the database. This button works the same way as the See Unused button in the Database Manager. For information on using it, see See Unused.
Who Uses
The Who Uses button displays a list of scenes in which a certain file is used in. The file must be selected in the Source scroll box and can be used only while in the database. This button works in the same way as the Who Uses button in the Database Manager. For information on using it, see Who Uses?.
The Move button allows you to remove a file from inside or outside the database displayed in the Source scroll box to a directory or chapter inside or outside the database displayed in the Destination scroll box. If desired, you can rename the file as it is copied. For information on renaming files, see Rename.
If you are moving a scene file, all elements in the scene are transferred to the appropriate chapters. SOFTIMAGE 3D displays a confirmation dialogue box that tells you the number of elements included in the scene. Elements used by other scenes in the Source database are copied instead of being moved when performing a move operation.
It is not possible to:
Move files when the paths displayed in the Source and Destination scroll boxes are the same. You can, however, exchange files between the PICTURES and RENDER_PICTURES chapters in the same database.
Move a file between chapters that are not of the same type, except between PICTURE and RENDER_PICTURES chapters.
Move a file from another location within the database into a SCENE chapter.
When both scroll boxes display files outside the database, the Suffix option can be used to identify specific types of files that you want to move, copy or delete. Then when you select a file type from the menu list, all files of that type in the scroll boxes are highlighted.
- In the Source scroll box, select the file you want to move by clicking it. You can also select multiple files by pressing the Shift key while you're selecting them.
- In the Destination scroll box, display the directory or chapter to where you are moving a file.
- Click the Move button.
A confirmation message is displayed beneath the Source scroll box. If the move function cannot be completed, a warning message appears.
The Copy button allows you to copy files from a location inside or outside the database displayed in the Source scroll box to a directory or chapter located inside or outside the database displayed in the Destination scroll box. If you want, you can rename the file as it is copied. For information on renaming files, see Rename.
If you are copying a scene file, all elements in the scene are transferred to the appropriate chapters. SOFTIMAGE 3D displays a confirmation dialogue box that tells you the number of elements included in the scene. Elements used by other scenes in the source database are copied instead of being moved when performing a move operation.
It is not possible to:
Copy files when the paths displayed in the Source and Destination scroll boxes are the same. You can, however, copy files between the PICTURES and RENDER_PICTURES chapters in the same database.
Copy a file between chapters that are not of the same type, except between PICTURE and RENDER_PICTURES chapters.
Copy a file from another location within the database into a SCENE chapter.
When both scroll boxes display files outside the database, the Suffix option can be used to identify specific types of files that you want to copy. Then when you select a file type from the menu list, all files of that type in the scroll boxes are highlighted.
- In the Source scroll box, select the file you want to copy. You can also select multiple files by pressing the Shift key while you're selecting them.
- In the Destination scroll box, display the directory or chapter into which you are copying a file.
- Click the Copy button.
A confirmation message is displayed beneath the Source scroll box. If the copy function cannot be completed, a warning message appears.
If you are copying a file from outside the database to a location in the database, all files displayed in the Source browser that are the same type as those displayed in the Destination browser are automatically highlighted. The displayed Suffix name also changes automatically to reflect the highlighted file type in the scroll box.
For example, if the Destination browser displays a list of picture files, all picture files in the Source browser are highlighted, and the displayed Suffix option name is changed to "Picture." This helps identify the type of file that you can copy into the chapter displayed in the Destination scroll box.
The Delete button permanently removes a file selected from the list displayed in the Source scroll box.
This process cannot be undone!
- Select the file to be deleted in the Source scroll box.
- Click the Delete button. A warning message box is displayed, allowing you to confirm or cancel the deletion.
- Click OK to confirm the deletion.
A confirmation message is displayed beneath the Source scroll box. If the delete function cannot be completed, a warning message appears.
The Rename option allows you to rename files as you move or copy them.
Pictures from the PICTURES and RENDER_PICTURES chapters cannot be renamed.
- Select the Rename option.
- Follow the Move or Copy procedures as previously described for Move and Copy. Before the move or copy operations are completed, the appropriate Rename Element dialogue box is displayed.
- Type in the new prefix and file name, then click Ok to confirm the name change and exit the dialogue box.
The move or copy operation is completed and the file is renamed.
Prefixes and names are limited to a maximum of 100 characters each. Also, special characters have a specific meaning in most operating systems. Since they may cause problems if you use them in database or file names, SOFTIMAGE 3D automatically replaces special characters with underscores (_). Here's a list of ones that will be replaced:
space ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + [ ] { } | \ ; : = ? < > "
Last updated 02-apr-1998